What time zone?
2 hours from now
What time zone?
2 hours from now
There will be a Qiyana Champion spotlight. It will go live at 1pm when she goes live
/u/Reav3 could I ask how come most of Morde's original team was sorta replaced and if it impeded development
It didn't impede development in any way, it was a pretty smooth process. Most of the kit direction was pretty locked when Endless hopped on so it was a easy transition. For Narrative Faux had his narrative personality and high level story already locked as well, so it was just a matter of writing the VO and color text based on that. For Art the high level concept was also already locked down by BravoRay so KindleJack mostly had to just work out all the details
Favorite mord skin?
Would you happen to be able to share the current champ release order, would it be Panth -> August marksman -> Stash's other champ
Yeah currently the plan is Panth>Marksmen>New Champ
Would you happen to know if you guys plan on doing a Morde AMA as well
we will yes
Could I also ask if mChao is sticking with the champ team
Yeah, he should be starting up a new champ soon with Fuller and RiotEarp
Could I ask what is EndlessPillows will be up for next after Morde?
Probably a new champ, but he is going to take a small vacation after Morde ships
Ould I ask if you found a project for Newmilky yet
yes she is working a new Champion with Jag and Jellybug
Are they slated for 2020 or later this year?
Is Ixtal going to have a proper crest and classification within the universe site later on? It's a bit sad that a lot of the champions on the page still have 'Runeterra' and 'Shurima' underneath their names.
Also Qiyana is curiously missing on the Ixtal page's champion list.
Yes that is coming soon
Yeah, I really wonder what Riot vision is for the four who got updated recently (Neeko, Nidalee, Rengar, Zyra) now that Ixtal is out. As things are now, they feel unconnected to Ixtal the civilization, even if they are connected to Kumungu the jungle.
Ixtal is the new region so Champions that live in that region are part of it even if they are not aligned with Qiyanas civilization and faction, similar to how Trundle is Freljord even though he is not aligned with any of the Freljordian factions. Neeko, Nidalee, Rengar, Zyra and Malphite reside is the jungles around Ixtal but they are not part of Qiyanas civilization
Kumungu is the jungle and Ixtal is the civilization inside that jungle?
Kumungu is one jungle of many in Ixtal
Sees dragon image
So... Summoner's Rift is in Ixtal then?
And I guess it's an excuse to lob anything vaguely elemental-themed that was just assigned to 'Runeterra' together. Like Zyra.
It’s more that she resides in the jungles of Ixtal then she is elemental. She isn’t aligned with Qiyanas civilization. Same for Nidalee, Rengar and Neeko
Plot twist: they're gonna turn malphite into Ixtal's Galio, which basically means he will be an unconscious mountain until they do some kind of ritual or when they get attacked.
Calling it right now, mark my words.
Because a Champion is in a region it doesn’t mean they are aligned with the main faction there it just means they reside in that region. For example Trundle is Freljordian but not aligned with any of the Freljord factions
Is riot incapable of making a new champion with no dash ability
Neeko doesn't have a dash :), neither does Kayle, or Nunu
Okay so can we actually get a jungler next or will it be another mid laner like usual? u/reav3
Well next up will be the Pantheon VGU, who should be playable Jungle/top
no shot at been playable in jungle right ? she looks like she could be a lot more fun in jungle
Shes playable in the jungle, though i don't think it will be her strongest position
Does the element you chose stay the same until you pick another or does it have a set duration?
Stays until you use Q or grab another one
Hey just asking /u/Reav3 , isn't her ulti counter-intuitive to her being a sololane assassin? If you're in lane most of the time you're just gonna knockback people, without doing damage
There are walls around mid lane, also you can knock people into the turret and that works as well