

12 Apr


Originally posted by PercyZackson

I’m honestly not entirely sure since I don’t entirely know what the originals look like, but the omen looks cool to me because it looks sleek with the all black and blue lines. Color is an easy way to stand out but good design can make it stand out also.

That’s helpful! Thank you for sharing! :)


Originally posted by jungleisfeeding

I think it’s the way it looks , omens my favourite right now because of his kit, you can smoke any place from little corners and crannys , 2 teleports. + the guns mummified and is glowing blue that’s bad ass. Maybe I’m thinking a little too much but I’m actually really loving the skin design on all of them.

Aw that’s great to hear. If I’m getting what you’re saying, it sounds like the skin fits Omen for you. Omen is also my main, which is why I love the skin so much myself. I think it fits his look and I love that it’s on the Ghost so I can be extra sneaky.


Originally posted by PercyZackson

I’m not the same guy but I like the ones that stand out the most from the original skin. So I like sage’s and omen’s, etc.

I’d still love to hear what you think. :) So is color the main thing that makes them stand out for you? Asking since Omen’s is mainly black.


Originally posted by jungleisfeeding

Omens That’s first off my list, the ghost looks way too nice

Mind sharing what you like about it? I’m curious to hear about what people like about the specific character guns. Is it the way it looks? Is it that it fits Omen? Something else?


Originally posted by jungleisfeeding

Thanks for confirming this ! Wasn’t too sure if it was true or not some guys I met ingame told me cheers !

Np! :) Which skin are you eyeing? I want Omen’s and Raze’s.


Originally posted by jungleisfeeding

I heard that you still have to pay for the skin once you unlock it, is that true?

Nope, you don’t need to pay for the agent gun skin. You can unlock it with experience just like the other levels in each agent contract.