

30 Apr


Originally posted by juhmikay

I semi-regularly get the network error symbol in the top of the screen but have insanely fast/stable internet, 0% packet loss and ~20ms ping, is there something going on that I'm not aware of or something I've not done?

We pop this network error indicator for a couple of different reasons:

1) Packet loss (burst - 111XXXXXXX1111, or sporadic - 11111X1111X11111111X)

2) When there is some movement desync between yourself & the game server); usually caused by network variance, or more rarely clock drift.

(by the way - Ping on the scoreboard is a rolling average; if it says "25ms", really you are often drifting between 20-30ms)

3) High ping (which in your specific case u/juhmikay, doesn't sound like you have).


On Round Transitions (from end of round, to the new buy phase) we were triggering this indicator incorrectly - all the "reset" of game state causes some network saturation, which is unavoidable. We are going to hide indicators during this specific bit, because no action can be taken. (can't remember if fix f...

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Originally posted by qgshadow

It will be good if Riot answered to this thread... Their whole point was to make it better than CS in a way but made it worse... don't know how it's possible.

Posted some context above!


Originally posted by uiki

but i firmly believe that its not only an issue, but its WORSE than in CS.

I mean... it's pretty evident as soon as you start playing. We don't have access to network commands to tweak stuff out so we are left to the mercy of the devs. The interp values seems really off and god knows what they are using. They exposed an option in yesterday's update (network buffering, under general) without explaining what it does.. but judging from the name, it's just cl_interp_ratio from cs. No values to set so no one knows how many frames of interp you'll get.. but at least it's something. I just hope someone goes around to test it.

Hi u/uiki, I've added some context in my post above, hope it helps.

VALORANT is in Closed Beta, and we're just getting started -- we listen to everybody's feedback, and want to make decisions that are most helpful to players.

We are slowly getting around to adding more network commands to players; stay tuned :)


Hey all - I was busy the other day and didn't get time to post some of my thoughts - I've let a comment with some dev context in another (related) thread:


Originally posted by ugoterekt

So since your servers are causing packet loss should I raise the setting? My connection has less than 1% packet loss to every server I've ever checked, but goes anywhere from 3 to 20% packet loss on valorant due to some issue that I can only assume is on the server end.

You should try the settings and see if the game feels better. If it does feel better, keep the setting, if it does not, then revert back to the minimum.

Packet Loss being worse in VAL versus other games is (for some subsets of the population) due to misconfigured settings between Riot Direct and ISPs. We are actively working on fixing these issues during Closed Beta - expect the issue to go away over time.


Originally posted by [deleted]


clickheads showed a good clip, yeah -- see my comments in "STRAFE SHOOTING"

Not seeing the 2nd stutter step is closely tied to the 7.8125ms movement/shooting desync I mention.

We could "fix" this by delaying Shaz's death by 7.8125ms, so the death & enemy movement perfectly sync. We as devs were hesitant to do that though, because that extra 7.8125 ms of time we'd let Shaz still control his player would be a lie .. any bullet he fires/action he takes would never be processed server side, because he is already in fact "dead."

We'd much rather fix this with option B, or potentially C (in my post above).


Either way - we know what's currently in the game isn't quite right. We won't stop making improvements until you'll are happy - expect changes for the better soon.


Originally posted by falven2000

Why would anyone ever use anything but the lowest setting? People don't care about other people's experience playing the game. They only care about getting the biggest advantage, and if using anything but the lowest puts you at a disadvantage peekers-wise, as you said, nobody is going to use it.

These settings are for individuals with poor networking setup - not every player has an awesome computer or awesome internet service.

We as Riot want to help these players out by providing optional settings. They have 0-negative impact on the other players in the game, which aligns with our top-line goal of VALORANT - keeping the playing field fair


Originally posted by ryeguy

Based on his description of the settings, using an inappropriate setting would be a disadvantage. It controls how long the client waits before sending your movement to the server, so it would add latency to your input.

correct, u/ryeguy - delay on sending to the server, as well as a delay in drawing enemies on your screen too.


Originally posted by DonBongJohn

One simple question probably everyone asks without any network knowledge: Does a player get an advantage when he/she uses an other setting than recommended while having a perfectly fine connection?

Somehow it often happens that ppl in videogames are in favor when they have a bad connection. Making them topfraggers because of their 100ms+ ping.

You are definitely going to get a gameplay disadvantage if you use the other two settings. Your opponents will have additional peeker's advantage against you. For moderate, they have 15.625ms of extra "free time where they can shoot you", for maximum setting, a 31.25ms advantage.

That being said, if you internet is having issues, and players are jumping around all over the place, or your bandwidth is capped/you inputs aren't honored - then you should take the small X millisecond disadvantage in favor of being able to actually play the game smoothly :)


Originally posted by grumpypumpkin305

i love the reply on what exactly the "network buffering" does. how are you guys going to combat whats going on currently with users with the same ping? this doesnt seem to be a "ping" issue, this seems to be a server side issue. is this being looked into?

