

18 Feb


Originally posted by mcresto

I would really appreciate a random weapon option for DM. Is this in the cards?

This isn't something we have explored, but I am personally a huge fan of this. I am a fan of randomized engagement and would absolutely use this


Originally posted by Epic_Semibold

God I've finaly found the person behind this absolute banger of escalation gamemode. This is the only gamemode that complete the challenge of helping me with my aim.

This mode has single handedly improved my skill with the Marshall to the point that it's one of my favorite weapons in the game now.


Originally posted by priyansh16

Contrary to others, I actually prefer the team approach to the new mode rather than ffa. I feel once you lag behind in ffa, there is no way to catch up and feels like you have already lost and makes you want to ff and try again in another match. Keep up the good work!

This was a big reason we went with the team approach. We absolutely understand the desire and enjoyment of a FFA Gun Game, but Valorant's mode ecosystem need a high uptime, low stress mode that can be played socially with friends and we felt that this approach was surprisingly fun.


Originally posted by NotToDisturb


First, thanks Mode Team for taking the time to read our questions and for bringing us cool modes!

I would like to ask whether there are any plans for adding temporary game modes like Snowball Fight and Escalation(although hopefully this one stays, liking it a lot so far) to the Custom Game selection.

Also, friendly reminder that the lore community and surely many more people would love a story mode :P

Thanks you again for reading!


We're consistently evaluating how we'll be bringing back temporary modes in the future. Escalation (and Snowball Fight) are part of the Custom Game mode selector when the mode is active!

29 Sep


Originally posted by [deleted]

Thank you!

To follow up, we identified and fixed the issue, but were unable to get it into the patch. It should be fixed next patch :)


Hey! Thank you for the info! We made a bunch of small bug fixes in range and this may have been a regression due to the changes in the space. I've brought it to the attention of the team. Sorry about that!


There's a reason this is one of the first things the Tutorial tells players!

10 Sep


Originally posted by [deleted]


Nope, just an honest mistake. Additionally, Milkcow lowered the requirement of the specified mission.

Sorry for the impact!

09 Sep


Thank you for the report. My team is looking into this issue right now and I apologize for the inconvenience.

05 Aug


Hey! We're actively investigating why this is happening. We do not have an update yet, but we will post an update as soon as we have more information.

21 Jul


Originally posted by WHKDHuman

did they change the overtime rules? i won a game 13-12 today (ranked)

Hey! This was a regression due to some config changes. We are enabling the updated Overtime rules right now.

10 Jul


Originally posted by Snukii

"Didn't make the cut"? Just list all the changes man.

Yup we intended to, I meant my team didn't submit the change in time. That's why I am trying to be a bit proactive in messaging it out. My apologies!

08 Jul


Originally posted by LargeHadron_Colander

I know you're getting rid of it next patch... but frankly it should be removed sooner. It's been a week since this reply, and no such patch exists. Yet, your players are spending money on the battlepass and could really benefit from having DAILY xp.

When looking at the XP values of daily missions, it seems "Kill while ally" has the higher weighting (4000XP vs 2000XP). Yet, it remains the only mission that's difficult to get within one day - all while Riot's own statement on the battlepass requiring large amounts of xp is that dailies and weeklies are meant to help players who cannot play as often progress steadily.

By spending time not removing "Kill while ally" mission, you (Riot, not specifically you) are effectively devaluing our battlepass, especially for those who cannot grind out XP.

To give some context on this: We tried to remove it sooner, we have a tooling system that we use to remove if we feel content isn't behaving as it should. This mission didn't exist in the tooling which is why we thought we had removed it for the patch that is currently live. My statement last week was made when we were still triaging why this mission 1. Made it live again and 2. Why this mission doesn't exist in our tooling while everyhthing else does.

Normally we would be able to disable the missions that cause issues. As someone who only has time for 1-ish game a day on Live, I feel your pain and I had this mission pop up in my daily rotation 3 times this past week.

Everything you said is accurate, we understand the need, this situation sucked. It took some time to understand the root cause, it took even more time to fix and validate that the fix was in place

07 Jul


Originally posted by bobmore11

I thought the daily "kill enemy while ally plants/defuses spike" was supposed to be removed in this patch? Was this missed?

The mission was removed with this patch. It didn't make the cut for patch notes, but the change was made


Originally posted by sarrick21

I’m pretty sure that type of stuff doesn’t go in patch notes

This was minor enough to keep out of patch notes. The change did go in


Originally posted by says_what_the_shit

The Patchnotes are out but it doesnt say anything about the "while ally" Missions

Yes, this wasn't part of the patch notes, but the change is in this patch


Originally posted by SelloutRealBig

hey just letting you know the plant/defuse mission doesn't always work in spikerush. I played 4 games and only 1 of the many plant/defuses counted towards the challenge.

Right now there are currently two identical missions in rotation that you have a 50/50 chance of getting the correct one when this named missions is there. One is functioning fine and the other is completely broken. We'll be removing the broken state mission with the next update. I apologize for the inconvenience

01 Jul


Originally posted by [deleted]


We saw this post (and I repro'd it on live myself along with a coworker) and are aiming to fix it!


Originally posted by nlc369

I agree this one is pretty dumb, but also consider that you get twice as much xp as a normal daily if you do complete it. One thing you can do if you have a friend who is willing, is to go in spike rush and have your friend just spam plant the spike and let go at the last second over and over while you look for kills. My girlfriend had this daily yesterday and that’s what we did and it was pretty easy (and honestly pretty funny). I know this isn’t exactly a solution to the problem, just a suggestion if you do happen to have the daily.

Posting in top comment for some visibility:

We hear you, this daily will be removed next patch. We had intended to remove the "Kill while ally" mission for this patch, but it snuck it's way back into a cooked build and I apologize for that.

The replacement daily is the Plant/Defuse team mission and we have (hopefully) fixed this bug for the next patch as well.

23 Jun


Hey! Please submit a support ticket. We tried to resolve broadly and quickly and some accounts may have been missed. Submitting a ticket should get this resolved quickly