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almost 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by TuffPeen


Edit: No viper buffs I cry

We've got lots of ideas for Viper, but nothing that we felt comfortable fitting into this specific patch window. We haven't forgotten you poison bae mains though, keep an eye out in the future!

almost 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Milkcow - Direct link

Originally posted by MordeOrDodge

They will be buffing her in one of the followup patches they've said on streams and on Twitter.

We're currently testing a couple ideas for Viper internally but didn't feel comfortable rushing them out. She's on our radar, we haven't forgotten about her.

almost 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Milkcow - Direct link

Originally posted by netv4r

Hey there, They didn't say anything about agent contracts in this patch notes even though they said they'd make it easier? Also nothing in the new gamemode?

The Character contracts have been tuned and updated from when they were last seen in CB but didn't get in the notes, that's our bad. It should be much faster to unlock the character within a specific contract assuming you're finishing your missions.

almost 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by TheOnePercent44

They added Frog Hat.

That is all.

froggie hat

almost 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by SyzbuH

Just curious, was there a reason you guys never had the snake bite slow implemented? Was it something that was tried before beta and wasn’t liked, and just never taken out of the description?

Just an out of date tooltip, Snakebite hasn't slowed for a very long time internally iirc. For clarity, that's not currently something we're looking at for future Viper changes either. Maybe that'll change, but as it stands now it seems unlikely that we'd add a slow to that ability anytime soon.

almost 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by Ralouch

The changes you've made to raze and omen are so well thought out, so great job so far. Maybe if vipers identity was more apparent/powerful. She's so map reliant with her wall cheese that maybe some adjustments can be made to make her more well rounded.

Thanks! Game balance is always an ongoing lesson, so we'll continue to iterate as time goes on. And yeah, I'd agree with your assessment on Viper. Can't speak to any details yet, but we're on the same page.

almost 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by diyard

Hi, any info on battle pass?

Sorry, I work specifically on gameplay content (agents, maps, weapons, live balance) so I don't have much context on the battle pass specifically. /u/Riot_Preeti and u/RiotSWAGGERNAU7 may know more!

almost 4 years ago - /u/RiotNu - Direct link

Originally posted by IAP3TUS

Based /u/RiotNu

Froggie hat

almost 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Preeti - Direct link

Originally posted by diyard

Thanks for the reply, i guess ill see in few hours :p

Nothing to share yet on BattlePass. I'm sure you'll see info pouring in as we go live around the world! :)

almost 4 years ago - /u/Koalifier - Direct link

Originally posted by SimplyFrankie

Why is there no mention of the game breaking HUD disappearing bug as seen here and here?

Is this fixed?? It was absolutely terrible to have to play an entire ranked game with no HUD, no site names or call outs on the map, and no abilities showing. Needing to sacrifice a few rounds in order to restart your game a bunch of times to resolve it.

I really hope this has been fixed. Anyone know anything about this? Maybe a riot employee can comment?

Heyo! We attempted a fix, but we aren't sure whether or not it will work.

Unfortunately we were unable to reproduce this issue, even with significant effort, so our fix is only speculative. We didn't want to post a note saying "we might have fixed this" when we aren't really sure. Hit me up if you keep seeing the issue - we'll be looking out to see if we need to attempt another speculative fix (or if anyone gets a consistent repro, that would be incredible).

almost 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by SimplyFrankie

Any comment or insight?

/u/Altombre /u/Riot_Milkcow /u/RiotNu

It would be very much appreciated!

Unfortunately I don't have any insight here - there are tons of folks on the team like myself who just don't interface with bugs at all, so I can't speak to this. Sorry!

almost 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by Daiephir

I have a question regarding Sage, have you guys iterated with giving Sage's heal a 2 kill recharge like Phoenix/Raze?

Starting context: I'm not a designer, I'm insights on gameplay overall, so take my opinions with a grain of salt!

We haven't; currently that mechanic is only present on our Duelist class (Phoenix, Jett, Raze). That definitely doesn't mean Duelists will be the only agents to get 2 kill resets, but that tends to serve as a function to encourage those agents to get kills and optimize their uses, instead of trying to optimize net round value by using abilities off cooldown.

Purely my opinion, but personally, I find abilities like Sage's heal or Sova's recon dart more interesting on cooldown models because they challenge the user to debate between getting max value between cooldowns (using Sage heal as soon as anyone gets hurt, throwing Sova darts at round start) vs. trying to get the max value with a single use (but in doing so and waiting for the perfect moment, risking not getting additional casts before the round is over). The kill reset model shifts that decision making into "how can I capitalize off this ability cast to get a kill and continue to snowball", which doesn't fit as well with Sage's kit as it does Jett, Phoenix, and Raze's.

Once again - I'm not a designer - so I don't want to say it's completely off the table, but I think we'd probably look to other tuning levers before the 2-kill reset on Sage's heal, just because that refund tends to encourage different behaviors.

almost 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by SimplyFrankie

Gotcha, well thank you so much for responding notheless, I appreciate it!

Of course! We always appreciate your feedback on stuff like this.

almost 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by MoonDawg2

Hello I wanted to ask, are this all the changes for mid on Split? It feels a bit underwhelming since it's essentially the same lines of sight for the most part. Is there a small box to jump on to get on the small platform on mid?

