

11 Feb


Originally posted by YungStewart2000

Shootmania and quake were top tier. Reminds me that I wish that ricochet game from valve got more traction back in the day. The one where you hop from platforms and shoot circle blade things.

Not sure I know that one, but sounds somewhat like tribes which I also loved.


Originally posted by drz1z1

I remember you from the time the TrackMania people released a shooter. You were casting games in English and I had to do the same in French but I cannot remember on which website it was.

You were such a friendly guy. Glad you were able to pursue a career in the industry.

Shootmania was awesome!!! I cast it in 2012!


Originally posted by Bdm_Tss

Are FPS games where the name comes from?

Yup. BF2, quake 3 cpma and COD4 promod my main competitive games


Originally posted by ElectroStaticz

I remember you guys winning nearly every DGL but one iirc? I had a few friends in some of the other prem division teams and I think some of them just played to try beat BFB xD

I cannot tell you how much you this brings me Yip that was me and my squad


I was 22/23 and started it as a joke to get away from try hard COD4 promod. Never expected it to be my career because I kinda suck at anything not FPS haha

06 Feb


I'm f*cking exhausted omg. Opened and closed the show and had that fifth game immediately before solo hosting the draw show.

I tell you what, my casting was sloppy, but I poured everything I had into that chaos. I hope you had some fun with me!

It's really not often I find myself unable to find words to say on air, but those last 15 to 20 mins absolutely broke my brain.

04 Feb


Originally posted by meeeeey

Well, I guess neither of us is young anymore :D

Fun Fact: My First ever game I watched was EU LCS 2014. It was first Jankos LCS game, Roccat vs Supa Hot Crew. And you sir did cast it :D I'm a fan of you both since then :D

You're the best.


Originally posted by meeeeey

After this game I have only one question.

Why did Jankos deny Quickshoot a high-five?

HE CAME BACK!! (Jankos and I are friends) and he was denying me cause I called him old again :P lol

31 Jan

30 Jan


Originally posted by Diascizor

I'm not mad and am insulted at the insinuation that I am. There is nothing unsafe about slobberknocker

Hahaha what a fun thread. We each have our own perspectives, it's offensive where I'm from and I explained as much 😁 I'm glad you're not offended at the word and I don't think either of us need to let this thread get under our skin.

Have a great night either way!


Originally posted by Diascizor

The knocker is a punch though in this context. It's supposed to knock the slobber out of someone. Not offensive at all

Read all my comments friend 😁 it has a different meaning where I grew up. I see now that it's local thing from my childhood. Let's not get too mad being a little more safe!


Originally posted by JTitor-KFP

SA? South America?

South Africa! I was born and raised there.


Originally posted by S1kk0u777

I think that is fair and nice, but i dont think its fair and nice to impose those same values on other people especially during a broadcast, imo it felt a bit weird in the moment, no offense <3

Better safe than sorry, and I asked respectfully so don't see any real negative in how I framed it and reduced potential risk!


Originally posted by S1kk0u777


I think it's a little disrespectful to use gender based anatomy in descriptors. I'm trying to be more aware of terms that could be offensive!


Originally posted by 4_idiots_and_me

what a slobberknocker of a game (also how is this a bad word LOL)

In SA, it's a term for a very busty woman... And a heavy punch lol

23 Jan


CHAAAAAAAARGE is still one of my all time favourites.


Haha secret time, I have to cheat these days and use a spread sheet during draft lol.

21 Jan


Originally posted by LexingtonJW

Message to Quickshot: Please pronounce Heretics in the correct English way. I know it is a small thing but it's really grating. I understand the importance of trying to pronounce non-English words correctly, but Heretics is an English word. I wouldn't pronounce Hereje in an English pronunciation intentionally, so I don't know why anyone would want to pronounce an English word with a Spanish pronunciation.

The team explicitly requested we pronounce it this way. We're partners and will follow suit of the teams wishes!


Originally posted by Geosaurusrex

He looks like he's going for a mix between tech CEO and cult leader.

I can work with this.