

06 Sep


Originally posted by 1v9_Monster

No problem, i just want whats best for him.

Update: i just talked with my friends and read through all of the eternals, i wasn't aware yi and vlad had skill shots dodged. I figured there was no way to do that properly without a headache. So knowing that its possible now, i think it would work amazing on zed as skillshots dodged with r. If you or Xenogenic disagree then my old suggestion still stands.

Also, not sure if I explained it well in my last post. It's super super important to make sure that the ult kill counter will still be increased if zed kills the person being ulted. Its extremely common to ult someone whos lower hp to for example, save your flash when you have no w, then just e auto and kill. If it doesnt count when zed kills with mark on them people will have way way less counted kills then they should.

I see now that having the small timer after was probably a little too much, but i think i should be at least a little, maybe .25, just for ...

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Thank you for the suggestion. I've made that swap to " Total W cooldown reduction from E hits on champions." I'll post an update with all of the changes soon - hopefully tomorrow. :)

05 Sep


Originally posted by Blastuch_v2

They are better, but still feel borring on champions I play.

Which champs do you play? Let's talk about the Eternals you don't like :)

20 Aug


Originally posted by Dark-Dragon


Death's averted/damage prevented with R;

highest crit with E;

distance traversed with Q;

number of jungle camps stolen;

number of champions fates sealed (marked and killed within 30 seconds);

highest total damage from wolf during a single W cast;

champion kills from wolfs W while outside of lamb's range;

number of successful tower dives survived due to R;

number of times you killed the enemy jungler in a 1v1 (no assist) while they were marked

(fun) number of times wolf circled lamb;

And I could probably think of many more. Arguably some of them would require a bit of effort to be tracked accurately, but I'd say none of them would be crazy hard to achieve.

Loving these suggestions - feel free to keep them coming. The ones that are "hard" are often the funnest :)

16 Aug


Originally posted by GA_Deathstalker

For me it would include a game mode for example (either new or returning, like Odyssey, Star Guardian, Overcharge...). It is simply that those events feel more worthy if you see the extra effort put in and have something new to do. I understand that those gamemodes aren't able to be there all the time, but it takes out the everyday-ness from the game. So I would say something like Project Overcharge, Star Guardian Invasion or the Bilgewater event would be like real great events for me. Something that changes up what you do. I also liked the Pool Party Mundo event. Right now There is not much that changes when we had events this season. Ok there was URF one time, but that was it. So I would love to see you guys break the mold.

Ok, cool. Thanks for sharing that context :)

Yes, we feel the same way. I can't announce anything yet but we agree 100% with what you said there and how you feel about it.

15 Aug


Originally posted by Hyrdal

I have questions on Eternals i haven't seen anywhere else:

  • Are Eternals all-time stats or do they start counting only once you've purchased/acquired them?

  • Also, if they are all-time, would they be retroactive or would they only start from 9.17?

I'd feel bad having played a champion for long time and starting from zero.

They are not all time. The tech to track, store, and display these stats won't be live until 9.17, and then it will require that you acquire the trackers before it starts tracking.


Originally posted by GA_Deathstalker

I hope it is ok then to ask if we get a real event this season or if they are all going to be only skin showcases and prestige sales, because that's how it feels right now.

Second: the eternals feel incredibly bad, especially since you aren't even able to keep the death recap and especially the stats page in the client working. So asking for money for something that is close to a thing you already have and is simply not working feels really bad. Like here, for free you can drive in this car that works every 3 tries or for money you can sit in this lamborgini, where you won't be sure if it works any better. Combined with everyone needing to see your eternals, it just feels bad. Sorry, I am sure you worked hard on it, but it is simply underwhelming to all of us, especially since you see in this thread more ideas than you seemed to have in half a year.

Can you clarify what you mean by a "real event"? What's included in it, in your mind? (before I can say yes or no)


Originally posted by SomeoneNewToReddit


I am sorry for all the negative comments you guys have been getting, even though I can understand where a few of them are coming from. An idea that I have seen been floating around is making the two common Eternals free and the unique (+ the 3 upcoming Eternals) cost RP. Is that something you guys could ever consider?

