

24 Mar

    Perito on Steam - Thread - Direct
Attention inmates! 'Tis that time of the week again, 'tis the time to keep you updated on how things are going on our end. So without further ado, let's get into it ->

The programming team has had their hands full, with some further work on NPC's and overall improvements to the encounter manager, but mostly with bug fixing, progress on the anti-cheat front and overall optimisations to the game.

Our Level Designers are completely committed to fixing bugs and making sure everything on the map sits in it's right place.

... Read more

18 Mar

    Perito on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone! It's that most wonderful time of the week, where we reminisce about all the shenanigans you've been up to. Please enjoy each piece of content equally ->

I think wr_bloodlust is about to find out what his name really means

I'm getting cult vibes when I'm looking at this picture, not rea... Read more

04 Mar

    Perito on Steam - Thread - Direct
Howdy ho, prisoners! Looks like I've been let out of the basement to compile last weeks highlights in the Scummunity. So, enjoy the genius level captions and handpicked content before I have to go serve the rest of my sentence ->

Finally, I can say "nice rack" without ending up at HR

An accurate dep... Read more

24 Feb

    Perito on Steam - Thread - Direct
Attention inmates! February is coming to a close and we're slowly marching into the next month. But nice weather isn't the only thing coming closer as deadlines are going to start to creep on us soon enough. Let's fill you in on what's been going on ->

Our programmers have not only been cleaning up for the past week, but have also made significant progress with our aeronaval marvel and a variety of other goodies, such as the gardens health system, some UI improvements and getting their taste buds used to the taste of energy drinks. They have also been doing God's work with advancements in the Anti-cheat department.

The ... Read more

18 Feb

    Perito on Steam - Thread - Direct
Attention inmates! It s that time of the week again and we have a freshly baked community showcase for you, so let's see what you guys were cookin' up in the past week ->

I bet he would've liked to stay longer, but I guess his hands are tied

And here we have C9_Nelf and his m...
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10 Feb

    Perito on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone! Another Monday, another dev update, check it out!

Our programming team has really sunk their teeth into bug fixing and optimisation, with it taking up the bulk of our manpower in that regard.
Pesticides aside, more work has been done on the UI front, as well as the highly anticipated Kinglet Mariner and the garden's health functionality that we mentioned last week. Other than that, there have also been further improvements to the armed NPC's movement.
That's not all, there has also been some progress when it comes to the implementation of new anti-cheat efforts.

The Level Design guys are stil... Read more

04 Feb

    Perito on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone! Ready for another round of bad puns, random pictures and even less coherent videos to accompany all that? Me neither. Let's dig in ->

Still better than Ghost Rider 2007

This pans out to be quite relatable
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28 Jan

    Perito on Steam - Thread - Direct
Attention inmates! It's that time of the week again and I still haven't run out of puns to accompany captured moments of your shenanigans. So without further ado, the spotlight is all yours and let's get into it ->

It's JAWrring how FINished you are once the shark get's you
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21 Jan

    Perito on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone! It's Tuesday and the King of cringe captions is here once again to give you another showcase. Check it out! ->

These 90's rap album cover photos are getting better and better, we could make a contest in the future. Post your best pics!!

Just the lads getting absolutely hammered befor...
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14 Jan

    Perito on Steam - Thread - Direct
I'd thought of opening this years first community showcase with a "did you miss me?", but I think I'll save that for another time, when I'm in the mood for the sound of crickets. Anyhow, I know you can't bear to wait any longer to see what the community has been up to lately. Check it out! ->

Form a line please, there's enough bullets for everyone.

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10 Dec

    Perito on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone, happy Tuesday! We have a hybrid post for you today, a bit of a com showcase and a survey for you all! So check it out! ->

Getting into the holiday spirit, or getting some spirits into yourself for the holidays, the difference is minimal.

praise the sun
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03 Dec

    Perito on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hooowdy ho everyone, while we collect your feedback from the update let's check out how you've been enjoying it with a Community showcase! ->

"I swear bro, when I see red there's no stopping me" 🤓

This thing still creeps the poop outta me. Ki...
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26 Nov

    Perito on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone, happy Tuesday! Back with another Community showcase and as promised another announcement, check it out!

please don't tell Shrek

*fakes batman voice* "It's a big island. I can't be everywhere. But they don't know where I am. We have a signal now, for when I'm needed."
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20 Nov

    Perito on Steam - Thread - Direct
Attention inmates! There's a new sheriff in town and his name's Perito. It looks like I'll be taking over this segment, since Beda is too busy plottin' and schemin' behind the scenes these days. But this isn't about us, it's about you, the community. So let's go check out what shenanigans you guys have been up to recently ->

Never squat with your spurs on

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