Will you be able to reward missed XP/skins and character unlocks retroactively?
Yes, it may take some time but you will get your content.
Will you be able to reward missed XP/skins and character unlocks retroactively?
Yes, it may take some time but you will get your content.
This. I've completed my first set 3 times but keeps resetting... u/RiotSWAGGERNAU7
We're aware of the issue and the teams have prioritized fixing this. Once we have a fix we'll be redeploying it to the live build.
I appreciate the response, but can you comment on the absurd amount of XP needed to level up the battle pass? Based of the OP's calculations, you would need to be playing this game non stop to max it out AND you do not earn back currency with leveling up the pass. I am loving the game so far and considering buying points and the pass, but this XP problem is concerning.
We responded to the top post with some clarification to the OP's math.
My mans just provided quick mafs for how it’s almost undoable for any average player to complete the battle pass. Why pay for it if I can’t even finish it and get the good stuff? People will still buy just make the right XP requirement changes
We responded to the top post with some clarification to the OP's math mafs.
We told them in the beta their timescales for level ups were absurd and they just went ahead and did exactly the same thing for the battlepass. Whoever is making these decisions on XP timescales needs to hand that job over to someone else in Riot because their judgement is f**king terrible and they seem intent on making the same mistake over and over.
We heard ya in the Beta, appreciate the vocal voices around the pacing. The Contracts have been tuned to be much quicker relative to their beta pacing. As for handing over our jobs? C'mon! We like our jobs... We'll continue to monitor the overall pacing and feel of these passes and if we're off we'll change it. Keep that feedback coming.
They nerfed the amount of xp you got in beta from challenges per week from 70k to 56k. If anyone has played league they'll know what riot has been really bad about their pass system, more recently they've been constantly reducing the time or rewards for it while keeping the price the same. This game also still has a huge problem with how you unlock characters since there's no way to farm for them inbetween releases.
Edit: According to riot the weekly xp will scale each week resulting in more total xp over the 2 months than what you could get from 2 months of challenges in the closed beta. Additionally they'll not expire till the end of the act.
During the Closed Beta (CB) we didn't have Weekly missions in the game so we allocated more XP to the Dailies to compensate with the unlock flow of the CB pass and Char contracts. We were off on the pacing of the Char contracts in CB and have since retuned them to be much quicker. The total XP that players are getting with the Daily and Weekly missions should be much higher than what was in CB resulting in unlocking content to be faster overall.
Hijacking the top comment for visibility. TLDR: The battlepass will take ~100 hours to complete.
Weekly XP's also scale up in every week to smooth out the experience curves. Just to give you an idea, the first set of weeklies offer 28,350 total XP and the last set of weeklies offer 60,750 total XP. This will help make sure that you're still able to progress through levels at a healthy clip towards the tail end of a battle pass (rather than just stalling out at the later levels).
Hijacking SWAGGERNAU7's comment for visibility. TLDR: Weeklies don't expire until the end of the Act.
Weekly missions will come out each week in a sequential order but will not be reset or rolled over like the dailies. We want players to always have an opportunity for the large chunks of XP for their passes no matter when they join, assuming they can finish the weekly sets.
Hey there, They didn't say anything about agent contracts in this patch notes even though they said they'd make it easier? Also nothing in the new gamemode?
The Character contracts have been tuned and updated from when they were last seen in CB but didn't get in the notes, that's our bad. It should be much faster to unlock the character within a specific contract assuming you're finishing your missions.
They will be buffing her in one of the followup patches they've said on streams and on Twitter.
We're currently testing a couple ideas for Viper internally but didn't feel comfortable rushing them out. She's on our radar, we haven't forgotten about her.