

04 Aug


Originally posted by TaiyoFurea

u/Redigit hear me out... POOP BOULDERS!

I’m already in enough trouble as it is!


Originally posted by TurkishTerrarian

u/redigit is this "The Thing" or is ther another thing?

Both of The Things have been shown now.


Originally posted by DessaStrick

Hey, I have always wanted to tell y’all this story. I lost the ability to use my dominant arm from a spine issue out of the blue. I had a fusion from T1-T8 to fix it. It went bad, I almost died blah blah..

Anyway, when I realized I could use my arm again, I looked the nurse dead in the eye (very drugged) and whined “I can plAY TERRARIA AGAIN!?”. And then proceeded to play it my entire recovery and the nurse figured out how to hook my PC up to the room TV with a wireless keyboard so I could play it from laying flat on the bed.

❤️❤️ Thank you for all that you do and all that you have made for us.

That’s awesome! Sorry about the injury, I hope you are doing better

03 Aug


Originally posted by Zethinum

LETS GOOOO!! Did they ever explain what the ban was for!?

No. I don’t really expect a response, and I’m not gonna push my luck and pry into it. Also, we are gonna show a new spoiler tomorrow. It’s the answer to a lot of complaints!


I’m back! Thanks guys, sorry for the drama


Originally posted by SterileG

I know I'm necroing a bit but I hope the solution allows remapping quick trash to whatever button you want and/or disable entirely.

It would be a godsend for those of us with motor and/or cognitive function difficulties, myself included these days. Accessibility is something I greatly value, as not all players have the same functional capacities. Game control customization is a foundation for this sort of thing.

Ps, thanks for all the updates over the last decade <3 Ya'll coulda gone another direction and charged for new content but you're doin it for free. You guys are great.

We added an option to disable it altogether

02 Aug


Originally posted by Ranting_Gamer

Idk, I'll check u/redigit

It’s a big win for the community. I’ll let her spoil it if/when she wants.


Originally posted by sussy_lil_tgirl

ok but like genuine question, why was the throwing class not expanded upon? was it just because y'all didn't want to?

It’s just not really necessary to add a hundred new weapons, armor, accessories, and buff items to a mechanic that’s pretty much handled by other classes.


Originally posted by sussy_lil_tgirl

hey funny idea, throwing class when? :)

I hate you


Originally posted by Sorry_Cheese_400

Boulder update when?

When I’m done, you’ll be sick of boulders 😆

01 Aug


Originally posted by Dependent__Dapper

may i ask if the art is done by you, or a fan, or someone else?

This is something I drew for a new in game picture. I’m not much of an artist haha


Originally posted by Equinox-XVI



It’s Meowmere! 🗡🌈🐱

27 Jul


Originally posted by pancakecheesecake20

Uhg, please let it go. I’m not trying to make 1.5!!!


Everything is fine. Open the chest!!!

25 Jul


Just when I thought this meme couldn’t get any better

23 Jul


Originally posted by Super7H

ok, i may now regret posting bouncy boulder

It’s good to see you have a conscience

21 Jul


Originally posted by Otavio30


Too late

20 Jul