

06 Aug


Originally posted by Jsnbassett

Thank you so much for saying his power will be adjusted. I am sure you hear all of the complaints and you are right... it is IMPOSSIBLE to predict the impact in playtesting compared to large scale. Because not only do you balance for the casual, but you balance for the higher-tier players and competitive. That is a hard thing to do.

I am going to ask a question that I am sure you can't answer, but I'll go for it! Are there things in his kit that will actually be removed? Or just toned down. I am curious because I am scared of just seeing value changes (like ult cooldown) and not some of the other glaring issues Seer seems to have.

Lastly, is this something we have to wait til mid-season to see?

I wouldn't expect fundamental changes to the kit. I will say that the flash on hit ended up being way more than intended and we will be removing that aspect entirely from the ability. This and the other balance adjustments will be in an upcoming patch (sooner than mid season).


Originally posted by Big_Liability

What are you going to do about many legends that need buffs/reworks to keep up with the recon legend rush meta? Wattson taking 60 full seconds to be able to have ONE fence is extremely underpowered compared to Seer being able to use his tactical every 30 seconds to get: - 8 Second full visual on enemy WITH health bars - Stun - Flashbang - Heal/Revive Cancel through walls - Damage

Can we also get the enemy team’s Seer tac and ult colored differently fully? It’s so hard to tell who’s ult is who’s when there are multiple seers

Other than that the Season launch was very clean and the best in a while.

Balance and meta is always going to be a moving target as new things get added to the game. We've heard the Wattson feedback and know that players are eagarly awaiting changes, there's stuff actively in the works right now but I can't get into the specifics today.

I don't think you can just look at the cooldowns to compare the two abilities. One has multiple charges and leaves behind a fence in the world that can have a persitant impact until its destroyed. The Seer tac goes off and hits some targets or it doesn't and then its totally done.

We were aiming to differentiate the enemy/allied Seer abilities with the addition of the red tinting applied to the VFX. I know readabilitiy has come up a few times with the VFX for Seer and we're going to be taking a look at them to see what can be done to help with that.


Originally posted by Firaxyiam

Bloodhound was nerfed not that long ago because their scan was getting "free assists" in Ranked to players that didn't proide much more than a location. What is the reflexion behind giving Seer damage on his own scan, effectively walking around that issue with BH and giving, in the end, "free assists" to Seer too? Was it an oversight or was there actual purpose behind it?

But other than the obvious Moth in the room, I'd also like to say that so far, the new locations and new weapon feel absolutely amazing to play in and with, so good job on that part! I'm sure Seer will come into line soon enough too.

The cone on Bloodhound's tac is much more generous than the cylinder for Seer's tac. It's pretty easy to walk to up a POI and tag everyone in it with Bloodhound whereas Seer's tac isn't nearly as easy to hit enemies with.


Originally posted by Zer0Gravity1

Seer has launched strong, which was the hope.

This seems odd. From a dev perspective why would you want to release a character you knew wasn't balanced? I know in most cases it's easier to tune down abilities than buff them, but yikes. I'm going to be naïve and pretend the reason isn't to sell cosmetics.

Just to clarify, the intent was strong and not broken. I think you can look back at some of our previous legends and see that we missed the mark there, where they were picked a lot in the first week and then they fall into obscurity. At the end of the day we just can't know exactly how something is going to land in the wild with 100% accuracy. Seer is too strong right now and we'll be looking to adjust him soon in an upcoming patch.


Originally posted by DynamicSocks

How was this not obvious to yall prior to release? Is there any kind of review process regarding new skills and their interactions before they go out?

“Receive some balance in an upcoming patch” Why not… immediately? Like every other online game when something is so broken the entire community shits itself in frustration? Why do the players have to deal with frustrating gameplay for an extended period of time because the development team failed to catch this before sending it out the door.

This shit is so broken and frustrating it requires a hotfix not a patch “TBA”

With Apex, we have some levers that we can tune with a patch and some that we can tune on the fly. Regardless there's a whole testing process that we have to go through and as much as I'm sure we'd love to be able to do these things instantly the reality is that we can't, and they can take some time to go through the process and ultimately be released.


Originally posted by Jsnbassett

Will we have to wait until midseason? That might be extremely frustrating in the current state

Nope, it'll be sooner than that.


Originally posted by SzyjeCzapki

/u/RV-Eric /u/RSPN-Travis /u/RSPN_Jello

I REALLY dont intend to say this in a rude manner but I am genuinely curious what is the thought process leading to an ability which can:

  • give wallhacks for 8 seconds

  • reveal health info

  • IS NOT 1 person wide as DZK said

  • stun

  • flash your screen

  • slow

  • deal damage

  • cancel heals

  • cancel revives

  • and applies all of the above effects through walls, and has 75 meters range

Even on paper, how is this fair, fun, and balanced in any way?

Tough question, but I'll try to answer sincerely and in good faith since you aren't being rude! We have a strong culture of playtesting at Respawn and have multiple playtests per week where everyone on the team is welcome to join in, play the upcoming content and provide their feedback. We also will occasionally host playtests with pros and content creators to get their feedback on upcoming content. Despite all of that playtesting, nothing can match having content be released into the wild and played by the players to see how a piece of content actually ends up performing. Seer specifically went through multiple gameplay kits and iterations before shipping which was shaped directly by both internal and external feedback. With that being said as I mentioned in another comment we will be adjusting some of his power in an upcoming patch.


Originally posted by TheAsianBois

How do y’all feel about how seer has launched and should we be expecting any balancing on him soon?

Seer has launched strong, which was the hope. He's also brought a lot of new gameplay elements to the game (HP bars, interrupt) which has driven a lot of discussion with players, which is great to see. With that being said is probably a bit too strong at the moment and will receiving some balance updates in an upcoming patch.