

25 May

13 Aug

    /u/RaptorM60 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Igorzilla

Didnt watch the stream, but fact is: since 2013 there was three and half streams. Eugen and crew leave and here is stream. How?

Igor come on, we’ve done at least 2 live streams this year only before this one.

30 Mar

    /u/RaptorM60 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

San Jose and Washington DC! :)

29 Mar

    /u/RaptorM60 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by vegeta897

I wonder if they're going to automatically be shipped to those who purchased the Supporter edition and are entitled to it, per the description of the supporter edition?

Hi - the supporter edition was a PDF version of the map, not a printed one.

We were sending them out in December after 1.0. If you did not receive the e-mail, please contact Bohemia support using the email address you purchased the supporter edition with and we’ll set you up.

27 Mar

    /u/RaptorM60 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by thwinz

I agree. It's easy to forget how much there is in the game, and how difficult to show it all in any detail for a trailer. The trailer lacks polish, but as you said it's pretty honest.

What they have done, and for a large multiplayer server in real time, especially with persistence, is amazing to me. There's a lot to celebrate, but the community (especially here) is just too jaded to do that, ever. Some of us do appreciate the team's work and hope they know that /u/RaptorM60.


    /u/RaptorM60 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by The-Respawner

So you share offices with the Vigor team? I remember one of you saying that the Vigor team the last trailer, the cinematic one. Unless by both trailers you mean both launch trailers.

Vigor team helped us with making the cinematic in Unreal, also with artistic direction and creative ideas, but the general direction of these promotional assets is always in the hands of our DayZ community/marketing team, devteam leads and our Bohemia video production team :)

Also: glad you found it honest and decently made, thanks!

    /u/RaptorM60 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by undeadcrayon

This trailer really feels like they asked the dev team to make a trailer rather than asking a completely unrelated PR team to make one. It might not be as slick as the cinematic one, but it's honest, and proud of the good things that are actually in the game right now. Great work, guys!

I'm proud to say that we have no disconnected PR team on the game (we're literally sharing the room with game designers and producers) and that the same team produced both trailers! :-)

This was our goal - to set the mood of the game world and show how you can be experiencing stories with the cinematic trailer, and show the real gameplay experience on launch day.

21 Mar

    /u/RaptorM60 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by illbeyour1upgirl

Optimistic Outlook: With the game being in "1.0" (whether or not you agree with that decision is not the point), it's possible that the majority of the playerbase is playing on community or stable servers anyway. Most people know that EXP servers are going to lead to a wipe, so why build or invest time on them?

Seeing the continually dwindling numbers of players on EXP servers, The Devs, BI, or whoever, opted to move those resources over to Stable/Xbox serves where 99% of the players are anyway. Additionally, while infrequent, maybe updates and such are at a point of stability internally where The Devs feel confident enough to release them on the Stable Branch first, without the traditional buffer of EXP.

Pessimistic Outlook: The EXP servers are gone following a complete reallocation of resources, as BI moves to slowly strip assets away from the DayZ project, starting with things like EXP servers, and likely, a number of Stable se...

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This just made my day :) What an accurate, level headed evaluation :D

14 Mar

    /u/RaptorM60 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Solocov

It just seems that the marketing department isn't really communicating with the dev team. There are just loads of things not in 1.0, but in this trailer.

Scars, a lighter, a music player with cassettes, actual darkness inside rooms, shrubbel etc.

This is just there too misinform and grab more cash.

1. "To grab more cash" is directly aimed at this trailer for misrepresenting available content, features and how the world looks. It is not aimed against the game, development or devs.
2. My comment below the community managers reply explains my thinking more thoroughly, and I'm happy to discuss this in greater detail.
3. The devs did a great job nonetheless.
(4. English is not my first language, so sorry for bad grammar)

There’s no intent to misrepresent the game, that’s not the goal, I am sorry you take it that way (we by the way also have a gameplay trailer in production for launch day to represent the actual gameplay).

And I (the “marketing departmemt”) am sitting right opposite to Eugen FYI :)

The thing is (and I am not sure why it’s hard to understand it with a trailer that’s very specifically named “cinematic”, cinematic trailers are common and don’t represent gameplay!) that this does not present how the game looks like. It presents the idea of DayZ, the world, the mood, the context. It’s meant to communicate how it feels when you’re in your own story in the game, how it’s playing out in your head when you’re immersed into roleplay in DayZ. I can see a whole lot of people who understood what the trailer did and they actually enjoyed it. It saddens me to see comments like this.

I am not happy that some of the things we used in the trailer are things you can’t do in t...

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13 Mar

    /u/RaptorM60 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Zanena001

Usually even faked E3 demos are made in engine, the reason why they haven't used the Dayz engine to make the trailer is that it uses an outdated rendering pipeline

Let me clear that up a little.

We used the Unreal Engine because we already have an existing trailer production pipeline in that engine (thanks to our friends at Vigor team), and the engine also has tools that make a cinematic trailer production possible in general.

Without those tools (they are just not necessary for our game development at the moment, so they are not available in Enfusion) , we can't really make a good looking cinematic video in this style.

