4 days
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Attention inmates! 'Tis that time of the week again, 'tis the time to keep you updated on how things are going on our end. So without further ado, let's get into it ->

The programming team has had their hands full, with some further work on NPC's and overall improvements to the encounter manager, but mostly with bug fixing, progress on the anti-cheat front and overall optimisations to the game.

Our Level Designers are completely committed to fixing bugs and making sure everything on the map sits in it's right place.

The animators are have shifted their focus to polishing weapons, making sure they shine so bright, you'll be able to see your future in them, while also doing some more work on the tractor and yes, you guessed it - more bug fixing
Besides continuing their work with LOD's for weapons and some good ol' bugfixes, Hard Surface has been also delving into further optimisations to our vehicles
The Soft Surface team has mainly continued their work from last week and the usual of course, bug fixing.

The sound team has arranged some vocal lessons for DEENA, while also doing their fair share of bug fixing.

The QA/CM guys are as industrious as always - Hunting down cheaters, testing features, engaging with you guys and sniffing out bugs, you know the drill.

The game designers are focused on bug fixing and armed NPC's .
Now, onto your impressions from last week's transmission:

The programming team has had their hands full, with some further work on NPC's and overall improvements to the encounter manager, but mostly with bug fixing, progress on the anti-cheat front and overall optimisations to the game.

Our Level Designers are completely committed to fixing bugs and making sure everything on the map sits in it's right place.

The animators are have shifted their focus to polishing weapons, making sure they shine so bright, you'll be able to see your future in them, while also doing some more work on the tractor and yes, you guessed it - more bug fixing
Besides continuing their work with LOD's for weapons and some good ol' bugfixes, Hard Surface has been also delving into further optimisations to our vehicles
The Soft Surface team has mainly continued their work from last week and the usual of course, bug fixing.

The sound team has arranged some vocal lessons for DEENA, while also doing their fair share of bug fixing.

The QA/CM guys are as industrious as always - Hunting down cheaters, testing features, engaging with you guys and sniffing out bugs, you know the drill.

The game designers are focused on bug fixing and armed NPC's .
Now, onto your impressions from last week's transmission:

- We've already had a more expanded version of this idea in mind and we definitely do want to add this feature to SCUM eventually, it's more a question of when this happen than if.
- Not going to lie, you had me in the first half. Jokes aside, as we've already stated before, next month we will be introducing a whole new (and more serious) anti-cheat system to SCUM. You should notice a difference regarding the presence of cheaters on our servers.
- Who doesn't love drinking and driving? This is something we're already looking into, but we cannot say when exactly this feature will be implemented.
- We can confirm that the arsenal will be expanded in the future. What guns in particular will be added is going to stay a secret for now.
- We do agree that it's surely a neat feature that brings another level of immersion to games and some of us (Beda) have even been trying to push this agenda, there have been no talks of implementing such a feature to SCUM.
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Until next week, inmates!