

15 Jul


Originally posted by Excalidorito

Last I checked, u/RiotKingCobra said it wasn’t a possibility, though I don’t remember if it was on the discord or the subreddit. Also worth mentioning is that AFAIK Cobra doesn’t work on the balancing team, and as many suggestions as he got on the “poll” post a few months back about ASol’s identity nothing has really come to fruition from it yet since it’s something he’s been doing in his limited free time.

Swapping E and R would solve many issues, and until a Rioter that works full-time in the balancing team (no offense to Cobra here) confirms that it won’t be a possibility I’ll keep my hopes up that it can happen one day.

I would not say that it is off the table entirely - anything is possible - but it is pretty unlikely given the amount of work it'd take, not including time spent validating if it's even a good idea in the first place.

And to clarify, I work full time on the balance team! I'm just not a designer. I'm a quality engineer though I do collaborate super closely with designers every day. While I do not directly design and implement changes on a patch-to-patch basis, I'm usually a participant in the conversations and meetings where we discuss them!

23 Jun


Originally posted by Frajdej9x0

- Server: EUNE (any tbh)

- Type of Bug: In-Game bug

- Description: Divine sunderer wasn't properly nerfed for ranged champions, it still deals 12% of target max hp

- Video / Screenshot: Divine Sunderer DMG after 1 Ezreal Q (Target dummy 1000hp 0armor)

- Steps to reproduce: Get into a game as ranged champion, buy divine sunderer, auto attack after using an ability

- Expected result: Divine sunderer deals 9% enemy max hp

- Observed result: Divine sunderer deals 12% enemy max hp

- Reproduction rate: 10/10

- System specs: Doesn't matter

Hi, Frajdej9x0! The tooltip not displaying 9% for ranged champions is an issue that we know we shipped this patch. Functionally, Divine Sunderer's range modifier should be working as intended. I just checked on live to be sure and it was dealing the correct amount. :)

Thanks so much for reporting this though. Means a lot that you took the time to come on here and write it up for us. :)

17 Jun


Hi, Monsieur-TT. Just wanted to say thanks for posting this here. I was able to reproduce the issue thanks to the repro steps you provided so a video isn't necessary. Sorry for taking a bit to get back to you! :) Appreciate the report!

09 Nov


We have fixes for the items that have less stats than their combined items. Should be fixed before 10.23 goes Live, and if they aren't, very shortly afterwards with a micropatch. Time to read the rest of your post! :)

05 Nov


Originally posted by AbnormalSnow506


Abilities that have guaranteed crits such as the second auto from Fiora's E will no longer crit. All crits are converted.

30 Sep


Originally posted by Domasis

It seems to happen (at least for me) when I channel my recall with the shop open, purchase an item as soon as I land in the shop, and instantly close it.

In another case, it happened when I opened the shop really quickly to click an item (couldn't buy it because I wasn't in fountain), then closing the shop. Something is breaking on that level, but I'm not sure what.

Hello! I'm currently looking into this issue and was wondering if you happened to remember how you were closing the shop. We have a known issue where closing the shop by pressing "O" (opening up the scoreboard) results in being unable to cast spells, however, we haven't seen it totally lock a player out of being able to control where they path and move.

If you have any additional info that you think may prove helpful, would love to hear from you! :)

27 Sep


Hey guys, sorry to hop in and kill the hype, but I think there may have been a misunderstanding or something as my conversation with him was mostly just to chat about Sol in general since I like the champion too. Definitely reached out to him since he tags me in a number of tweets about A Sol, but it was only to hear his thoughts on Aurelion and chat about the champion - as I do regularly with other Aurelion Sol mains on their Discord channel. We aren't planning to do any work on him right now.

07 Jul


This is insanely cool. You’re so talented!! I absolutely love the pose. Amazing work.

31 May


Hey, just wanted to hop in this thread and let you know that these are pieces of conversation I had with was having with Swain mains in their discord last year taken out of context. They are not a statement by me responding to the questions that you are claiming I responded to.

I've already posted a number of comments in the thread that you've linked, but I'd like to provide a bit of clarity in regards to the words that have been taken out of context/conversation.

Swain's rework intended to keep him powerful as a solo laner. As we (the playtest team back in the day) continued to optimize and understand Swain's strengths, we began to narrow in on where we felt was a good spot balance wise for his release, but then, we identified that he was actually quite a potent support. We then adjusted his power budget such that we had confidence that his mid lane was his optimal role. We acknowledged that Swain support was likely a viable offrole though. On release, Swain settle...

