

01 Feb


Originally posted by ManBearPig1869

Instantly buying the vandal and getting the red variant

Red variant is OP. It's between that and gold for me.

26 Jan


Originally posted by -Milka1000-

hey @riot_Fragloser i know for a fact where those lights come from (from my own in-game experience). When a player uses a rope, those glowing lights appear. Sometimes they will continue even AFTER they left the rope. That explains why it only appears on split and icebox.

We will investigate. Thank you.

25 Jan


Do you know what Bucky skin she had by any chance? Would be great to narrow this down on our end if possible!

22 Jan


Originally posted by ChaoticGoodMaybe

How do you exactly become the designer? O_O

I'm just the 3d modeler for this one. We had an amazing concept, and then the skin itself had myself, FX, and Audio working on it as well. If you want to learn about more about the "design" of a skin I worked on give this article a read!


Originally posted by MisuMisuMii

I would say better, in my lowly opinion! I read somewhere you were the designer for the Oni Phantom? If this is true I would like to say a big thank you its my favourite in the game for the phantom, the teal variant is absolutely gorgeous. The sakura vandal would have also looked lovely on the phantom too!

Thank you! I'm running the "porcelain" variant myself although the teal is a close second for me.

21 Jan


Originally posted by MisuMisuMii





Would it be better or worse if it was written in Papyrus?

16 Dec


Originally posted by MetalPerfection

I've actually never ever seen anything in any game ever be fixed that fast. I've seen ambulances take longer to arrive at shootings.

You sir, and Riot by extension, are amazing.

For this bug, it was fortunately a pretty simple fix on our end after we saw it. In the source file, the spikes were not welded into the rear stock so we were able to move them and re-rig it quickly. I wish all art bugs could be fixed this quickly and easily :D

15 Dec


Hahahah unplayable. But for real, it should be fixed in the next patch (or the one after). I just went in and adjusted it.

12 Dec


Originally posted by Dreamzymemes


Look, I support your guys' decision and all, I'll support y'all in whichever way I can (I bought some prime stuff individually, the whole reaver set & prime gaming). But I am not just going to buy a luxe skin for just a blue skin :/.

What about the other stuff like Ronin & Imperium skins, old player cards? (those player cards were really cool!) stuff like that?

In terms of older skins, we've already re-worked and released Reaver and BlastX from Beta to Launch. I can't say whether or not we will do more though :/


Originally posted by AgravainX

Do you guys have control over whether we will be able to swap what skins we use in game? Whether that be setting guns to certain agents or guns on attacks and defense?

Second question is, what is your take on making more guns like nebula and the winter skins? The ones that are bit reflective in nature. I read about the process for making nebula, and I was wondering if the process was just has hard for the winter skins or was it easier since you had experience with nebula?

Final question, what are your dreams skins the future? I remember in a video someone said the blastX skins were something he was super excited for, are there any other dream skins out there?

We definitely learn more with each skin we create. Creating something like Prime or Reaver (beta Reaver) allowed us to build the foundations to create Elderflame. So I'm not sure if I would say it's easy or hard, but we definitely learn a lot from previous skins that we can take into making future skins.

I don't know if I have a specific dream skin myself, but there are so many other thematics we have yet to explore that we're excited to start work on.


Originally posted by eunicelee

Hello! Thanks for all your work on the game. What's your ideal skin theme? I'd love some kind of iridescent/crystal themed skin. Much love :)

Also - shout-out to Preeti for Edison + RU rep! I love your sociology work. I want to follow in your footsteps :')

SCI.... FI.... EVERY.... DAY!

We have a ton of different interests on the team though. It definitely helps a ton to have a variety of team members who are so excited about different thematic niches.

11 Dec


Originally posted by billquentin

If someone wants to have a career similar to yours working with primarily weapon skin design and cosmetics within a game, what programs would you recommend a candidate learn to be able to show their skills and experience in their portfolio? What hard and soft skills make those remarkable candidates stand out?

There are definitely a few areas in Weapon Skin Design that people can head in! We have Concept Art, Weapon Art, FX, Animation, and Audio all as a separate discipline that comes together to create the final gun skin. Riot actually released a series of videos on the different art disciplines and what each of them do!

I personally use Blender, Zbrush, Sub...

Read more

Originally posted by Dreamzymemes

Hey, I love your guys' skin designs and all.

But why did you guys get rid of the luxe upgrades? I've always had that in my mind and my question never got answered. Those skins upgrades were dope asf but you guys just straight up removed it without saying anything.

Is this the first time I'll get it answered?

Yeah unfortunately the skins in the beta were opportunities for us to explore skins and we were unsure which ones would ship and which weren't. I do love the variants as much as you all (I rocked the camo one myself), but I don't believe we will be bringing them back.


Originally posted by Rumblemike

Do you guys like ValorLeaks on Twitter? Also any hints on future skins?

Yeah! Before I got into the industry, it was always so much fun refreshing the leak sites for games I played to find out what was new before it was officially announced. To this day, I still look at leak sites/datamining from other games too :D

05 Nov


This is awesome! I never thought I'd see the SPIKE as a PC Tower.

28 Oct


Originally posted by purplepower4271

Summer intern they said. Basically just job expirience but fingers crossed he joins riot at some point in the future cause that finisher is dope

Yep job experience + pay + relocation (and in this case working on some sweet FX!) If you're interested you can read more here.

02 Sep


Great to see you all notice these small changes. I took a pass on the skin mounts two patches or so ago and moved over to the character mount colors for this patch. This was all done in a small amount of free time between tasks!

22 Aug


Originally posted by DarthGrievous

They implied that there was something else outside of this. Because at the point of their comment, everybody was talking about the ''portal'' effect in the comment chain or thread idk

The textures on the nebula move while you are standing. The effect isn't visible in the collections page. I thought it was a cool effect to tie into the galaxy aspect of the skin line from an art side. My apologies if that wasn't what you all were expecting.


Originally posted by DefaultSlayer207

Now that the gun has released are you able to say what that is as I bought the gun and cant figure out what it is.

When you are standing still in game the texture should move across the guns!

21 Aug


Originally posted by GolldenFalcon

An Ace provides a supernova

Hah no it's not anything wild. I hope I haven't set expectations too high!