

09 Jun


Originally posted by SymphogearxLumity

Nothing, have slightly less things to spend points on.

Or you can spend it all on old battlepass stuff!


Originally posted by SymphogearxLumity

Nothing changes.

This is correct! You can just spend the free Kingdom Creds currency your earn on old battlepass stuff now which imo is pretty cool. I’m excited to get some of the cards I missed, like the Yoru painting card.


Originally posted by welcometwomylife

i’m wondering how it will effect my trying to finish their contracts. i want to get all of the free cards skins and stuff from the contracts, but if it’s gonna take 8,000 of the new currency i don’t think it will be worth it

If there’s a contract reward you’re trying to finish, finish it before the new act. The level 10 skin is a lot of XP right now so if you’re close it’s probably better to finish it before patch 7.00 since you’re part way there already.


Originally posted by Professional-Noob05

how does this affect people with all the agents though

You’ll still earn Kingdom Creds, which you can spend on the stuff that used to be in the Agent Contracts (KJ Shorty, Fade cards, Reyna sprays, etc.). Or you can spend those Creds on the old battlepass stuff.

Basically, if you own all the agents you can spend your Creds on other fun stuff. And when a new agent comes out, the agent pass activates automatically and for free so you don’t need to spend Creds there either as long as you finish the pass. Win win.


Originally posted by violetsse

Yeah, I'm usually pretty cynical but it feels like people are really overreacting based on the concept of the system. It definitely could've been awful if they f**ked with the numbers, but if what's shown in the video is accurate, this system is just going to be better for everyone.

Thanks for believing in us! I’m hoping when everyone gets to try it out, they’ll see this as an exciting change.


Originally posted by Sub_Urban25

I hope we can get the agent teaser cards. For the agents who got those, they're the best cards to use if you main the agent IMO.

I want those cards too!

08 Jun


Originally posted by IntelligentStation3

wait what if I don't have all agents unlocked yet? Will they unlock automatically or something cause the dev said it will only activate new agent contracts

Old agents can be unlocked using Kingdom Credits.

All new agents from here on out will have an Agent Recruitment Event, which is like an event pass, which turns on automatically.


Originally posted by TheCrustsPegasus

So no more free skins from the contracts? Bummer. Finally got all agents and wanted to grind to a skin

The agent gun skins are still there!

01 Jun


It gives aimbot?

30 May


Fixed this for you.

Omen: Reaver (black variant)

25 May


Originally posted by Patattensla

Hi, I like the magepunk theme, I currently have the marshall and I'm liking the looks of this new bundle, especially the knife! I have a question regarding finishers of 2.0 bundles. Currently, I feel like the finishers of 2.0 bundles are almost or completely the same as the original bundle. If you are allowed to share, are there plans to make finishers of 2.0 bundles more different or even completely different in the future, to make them feel fresher?

Love to hear you're enjoying the melee and you're already a Magepunk fan!

What sorts of stuff would you like to see to make a Finisher feel fresher?

24 May


Originally posted by Qu1bbz

I'm usually very critical of a lot of skin lines, especially due to the premium price, but as I'm seeing a lot of negativity I feel like your team needs to also hear the opposite site sometimes:

I am a fan of the magepunk series but initially I wasn't too excited because we already had 2 bundles. The only selling point was the weapon choice for me.

With the new right click animation and the variants however, it's an absolute homerun. I just love everything so far, animations, variants (especially the golden one) and the sound as well.

That's very kind of you - thank you! The team really wanted this to feel like we did Magepunk right. The variants, melee change, and execution overall has a lot of love in it.

It may not make sense to everyone but we didn't mean to miss the Vandal and Phantom the 1st and 2nd time we did the bundle. We started those pre-launch when the Guardian was a Tier 1 gun (I know, crazy!) and when we thought players would want more variety in their bundles. Magepunk also has those moving parts on it, so automatic weapons weren't the best choice initially - hence choices like the Ghost, Marshal, etc. were better although we did try to see if the Spectre and Ares worked (IMO they worked less well than the others). However, the team proved they could make the Vandal and Phantom work well this time!


Originally posted by turkinkorea

FYI, the RGX gun buddy works to match the variants for the 1st RGX bundle now, but it does not change light colors when inspecting the gun

Yeah someone reported this to me yesterday. I let the team know this bug too! Sorry we missed the full fix!


Originally posted by justanotheruser991

I don’t hear a difference when it shoots. Sounds like a default skin tbh

It's custom firing audio on the Phantom and Vandal. Check it out once it's in game and let us know what you think.


Originally posted by shoxieosu

LMAO I was thinking the same thing, why is this all of a sudden an exception?

It was a bug!


Originally posted by throwaway1949492949

i genuinely didnt expect them to do this so this was a REALLY great surprise

We look at bug reports!

22 Apr


Originally posted by GenoDouble

Don’t let these GEN z kids get to you. Boomer here. I played street fighter and DDR in ACTUAL arcades. Also, I remember being excited for sega Dreamcast 😂 which I image the melee is kinda modeled after? THIS IS FOR 90s KIDS. make a skin that looks like a touch screen and these kids will shut up (I tested it on my 3 year old nephew works great). I’m glad to see you are here reading the comments. Really shows that you guys care! CHEEEERS!!

I'm also a 90s kid! :D Thank you for the kind words!


Originally posted by KylieAcc

I love absolutely everything about this skin-line except the actual skin appearance lol. How disappointing.

Sorry to hear you love it but are disappointed by the appearance. I hope when you see it in game, you love it as much as we do and appreciate the design choices down to the smallest details (there are SO MANY little details in these that you'll uncover -- like the Operator "powering down/up" by turning red when you inspect, kinda like a console glitching out).

Like other folks in the thread have pointed out: 1. the guns are an homage to old-school gaming consoles (melee is like a controller) 2. the simpler gun model lets the insane visual effects that move across the weapon during idle and react on reload/equip/inspect come to life instead of looking really busy (imagine if we had pixelated effects on the dragon skins -- it would be really messy and visually unappealing).


Originally posted by Excel---

Do you réalise there is a screen at the back of each guns that activate an action in the game of the skins when you are shooting ?

The little screen on the back also reacts to everything you do - firing, ADS firing, equipping, and reloading. It's unique for each of the different themes too (Knockout, Bazooka, and Dance).

14 Apr


Originally posted by Tomika31

Ohne is a giga troll, every other thing he says shouldn't be taken srsly

But on the other hand as a cs player i don't like val skins because they have diff sounds which makes it hard to know what ur opponent is shooting with, and i can't tell immediately looking at the gun what it is because the shape is changed in skins.

But that said it's just my taste altough i find it funny that riot added 2 of the most popular cs knife finishes to their game.

In third person, all the guns have the same sounds as the default weapons. Reaver Vandal sounds like a default Vandal. The custom sounds are in first person only. We do this because of competitive integrity.