I've updated my post with some most context and info, thanks u/grumpypumpkin305


Hi all!

There are several topics to unpack - let's do them piece-by-piece: NETWORK BUFFERING / PEEKER'S ADVANTAGE / STRAFE SHOOTING


This is a new player setting we introduced in the latest patch.

By default, for every player in VALORANT, there is a 7.8125ms "buffer" time on rendering other players on-screen. We do this to smooth out player popping. I've attached an image that demonstrates intent.

You could update this buffer to some huge amount (say 1 whole second) and ha...

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Hi u/002-Rain,

We fixed the hard-spike perf dips from 0.47.

However, client performance has dropped a bit on the average with the 0.49 patch (mainly GPU). It's a priority for us on the dev team to optimize and hold the line for better performance targets, such that you as players don't need to deal with framerate drops. Expect improvements in subsequent patches.

Hang in there with us!

- David


Originally posted by Sympai

They have a few hitbox/reg issues IMHO. One real problem is some issue when players crouch. Really f**ks shit up.

Happy to say the crouch desync will be fixed next patch (~2 weeks)


Thanks for the video report - it's currently possible in beta to have animation desyncs on the equip animation of agent abilities (as you see here - server-side, her head is still in the full upright pose). We'll get it fixed soon, thank you!

29 Apr


Originally posted by Magia4694

I have a question. I live in Texas and half of my friends in the same town get average 40-50 ping. However the other half gets 120-130 ping. So you’d think it’s the internet of each person, however I have better connection than the people getting 40-50. Is there a fix for this? I’ve checked my region shard and it’s right. I contacted Riot Support and their fixes didn’t help. Is this a temporary closed beta issue?

Without digging into the specifics, your friends likely have an issue with one of the following:

  1. local internet setup (other people on their network streaming TV, playing games, etc... or spotty WiFi or they're on a VPN or they have a faulty router/modem)
  2. their ISP (internet service provider).

We (the VALORANT dev team) are aware of all the players who have unexpectedly bad ping. If there is a specific internet service provider in Texas who has all their customers with bad values like what you mentioned, it is on a priority list for us to tackle and fix. We (Riot) are actively reaching out to ISPs to work with them to fix problems. There are too many regions with issues for us to tackle all at once, and we are starting with the most broadly affected populations, and working down from there. :)

Hope that helps,

- David

28 Apr


Originally posted by Bawbicus

Cries in florida

We've discovered an issue with ISPs in connecting to our southeast Riot Direct points of presence (one PoP in Florida, & one PoP in Georgia).

Riot Games has a lot of new network surface with VALORANT that hasn't existed previously with LoL - we are glad to have this Closed Beta opportunity to experiment with you guys and try to optimize everything before we operate at full launch scale.

We don't have a lot of Riot devs in your location of the world, and your collective playtest data is invaluable - thank you for playing :)

24 Apr


Originally posted by DT_RAW

Thx for the update.. wanted to ask about server stuff. A lot of players in central florida with spectrum(a partnered ISP) are getting way higher ping times than with League and really high and often packet loss. I have contacted my ISP multiple times and they say they are looking into it and I have filled out a ticket but I feel this may be an issue that Riot and the ISP need to work together on. This is impacting multi thousands of players as charter/spectrum is quite large

This is being actively worked on - there are some kinks to work out with ISPs in connecting to our Riot Direct points of presence in Florida & Georgia.

There's a lot of new network surface with VALORANT that hasn't existed previously with LoL - we are glad to have this Closed Beta opportunity to experiment with you guys and try to optimize everything before we operate at full launch scale.

We don't have a lot of Riot devs in your location of the world, and your collective playtest data is invaluable :)

18 Apr


It would be interesting to know your ping + packet loss in the match. It's hard for me to read timings with the slowdown applied.

u/TR0009's explanation is the most likely.

If you get more clips, send them along! <3


If you are uncapped frame rate, you'll always have either your CPU or GPU at full capacity - whichever is the "weakest link."

High-spec computers are generally CPU bound in VALORANT - that is because we as a game prioritize accessibility over visual fidelity. There's just not as much work to do to render the game, as there is to compute simulation updates.

Your RTX2060 has better benchmark rank, compared to your i5 processor. One way to get a more even load would be to get a better CPU (or a worse GPU xD).

Either way, you have a nice machine! Best, David


u/sandwich_yt thank you for the share -

It looks like your packet loss is pretty high in this clip (it spikes above 10% on a few frames).

Your computer is sending up ~128 updates every second to the server, and 8-12 of those updates are getting lost.

Further, most packet loss is "bursty", not random. So it looks like this (1 = received, 0 = lost): 11100000001111111100001111

You're getting unlucky because your dagger throws are during those "0" batches. The info will eventually get up to the server, but it will be late arrival because you have to wait for network retries.

How to Fix: This is likely an issue with one of the following:

1) your local internet setup (other people on your network streaming TV, playing games, etc... or spotty WiFi or you're...

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