On another note, as an Ivern player I would love to see;

- Buffs shared

- Jungle camps freed from slaughter

- (R) Seconds/minutes/hours/days Daisy has spent on summoners rift with Ivern

- (E) Times Ivern has shielded someone who would have died if not for the shield (Think Phantom dancer, death's defiled)

- (R) Enemies knocked-up by Daisy

- (W) Times (?) Ivern has been unseen by the enemy by utilising brushmaker / Times an enemy has missed an AA/spell due to losing vision of Ivern

- (W) Damage dealt with empowered AAs

I appreciate the apology, etc., but I want to be clear: we also really appreciate the feedback, even if it's negative. It's better to know how you feel and discuss it than be ignorant of it and just keep going moving forward. We didn't build this for us, or despite popular belief, to make a lot of money.

Through repeated surveys in the past that feel out what things players would be excited about in League, we saw a lot of common themes: pets, announcer packs, etc., but stat tracking system was also very high on that list repeatedly (#2, actually, if memory serves). So, we built it for the people that have been asking for it (and hopefully for a lot of people that didn't know they wanted it or would enjoy it until they see it).

tl;dr - we built it because we were asked to, and want to make sure it's as good as we can make it.

On another note:

I love all of those Ivern ideas, actually. Thanks for the suggestions :)


Originally posted by CelioHogane

Our team also does most of the things involved with Events

What do you do when you get arround the time to do those? Do you all go to the beach together? Go watch a movie? Enjoy a sunset? Clean the computers?

I wish. More like: just finish shipping the current event, grab a bunch of coffee and run around in a panic while we try to put together a new team to build the new event. :P


Originally posted by getblanked

hello rioter, what do you personally think of eternals? obviously you arent gonna say its a cash grab but good/bad/ugly?

also, are there any plans to add anything to eternals/missions/game modes? a lot of people have been complaining, rightfully so mind you, about the lack of variety in game modes, lack of dynamic or variety in missions, and that eternals just kinda suck. idk what you do as a rioter but im sure you could just confirm the people who are coming up with this stuff know public opinion, right?

Hello :)

A couple of answers here:

1) I'm the design lead for the team that has been working on Eternals. I've been reading these threads to get your feedback, and this thread is particularly fun/exciting for me because I've been waiting a long time to have this very conversation with players around what stats are exciting for you as mains of your champs.

I don't really want to get in here and try to defend Eternals, our strategy, etc. I'm here to listen to your feedback first.

2) Our team also does most of the things involved with Events, so I'm design lead over those as well. We are 100% in agreement with your feedback that they need more variety, especially in modes/gameplay, and that's something we've been talking about literally every day for a while now. Nothing to announce yet but just know that we hear you, and as players of League, we also agree completely.


Originally posted by RoutineRecipe

I main Shen, I’m fine with the E out of ult one but I’d rather have damage midigated instead of a f**king SLOW TRACKER.

He can shield/mitigate damage with his E, passive, and R and he doesn’t have anything for eternal based off that.

Do you want a broad "damage mitigated" tracker, or is it better for you to know independently how you've done with each ability?


Originally posted by Leaulo

Caitlyn : number of headshots dealed to champs. Number of champ killed by R. Number of Jinx destroyed.

Number of Jinx destroyed.

I'm not a programmer but some variables only go to 4 billion

03 Jul


Hey friends :)

It's definitely a long and tedious process to convert tokens into BE or key fragments, so in the short term, we're adding options to convert more tokens for more BE or more tokens for a full key. Those options will be:

Buy 100 Blue Essence for 10 tokens Buy 1 full Key for 60 tokens That update will go live in 9.14, and will be present in future events from the beginning.

We're still interested in improving these processes/flows more, but I don't have any ETAs to share there yet.


Hey friends :)

It's definitely a long and tedious process to convert tokens into BE or key fragments, so in the short term, we're adding options to convert more tokens for more BE or more tokens for a full key. Those options will be:

  • Buy 100 Blue Essence for 10 tokens
  • Buy 1 full Key for 60 tokens

That update will go live in 9.14, and will be present in future events from the beginning.

