07 Dec


Originally posted by skrecu

all other master benches are right and working


Looks like you should be able to fix this by activating the map device in the Templar Laboratory?

Will fix properly soon.

23 Nov


Originally posted by Abdiel_Kavash

Does "plaintext" imply "human-readable"? Or would some third-party tool be required to actually fiddle with it?

Human-readable, yes.


Originally posted by ICrowe_tv

If we decide to download someone's hideout, but they have decorations that we do not have, or MTX that we do not have, is there an option to still download the hideout without the missing decorations, or an option to purchase the missing mtx?

We are looking at hopefully making ingame UI to make all this easy and obvious.

Worst case scenario you could just edit the (plaintext) hideout file yourself and remove any unwanted decorations.

22 Nov


Originally posted by MtNak

I'm tired and didn't read the obvious. It was already answered.

And Thaaaaaank you for this QoL improvement!!! <3 These make the game sooo much better to play.

You can use ctrl+shift+click to buy full stacks to straight to your inventory. If you can't afford a full stack it will buy a partial stack with as many as you can afford.


Originally posted by NinqPoE

Can you shift/ctrl click buy stacks?


21 Nov


Originally posted by Abdiel_Kavash

You cannot be locked out of any hideout content.

What about potential hideout tilesets or decorations obtainable as challenge rewards, or as part of supporter packs or other temporary MTX sales?

OK, true, I actually meant you can't be locked out of old/existing hideout content.

Of course any future MTX or challenge reward hideouts are different.


Originally posted by AFishBackwards

What if you didn't level your master. Can you still find their hideouts?

Even if you haven't leveled an old master, you can still find their hideouts later in 3.5.0.

You cannot be locked out of any hideout content.

(edit) I mean you can't be locked of any existing hideout content


Originally posted by guard_press

Two questions; one, are any "former" hideouts still held in data? So if I had Haku's hideout two leagues ago built up but my biggest hideout ever is Catarina's will both be populated when the change occurs, or is this a new database system where it's all forward? Two, since hideouts will be tileset-linked will it be possible to use the same decoration on different tilesets without explicitly exporting/importing?

No, we don't store "old" hideouts like that. At the end of every league, we merge all league hideouts into their parent standard leagues, which keeps the one with the most decorations and reclaims the other.

This won't happen anymore, going forward. But old hideouts are not stored specifically, apart from your current Standard hideouts (including Hardcore and/or SSF).

You can't use the same decoration in multiple hideout tilesets at the same time. You'll need multiple copies.

20 Nov


Originally posted by arthelinus

Will i be keeping my current hideout one in standard after update(i have 2 one in temp one in std i prefer std)? Or will all hideouts be reset?

The plan is to keep save one hideout of each tileset. If you have multiple hideouts of the same tileset, then the one with the most decorations will be kept and the other will be reclaimed.


Originally posted by Noooberino

So I still have to delete my league hideout decorations to safely save my Standard hideout, even if they use different tilesets? Right?

The plan is to keep save one hideout of each tileset. If you have multiple hideouts of the same tileset, then the one with the most decorations will be kept and the other will be reclaimed.


Originally posted by deathsprophet666

Hey thanks for the response, I think I may have misled you on what I meant however. Basically I was surprised the moveable waypoint made it in, most of us figured it'd have a fair bit of programmer dev time required. Whereas we thought the decor limit was likely just a number you guys made when you first implemented hideouts and then few people ever hit the limit. I was wondering if you could speak to the complexity issues or design belief behind the decor limit. Basically do you guys want to increase the limit and how hard would it be?

750 seems like alot until you start combining 50 skeletal rhoas to make custom statues etc... and with permanent and new larger hideouts it's now far more likely people will invest time into their hideout decor and hit the limit.

Sorry for the long response, US and NZ timezone issues is something I'm sure you guys deal with a lot. Thanks again!

It did take a fair bit of time to implement the waypoint, yeah.

We're unlikely to change the decoration limit at this stage. It has quite a few performance considerations, so it isn't easy to increase.

Yes, some people are combining 50 skeletal rhoas to make custom statues and hitting the limit and getting frustrated, but even if we (say) doubled the limit, some people would still have this issue. There are always going to be people who will push the system as far as it will go.

For 3.5.0, we are making an effort to provide more "composite" doodads, such as groups of bricks or tiles, so that you don't need to manually place so many very small individual pieces. Hopefully that helps a bit.


Originally posted by SunRiseStudios

I have Leo 5 in Standard, will I be able to crate Leo hideout in 3.5? What about other master's hideouts? We still can make them right?

Yes, all you need is the master at level 3 (or higher) and their hideout will be unlocked right away in 3.5.0. This applies to all the old masters, including Leo.


Originally posted by arthelinus

Will i be keeping my current hideout one in standard after update(i have 2 one in temp one in std i prefer std)? Or will all hideouts be reset?

You'll keep the one with the most decorations.


Originally posted by btlucas

Where do I spawn if I moved my waypoint? On the new waypoint location or on the original?

At the new location


Originally posted by Neuroccountant

Also, all hideouts you had ever unlocked (by getting the relevant old master to level 3) will remain unlocked for your account.

So if I don't level Leo now, will I ever get access to his tileset?

If you have Leo at level 3 in any league, you will have his old (full-size) hideout unlocked for your account as soon as 3.5.0 launches. Otherwise you can unlock it later on by doing a certain task in-game.

Same goes for all the old masters and their hideouts.


Originally posted by HermanManly

Any word on "resetting" Hideouts? I'd really prefer not having to manually remove every single object when I want to make a new hideout

There will be a button to reclaim everything (not counting Stash, Waypoint, NPCs, etc).


Originally posted by hackenclaw

Still No answer for option to provide free a few slot of cloud hideout saving.

This important feature for auto hideout rotation, or hideout changes base on character logged in.

The game will save one hideout layout per tileset for you. If you want more than that you will need to use the hideout template saving/loading system.


Originally posted by sushicid3

Have they finally added the categories for decorations? Would love not having to scroll through 60 things to find a specific object.

We are adding categories, but we're also adding lots more decorations so it's still a bit overwhelming once you unlock everything.


Originally posted by deathsprophet666

They answered most of my questions awesome! Thanks GGG it's good to know when one has personally been heard by the team! A little surprised the waypoint being movable became true but decoration limit didn't increase, any thoughts on the future for this or is a pretty hardcoded thing with, so far few people hitting the limit?.

Regardless whenever you all get those new big $$$ supporter packs I'll be paying a visit!

Ps. I hope everything works out for Bex and her family!

Special objects like the Waypoint, Stash, Guild Stash, Crafting Bench, and Map Device don't count towards the limit. Neither do NPCs.