

21 Aug


Originally posted by blahssey

any word on a price?
I'd guess same as prism but what do i know

Unsure, the strategy team would have to hop in to answer that. Sorry!

20 Aug


Originally posted by mochimisu

the "animation" on it had to go through a few different iterations to reduce some motion sickness

i think it landed in a sweet place!

Yea I gave myself motion sickness working on this during development. We did a TON of work tuning it since. Great collaboration between Mochimisu and Oniram to adjust it.


Originally posted by Blackhawks10

Anything extra on this line to look forward to that we wouldn’t be able to see from in game collections?

They look great from what I can see so far!

There is something to look forward to in-game but I don't wanna spoil anything for you all in here.

Edit: When you are standing still in game the texture should move across the guns!


Originally posted by AdrenMostPissed

Here is what it looks like in menu Looks like no special animations but the material is very glass like . It’s hard to explain but it’s similar to Avalanche but not really

Just wait till you play it in-game :)

08 Aug


Nice! I like how you turned Sage's upper chest design into a necklace with a pendant.

04 Aug


Originally posted by Ibeashinondeezhoes

Could this not be applied to the other skins like prism avalanche etc ?

Prism and Avalanche should have colored mounts to match the color of the skin. Just checked in game.


Originally posted by Send_Me_Puppies

Looks like you missed the kingdom and couture ones!

Will get on those in the future. Thanks!


Originally posted by unofficialmoderator

The orange ring that usually comes with the gun buddies now changes color depending on the skin!

Oniram and I took a pass on some older skins as well when we could find some spare time in-between tasks! We may have missed a few though.

03 Aug


Originally posted by chryco4

Idk but I think I like it


01 Aug


Originally posted by Deranox

Will you go back to the ones you missed this time ? We will buy ya cookies to pass the time.

Yea we'll try to get everything we missed. Again we don't have an official task for this yet so please bear with us as we get around to everything. I'm just an artist who appreciates matching things as much as you all do!


Originally posted by stormcaller_op

Yess! Is it possible to do this for the Agent sidearms too? My Omen ghost looks pretty ugly with the orange lol

Yea. I'm not sure if we got to those. I'm on vacation for a little but when I'm back I'll see what we can do! It will be nice to have Omen's Pistol with his buddy and a matching mount.


Agreed! Riot Oniram and myself took a pass on a lot of the older skins the past week. We did this during small amounts of free time in-between tasks so we may have missed a couple. Avalanche and Prism should have updated mounts for next patch.

Future gun skins should also receive the same treatment if the skin color is different enough from the mount color.

24 Jul


Originally posted by LOLGuy213

Awesome! Also another bug, if you ADS the whispy effects around the demon mouth completely disapppears.

We did that intentionally so that the whispy effects do not block your peripherals to the left and the right of your gun while looking down the scope. We felt they were creeping up a little too much into the gameplay space otherwise.


Originally posted by SkeletalMaster

No, same for me, and I can't imagine that it's intended. It feels super weird not to have the reticle border in the first half second or so of scoping in, and I hope it'll get fixed soon.


Our FX team is aware and taking a look. Thanks for pointing that out!

23 Jul


Originally posted by Riot_Preeti

Man this is so sweet. Thank you. I'm going to share this post with the team because it's so wholesome and nice of you to say. <3

Yaa. Thanks everyone!


Originally posted by TheManInAquamarine

I'll bring it up with the team. No promises on any changes though!


Aaah this is awesome. Great work! Really fun to see something I built in the real world.

22 Jul


Originally posted by 117Trevor

Just pinging a few Riot people i found from some other threads just to make sure this is seen, because i feel like this could definitely ruin some rounds.

u/RiotSwade u/RiotRectifyer u/Riot_Fragloser

Looks like it has been passed over to the team


Originally posted by [deleted]

Which one of the variants is your personal favorite?

The green with the pink VFX accents is really fun. It's between that and the white and blue.

21 Jul


Originally posted by o5mfiHTNsH748KVq

Ah, I was only joking. Most guns simply hip fire well.
