July’s time-limited Adventure, ‘The Forsaken Hunter’, tasked pirates with sleuthing their way across the Sea of Thieves in pursuit of the missing Merrick, and the true culprits have now been revealed. The Dark Brethren – a collection of renegades who once tried to seize control of the Sea of the Damned – have returned to plague the waves. Now Merrick is locked away in their latest base of operations, glimpsed in all its foreboding glory during our recent cinematic trailer.
That means it’s time to swap clues for cannonballs, travel through the nearest archway (with a little help from the Pirate Lord) and take the fight to the Dark Brethren in the Sea of the Damned. But pirates will be on the back foot in such strange territory, and Merrick’s captors certainly won’t surrender him without a fight…
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