We're still interested in improving these processes/flows more, but I don't have any ETAs to share there yet.

16 Jun


Originally posted by Mamacrowhelps

I know the AMA is over but wanted to ask you something, when you guys code these different abilities do you completely replace them or keep them stored somewhere just incase you ever want to make a champion that could use it as a starting point and save work.

Because our tools are pretty powerful and relatively easy to work with, we tend not to keep these abilities lying around. When we build them during prototype phase, they're in a pretty rough state, but we want to build them out quickly so we can test them and see if we want to pursue that direction or try another.

So if someone wants to reuse an idea we've had, it's not particularly costly for them to just rebuild it to a prototype level in the future. It's also somewhat unlikely we use earlier spells exactly the same as they were on a previous kit, so they will have to make changes anyway and it's likely easier to just build it from scratch so it does exactly what you want.


Originally posted by FirCone

So does that turret not work anymore in the real world or is it copied over?

Turrets work in the real world and in the death realm. We decided that they should not be changed by the ult, so Morde's opponents can still use their turret to defend themselves

14 Jun


Originally posted by TheFatalWound

Q gives me hunting horn vibes (Monster Hunter)

I had played a ton of MH: World prior to taking on this project and was definitely inspired by the way using their big hammer felt, and the things you could do with it. Ditto for other 3rd person action games with heavy weapons that smash things - I was looking for a way to incorporate more of that into LoL, but in the end, it didn't pan out.


Originally posted by -Falrein

Oh I had so many questions, but I thought there would be no AMA so I kind of forgot them all...? Well anyway let's see! Mordekaiser and the archetypes he represents aren't my jam, but he's a nicely written character! Although I have some questions...

1/ Mordekaiser looks like this unbeatable character that can't be killed because he's an armor and is probably immuned to damage on the physical plane. But I've always wondered, what happens if one was able to directly attack his soul...?

2/ A question that may have been answered, but many people think that Mordekaiser planned LeBlanc's betrayal in particular. Could you clarify if he planned a betrayal from her in particular, or if he had just planned to be brought down at some point, and didn't expect LeBlanc to betray him? I think that would help a lot!

3/ And finally, the silly question that I love to ask during AMAs, what do you think Mordekaiser would think of Syndra, if he had any opinion?

That'll ...

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I'm not a writer so this isn't the real rules or canon, but in my fantastical imagination, Mordekaiser's spirit is immortal and cannot be hurt, or killed. Ever.


Originally posted by Sedirex_KR

Was his R called the Shadow Realm internally? Or did the community surprise you with that nickname?

We called it the shadow realm, spirit realm, death realm, etc. The name was pretty nebulous internally during development.


Originally posted by CosmicGuide

What would Mordekaiser think of Urgot?

He would make a great addition to Morde's army of the dead


Originally posted by matt7197

Morde went through a rework before. When you rework a reworked champion, is there an iteration you look upon as inspiration? Does the original morde take preference, juggernaut more, or do you focus on completely reworking the champ while simple holding onto to their theme?

Also, why does Riot rework champions in general? Why are older champions not left alone and new "reworked" kits not attached to a new champion so both can exist in the game?

For your first question: the high-level goal in VGU is to make the champion fulfill their promised fantasy and to better-serve the players that we believe should like the champion. So to also go into your second question, with Mordekaiser, you had this armored, mace-wielding character that was somewhat like a death knight, so you would expect players who want to play a character like that to enjoy him, but his kit's mechanics were such that he felt like this short to mid range mage, and not like what the fantasy should've been delviering.

So our goal was to keep aspects that were core and/or unique to him (examples: remain an AP juggernaut, find a way to retain "offense turns into defense," find a way to express death magic) but then craft a kit and experience that will delight players who want to play an armored, mace-wielding death knight type character.

Edit: And to tack on a bit more for your 2nd question, in this particular case, we don't want to make anot...

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