

26 Jul


Originally posted by Toastiesyay

This is correct, killed us but doesn't destroy the BRDM

Panzer has always had this special interaction. It sort of penetrates through and then blows up point blank inside a vehicle.

22 Jul


Originally posted by rwhockey29

Hey guys thanks for doing this! 2 questions:

1: Is there any thought of allowing ANY level players party up in ranked squads? As it stands now we have some in our normal group who can't party up with us, but we're still getting thrown into games at silver with basically pro level players.

2: Any chance of a region/ping lock for at least ranked? Based on the ban reports I get(NA) it seems like it would really cut down on cheaters.

Expanding the range of premade team ranks or removing the restriction entirely is a common request and one we've been looking into. It's a touchy subject because just removing it puts the integrity of the rank calculation at risk, but there are compromises we are considering. Things like calculating a players RP change as if they were the same rank as the highest rank member of the team are one example.


Originally posted by Dr_Survivor

Hey Pubg-Devs,

I have severel questions regarding the ranked mode:

  1. Why would you not just apply SUPER-Settings for ranked? Slightly better loot and fix car spawns would be perfect. It's also easier for good squads to go pro as they have the same settings in pro games then.

  2. Why aren't there more ways to reduce the big amount of hackers? Like setting the minimum Survivor Level to 80 or even 100. If there are old accounts, who played the last time two years ago and suddenly start playing ranked with a K/D of 7.0 they should get investigated instantly.

  3. Why do players not get a compensation, when killed by a hacker, who is later banned? It's just super annoying to get killed by a hacker, but on top of that you get punished with minus RP. At least these minus points should be removed.

  4. Why does the damage not get calculated into the RP? Imo the damage dealt is one of the best skill indicators in PUBG. So why shouldn...

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It's hard to meaningfully respond to long lists of questions, so I'll tackle just a couple of these that haven't been discussed as much elsewhere.

1) The long term goal is to unify the rulesets between Ranked and SUPER as much as possible. We don't believe that either ruleset is currently perfect, and so we are currently in an extended phase of experimentation. In some patches you can expect that the Ranked ruleset will move closer SUPER, and in others you might see SUPER move closer to Ranked. They should eventually meet at a point in the middle, or maybe even off to the side somewhere, and from then on they will ideally stay as close together as possible. An example of this process is the vehicle spawns in Season 8, which have moved closer to the SUPER standard than they were in Season 7.

2) We are continuously looking into ways to limit the activities of cheaters, especially in ranked. We raised the minimum Survivor Mastery level to enter ranked to 40 and added...

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Originally posted by Siannath

Hello, PUBG devs.

  1. Will there be rewards at the end of Season 8? Can you tell us what they are?
  2. Why didn't you implement classified mode 2 years ago?
  3. Would you consider this? Once you buy a pass, you always get the possibility to get your skins. You still have to put the same time to earn the required XP, but there is no date limit. You should be able to unlock all the skins (you paid for them) any time in the future while PUBG is alive. The current Survivor Pass should always get all the attention, but in a second plane you can still complete quests or missions to unlock skins from the previous passes. That way, people that do not want PUBG to become "a second job" in order to unlock all the skins can relax about this and unlock the skins on their own pace. Not everybody has the time required to unlock the skins in Survivor Passes, but that people may be willing to pay for the Survivor Pass if they know that they always can unlock all the skins. Also...
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Many of us in the office play Valorant :)


Originally posted by Sonataah

Will you bring BRDM-2 back again after weaken it? A little like it 0.0

PC platform

We have no plans at this time to bring the BDRM back to Ranked mode.


Originally posted by [deleted]

It's great that we have ranked and people enjoy it. But as there is no skill based Matchmaking it's hard to fight a master squad being a gold or lower rank player. What are we doing to make sure players with right skill fight other than saying get better which is what I hear from the community here?


The unfortunate reality is that how well SBMM works is entirely dependent on the number of players who are playing at the time. In some regions like China this skill based matchmaking works really well all of the time, but in most others it’s just not realistic.

Even so, we are taking steps to try and improve this experience. One example of this is the addition of bonus points for taking down players who are higher ranked than you, which has been added for the launch of Season 8. In the future, we will continue to pursue additional ways to make this feel better.


Originally posted by crispysleepypanda

I have a very important question.

What are your fave pizza toppings and why?

There are other toppings besides pepperoni?


Originally posted by playerknownbutthole

Hi Devs,

What do you suggest a guy should do when he has completed all daily, weekly, and other missions of the new pass? "Asking for a friend"

Tell your friend he should play ranked.


Originally posted by maxt0r

Hey guys, what's your after work beverage of choice?

Grape soda, and I don't wait until after work. I live on the edge (get it, because swords?).


