

01 Jul


Originally posted by OromisOfficial

Next PBE update it's going to double when he ults :p

I actually think I managed to sneak this into this update. :o

30 May


Originally posted by DestroyerofSoul

No problem! Always glad to report.

Thanks for letting me know I really appreciate that KingCobra

Of course! Also, we just pushed out a micropatch. It should be fixed now!


Originally posted by DestroyerofSoul

  • Server: NA

  • Type of Bug: InGame

  • Description: When activating Vayne's ult she literally loses her passive 30 move speed and does not gain 90 move speed.

  • Video / Screenshot: passive and ulted

  • Steps to reproduce: Look at enemy / Activate ult / Watch loss of move speed

  • Expected result: Vayne gets 90 move speed

  • Observed result: Vayne loses all passive benefits and gains none

  • Reproduction rate: 100%

  • System specs:

Thanks for the report. :) Looking into this!

29 May


Originally posted by LunaWolve

How did you become a Q/A anaylst at riot? What was your path to get there?

A while back I was living in Boston working on my doctorate degree in structural engineering. I had been living there for a few months and didn't have many friends because a lot of the graduate students I was working with were a lot older than me. Wound up going to a World's viewing party at a local bar to try and make some friends.

There, I met some Rioters that were in town recruiting interns and visiting the local universities. I befriended RiotAugust there and we kept in touch. He came back to visit a couple of times and eventually he encouraged me to apply to the Playtest team.

I decided to go for it, despite being in the middle of grad school, and actually got rejected after my second phone interview. It was a bit disheartening, but I loved what I was doing so I was mostly alright with it.

At some point, I finished my Master's degree and got a nice job offer back in my home state so I stopped pursuing the doctorate and moved back home with my Master...

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Originally posted by axis-

This is really cool that riot lets you use their resources to better hone your skills. As a QA analyst were you familiar with scripting prior, or are you learning as you go? What do you see yourself doing with the info you learn from this project?

I already had some experience scripting from my past career/grad school (structural engineer!) and so I mostly understand the concepts just have to relearn how to apply them. A lot of what I've learned is self taught, but I have had a lot of mentoring/help from the designers here. :)

There's a number of things I'm trying to get out of this project, but most relevant to what I do: By improving my understanding of how we make champions and whatnot, I believe I'll be able to better triage/investigate bugs, potentially be able to fix some of them myself, better understand the riskiness of something we're making (how likely it will cause something to break for example), etc.

20 May

14 May


Originally posted by Huzzl3

Formatting slightly screwed up because I'm posting from mobile.

  • Server: EUW

  • Type of Bug: In game bug

  • Description: Rageblade's phantom hit does not work with Jax' ult passive anymore. With or without rageblade, the ult passive procs every third basic attack. It works correctly with Vayne's W, but not for Jax.

    • Video / Screenshot: Will add video when I'm home, but here's how it should work:
    • Steps to reproduce: Start practice tool game, buy rageblade, attack dummy.
    • Expected result: Once rageblade is stacked, the ult passive should proc in the same pattern as shown here:
  • Observed result: Ult passive only procs once...

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Thanks for the report! This is now on our radar to resolve. :)