I think split's real issue is that it's just too mid based. If you take mid control your chances of winning massively improve, but that's also a slippery slope that makes the map too atk sided since rotations are so extremely easy to shutdown and retakes are rather hard to do.

I can't wait to try it out though. There's a high probability that I'm missing something, but overall great changes all around.

You guys have a challenge on that map. Maybe changing entrances in the future will be the way to go, idk. Froggie hat

These are all the changes we have currently, but YES there is a small box to jump on to get to that small platform in mid. Hopefully, it should be easier for attackers to make bits of progress through mid with the ability to hop up to that ledge and isolate angles more easily. If this doesn't end up playing out the way we'd hoped, though, we will continue to make changes to the map to improve the experience.

almost 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by OHydroxide

Hey I just had a question about the Raze nerf if you're able to answer. I think it's a good way to nerf that ability especially with people using it as a second nade, but do you guys think Raze was too strong? I just didn't expect a nerf without a compensation buff. Her tournament pick rate is rising but still fairly low when compared to the top picks.

First just to set a bit of context: one of our commitments as a balance team is that we aim to create an enjoyable, balanced experience for players across all of our skill levels. With that in mind...

The tournament scene is still early on right now and the meta is adapting; our hope is that with some of the Sage/Cypher nerfs in the past patches, alongside some of the Omen/Phoenix/Jett buffs, that we'll see some more meta differentiation there. If Raze needs serious work to be a viable pick there, we'll look into that too.

Looking at the actual matchmaking playerbase though, yes - Raze was one of the stronger agents across a variety of skill ratings last patch, so she's deserving of a nerf. Compet-level changes will take more nuance and communication as the scene becomes a bit more solidified!

almost 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by OHydroxide

Awesome, thanks for the response! Do you guys plan on communicating which skill levels agents are deserving nerfs in, in the future, similar to how it's going to be done in League? I know all about the 4 different skill levels that champs are looked at in League, figured it was similar in Valorant, just more behind the scenes.

Long term we'd like to communicate that kind of stuff for sure - right now, we're just still working on building our framework for what constitutes OP/UP in our game, building expectations, etc. Since the game's just been in beta we don't want to get too comfortable with the metrics we've been using; once we're confident it's pretty accurate for the long haul though, we'll probably share our philosophy with the playerbase so you all know how we're making decisions as well.

almost 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by diyard

Hey i dont wanna disturbe you but are you aware of an HUD bug ? My games no longer have any ammo, abilities or anything like that anymore. I just wanna know if such a bug is known. Thanks

It’s known! But I personally don’t know anything more outside of that since I don’t interface with bugs at all

almost 4 years ago - /u/Koalifier - Direct link

Originally posted by SimplyFrankie

Hey! Thank you for your response, I truly appreciate it, you have no idea!

I was able to reproduce it 100% of the time during the last few patches released in the beta by being tabbed out or not having the game focused when the game would load into a match!

Ah gotcha, that makes a lot of sense. I will go ahead and test this once the game is live in NA and I'll let you know!

Again thank you so much.

I've heard some reports that this is still happening - have you been able to reproduce it with your method?

almost 4 years ago - /u/Koalifier - Direct link

Originally posted by SimplyFrankie

Just tested. Once again 100% reproducible by being tabbed out while loading into the match.

Edit: While I'm at it. Bound key for team push to talk gets unbound on relaunch and crosshair color keeps resetting to white.

Heyo! Yes I saw your reply. We're looking further into it, but we won't have a fix for the next patch.

almost 4 years ago - /u/Koalifier - Direct link

Originally posted by SimplyFrankie

Please tell me this is fixed in tomorrows patch. I keep having this happen still, and the worst part is, whenever I restart my game now during a match, I get a Valorant connection error. Nothing fixes that until I restart my pc.

It's still not fixed :(

We've been having a rough time figuring this one out...

almost 4 years ago - /u/Koalifier - Direct link

Originally posted by SimplyFrankie

Oh man.. Is there any way I can help fix it? I will do ANYTHING to help get this fixed.

Can you send me your client logs from a game where it happens to you?
You can find them at C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\VALORANT\Saved\Logs

You can dm me a link to the logs, and upload them somewhere like pastebin/googledrive.

We added some new logging this patch that will help us track down the issue, so if it happens to you, grab that log and send it my way!

almost 4 years ago - /u/Koalifier - Direct link

Originally posted by SimplyFrankie

Sounds good, I'll do it as soon as I can! Just want to add something though. The rate of this happening has increased exponentially after this most recent patch, even when having the game focused. The worst part is it happened 100% of the ranked games I've played haha. Anyway hopefully I can send you the logs tonight.

Sounds great, thank you!

I'm not sure why it would have increased, but at least that will make it easier for us to figure out and get it fixed!

almost 4 years ago - /u/Koalifier - Direct link

Originally posted by SimplyFrankie

For some reason, when I try to recreate it now, it doesn't happen.. I'll have to send that to you some other time I suppose haha. I only had time for 3 games today and it didn't happen in either.

Oh? Maybe our latest fix attempt worked?

Well, keep me updated!

almost 4 years ago - /u/Koalifier - Direct link

Originally posted by SimplyFrankie

I was experiencing these issues at around 8pm PDT on the day ranked dropped (6/24). When was the latest fix implemented? Will do!

Latest fix was in the ranked patch, so it sounds like it's not fixed yet. Please send over your shootergame logs :-)