Originally posted by PlayerIGN

Hi 2 question:
1. Sword Saint, do you main Riven in LoL? What's ur peak rank?
2. Do you guys plan on adding vehicle hard spawns to ranked mode?

I lied that was 3 questions

  1. I do, I've played since Season 2 but my focus has shifted over to TFT since that came out. I peaked in the mid-plat area in LoL when I was playing it seriously. This was kind of an interesting guess on your part though, I wonder where this all came from :o
  2. Season 8 does feature the vehicles spawning in the esports static locations, but they aren't all guarantee to spawn every match. Time and player feedback will tell if we eventually move to a world where they are 100% spawns in a future patch or season.

Originally posted by PUBG_Pundertaker

Yes he does play Riven.

P.S. My Cho'gath is better ;)

We're not having this argument again -.-


Originally posted by FixPubgsoon

Will we be seeing Solo ranked play? Console Xbox

Ha ha, figured this one would come up pretty quickly. Although we’re not able to give you an exact date at the moment, we promise that this is being looked into as a high priority. A lot of us here in the office working on Ranked are solo players - I for one would have loved if we could have started off with a solo Ranked mode! At the end of the day though, we decided to emphasize stability and played it safe by going with squads only, since squads is far and away the most popular team size in all regions. We’re going to keep pushing this rock up the hill and if it’s at all possible to do so in a healthy way you can rest assured that there will be a solo and/or duo mode someday. Thanks for voicing your interest and helping to keep the solo/duo dream alive!


Originally posted by jis7014

what's your best study for building a truly skill-based rating system for a game like PUBG where some people can take risk-free approach(or get lucky) and not really compete with other players?

The way the RP change calculation for Ranked works involves comparing the possible ‘points’ that have been earned from kills, assists, and placement with a players current RP and then making an adjustment based on how far above or below the ‘expected performance’ the player actually ended up. The amount of points that it is possible to earn from each of these metrics is limited, and the expected performance takes that limitation into account.

For example, there will reach a point in the Ranks where even having the max points from kills or the max points from placements will not allow you to advance if you don’t also receive points from other sources. Therefore, players who have tendencies like hot dropping for kills and dying early or hiding all game and never fighting will eventually reach a point where it’s not possible for them to rank up any more - and that point is not particularly high up on the ladder.

For this reason, players who rely on luck or cheesy stra...

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16 Jul


RP Growth rate adjustment

In order to have players reach the rank best matching their skills, we have adjusted the RP growth rate 50% greater.

There's been some confusion with this wording so I'd like to clarify: this is the overall velocity of RP change that is being increased. Players will both gain and lose points faster now, and the relative speed of both hasn't changed. You shouldn't be reaching any different rank than you would have in the previous season, unless you just didn't play enough games. This change is to make is faster to earn the rank you deserve, not change the distribution of player ranks.

15 Jul


Originally posted by DanBennett

If you leave the game but your team continues, why do you deserve more points?

Staying in the game will be because you’re still being useful to your team. Giving info. Making suggestions. Dead doesn’t mean you can’t be useful. That’s why team placement is great.

But if instead of helping you just leave, you deserve to only get the points for the part you played.

Also, for obvious technical reasons, you can’t get points after leaving a game because the points are calculated when you leave it.

Stick around. Help your team mates further. Make suggestions. Help the team. Being dead does not mean you are useless! :)

This pretty much covers it. Those team placement points don't belong to you just because you die, you earn them by sticking around. There's a lot you can still do while dead to help your team such as participating in strategy discussion and making callouts of the things that you notice that your teammates might not have yet. The better your team does, the more points you earn, and so you are incentivized to stick around and try to help in whatever way you can.


Hey guy. I know you've kept competitive play in mind when working on these updates to Sahnok. Would you mind briefly covering some of the changes that were directed at improving the experience for Ranked and Esports?


Specifically, this is tied to the new team placements calculation. Since we now wait until you leave the match to calculate your performance, we can include details that occur up until that point.

Therefor for example, if you knock an enemy and then yourself die before the enemy player bleeds out there are two possibilities: you leave immediately and before the enemy player actually dies and do not receive credit, or you wait until after the enemy player dies to leave and you DO receive credit.

01 Jul


Originally posted by zobd

Have you considered weighting slightly heavier towards kills and slightly less towards survival rank? Right now I think fighting early is just too much of a penalty so you get games with 15 minutes before you see anyone, and then you see everyone.

We are keeping a close eye on this balance, but don't have any immediate plans to make adjustments here for the launch of season 8.


You can't form a premade team with a player who is greatly different in rank because that is something that is in your control - and thus it is repeatable and abusable.

As a lower ranked player, you cannot queue up with randoms and consistently be paired with diamond players to carry you and boost your rank, which makes this not abusable.


Kills and assists have the same value. Damage is a fun but ultimately flawed and exploitable metric that we considered and decided against for ranked.