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27 Mar


Originally posted by Allegories

That's not really evidence of anything. The playtest team would know about these changes and he is tweeting it out.

He may have been moved to a developer, I don't know, but he was a playtester for a long time, and probably still is.

While I'm not a playtester anymore, I'm also not a designer. The only changes I've ever shipped were Swain's changes. I didn't make the Aurelion Sol changes or the Anivia ones. Was just a messenger for the Anivia ones! >.<

04 Mar


Originally posted by -Gaka-

Any ideas what might have caused it?

We did some under-the-hood modernization to the scripts of spells like Gragas Q (abilities with multi-cast or re-castable properties) - this is definitely an unintended result of that.


Definitely a bug. We'll be looking to get a fix out soon.

15 Feb


Originally posted by AzuBK

/u/RiotKingCobra make me fix this please

Noted. Will make you fix this next week. _^

07 Feb


This is SO cool!!! I love both of them. :D Aurelion is one of my absolute favorite champs. The colors are soooo good.

27 Jan


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Maybe /u/RiotKingCobra can share some context on the Swain change as the balance team's resident Swain main

Already tweeted this, but I'll also post here: His ult on live is currently converting only 37.5%. Given his relatively balanced state, we decided to modify his tooltip to be accurate rather than change it to actually be 75%.

TLDR: His ult has been bugged this whole time and the tooltip was lying. Since he's relatively balanced we just updated the tooltip to reflect what the ult was actually doing.

23 Jan


Originally posted by Caenen_

I did some looking around and I'm pretty sure Jax R's counting buff simply doesn't refresh on attacking turrets anymore since the Rageblade fix. Not sure about wards.

I can't tell whether or not this part changing was intentional, but regardless it feels uncanny how the buff just times out now. Maybe u/RiotKingCobra could confirm this being unintended or not?

I've been told that Jax's R passive never actually dealt additional damage to towers - it just played the animation. The bug fix in this case, as it's been communicated to me, is fixing that animation bug.

10 Jan


Heyo - Sylas' stats are correct. Stats don't scale linearly with level. If you level Sylas to 18 he'll have gained the proper amount of base stats. :)

09 Jan


Originally posted by Padulsky21

Hello! I’m just curious since you say you’re an ASol main, how do you feel about the mini rework? As in, do you still enjoy playing him as much as he is now than before the mini rework?

I noticed that a lot of the ASol playerbase is pretty split. Some still stick with playing him and learned how to work around the changes, then there’s others that just dropped him. He’s one of my favorite designs ever in league so no matter what I’ll still play him just because of that.

I personally enjoy the rework more because I feel that I have more agency in fights with the repeatable MS boosts from W. I also think he’s more fun because he requires a bit more active engagement (being mindful of repeated W presses to get more damage or more MS vs just toggling the old one). During development and even when the rework hit live, I’d find myself missing the toggle at times, but now I’m pretty sold, enough so that he’ll probably compete for my most played champ of the season w Cass. Oh, and I especially love how diverse his builds and rune options have become.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Hi - I'm an A Sol main and also happen to be on the balance team. :)

Aurelion Sol is a pretty unique case of a champion. Before his mini-rework, Aurelion's 'depth' ( defined here: was low enough that his high WR (generally around 53-55%) was more likely fueled by people just trying him and dropping him, than one tricks maining him. In other words, he was just strong and people who were trying out were winning a lot...because he was actually a 55% WR champ. Post-rework the amount of people maining him as gone up a bit, eno...

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20 Nov


Originally posted by AVeryFlamboyantHorse

Server: NA

Type: In game bug

Description: If you ult and kill someone with Pyke, the icon for your ultimate reset doesn't go away after your reset timer ends. It stays there for the remainder of the game and it is visible for ALL parties involved on both teams. This is very misleading and leads to your teamates and enemies thinking you have an ultimate reset all the time, even when it is on cooldown.

Link: here's with a new reset:

Steps to reproduce: 1. Pick pyke, 2. Ult and kill an enemy or multiple, 3. Wait for the reset to end and pic will still be there by your summer name.

Expected result: The icon next to your summoner name is still there. A second icon appears next to the first if you ult someone...

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Thanks for posting this. We'll be looking into this. I suspect it may have to do with some of the UI work we did for Omnistone.