I am pretty sure that when Enfusion gets to that point, the render output it will produce will be pretty damn impressive even with our current renderer! :)

01 Feb

    /u/RaptorM60 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by p0llen86

Also, it may still happen that we somehow horribly mess something up and one of the guns won't meet our quality requirements for Stable release. We better be safe than sorry now, we only have so much trust capital left :)

care to elaborate on that? earlier statements said that once the new tech is in place it will be very easy to bring out new guns. What has changed?

I would argue that anyone from the dev team ever said it's going to be "easy" (though it's possible and then that person was a big mouth and unfortunately set wrong expectations :D), but the pipeline is definitely better/easier to work with for our devs now. No technology is magical and it can always happen that we discover a really stupid bug last minute that prevents us from releasing something. So this approach of saying which weapons will be in at the very last moment is just us in the community team covering our buts in case of something like that happens and we're not able to deliver.

29 Jan

    /u/RaptorM60 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Well thought out post, thank you. Let me address three points:

1)Changing a frequency of Status Report is mentioned as a prep of what's likely to come. In our planning, it's now starting to make more sense to have one monthly Status Report where we provide a good report on development towards the upcoming Platform Update (Stable Update). It should also make more sense to all of you when we start applying it in practice, but it does not mean we just communicate something new once a month. We may also still rethink this. It's a part of our planning that we still have to tackle.

Another thing with Status Reports is... well we have already shot all the rounds we've had. You (= people that have been here since 2013 or even before) already know about pretty much every new piece of content that can possibly come to DayZ, because these things were teased way, way before they were implemented in playable builds of the game, or worse, they were already available on the legacy...

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22 Dec

    /u/RaptorM60 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

This is disturbingly authentic despite being WIP - I love how it (accidentally?) totally accurately represents that type of winter here in the Czech Republic when it's not really all that snowy just yet - that kind of inbetweeny, not really sexy annoying winter where everything is just moist, cold and unpleasant and you wish it either still was a warm, sunny and colourful autumn or it finally snowed properly.

22 Nov

    /u/RaptorM60 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by JHandz

50,000 people used to live here

Still one of the best game intros ever made.

20 Nov

    /u/RaptorM60 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by BobDoleWasAnAlien

2 weeks to go to somebody's wedding isn't unreasonable?

It’s a wedding on a different continent than our office. We have one other fulltime community manager and another part time one. I’m not sure why I’m even explaining this, but there you go.

10 Nov

    /u/RaptorM60 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by kbaldi

I read it on the DayZ forums a while back. I'm not sifting through all that again to find it for you. Maybe it has something to do with DayZ not being a UWP. I don't know. Maybe u/RaptorM60 could shed some more light on it.

Modding is currently planned as a PC exclusive feature - mostly because we just don’t have the resources to figure out and support mods on another platform. It’s a rather new an unexplored idea.

07 Nov

    /u/RaptorM60 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by oxide-NL

The fact that they did this rather quietly without major announcements

And the fact that they disabled the like/dislike on the Youtube video DayZ BETA Update Dev Log

I think that's rather telling... doesn't raise much hope

That was a mistake, not the intention. It's open now.

24 Oct

    /u/RaptorM60 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by hypelightfly

But the thing is, having a clear release deadline on your ass (pardon my french) accounts for something. You know that the year is your deadline, and so you make sure to get the most out of a situation you have.

f**k you (pardon my french) it's your own self imposed deadline. You don't get to make an arbitrary deadline and then throw your hands up and claim there is nothing you could do about it.

Yes, and the fact that it's a self imposed deadline is the whole point (the point you're not seeing). Like i said, drawing the line at some point IS important. Game development can keep on going forever if you don't draw the line. But you never have forever.

23 Oct

    /u/RaptorM60 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by The-Respawner

Interesting, thanks for chiming in! This is all based on information I have gathered from comments during previous discussions like this, so it's not something I made up myself. Seems that the only thing that was directly "wrong" though was that I thought there were investors aswell.

Even Hicks have been carefully but obviously hinted that the DayZ developers do not want to release this year, but that it is the Bohemia management that is pushing them to release this year, no matter what state the game is in. More and more content is already being pushed back to a late date, but you will still release 1.0 this year.

Can you confirm whether or not most of the DayZ developers agree with releasing the game this year, with all the content that is missing? Again, the way current and previous DayZ developers responds to questions like this during interviews, they all seem super uncomfortable. Most devs are usually super happy and looking forward to releasing their game, t...

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Brian Hicks no longer works here, he's not actively involved in any part of the DayZ development, and he's not around the office now, so his thoughts are very much his own. And I don't think he's ever implying otherwise.

The same way Brian can't, I can't answer for any single person on the team, but the general feeling I see around the office is that of course a lot of people wish we could take longer, that we could add more things or have more time to polish the game.

But the thing is, having a clear release deadline on your ass (pardon my french) accounts for something. You know that the year is your deadline, and so you make sure to get the most out of a situation you have.

Realistically, I find it hard for anyone to be happy with the situation we have - from our QA, through department leads, to our CEO. But the thing is, if we keep pushing for more features and content now, we just keep on adding half-finished things into the mix. And you can always ke...

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