

13 Apr


Originally posted by sandlube2

That's cool and all, how does it look like when they are in duo?

How does what look?


Originally posted by Mechanizen

Let's be real, the best way for Riot to act against smurfs is to sue every single website that sells account. As long as players are able to buy accounts for 5-8$ there will be a problem with smurfing.

Banning or chat restricting players has no effect when accounts are expendable and can be replaced within 5 mins for less than a skin.

Also a lot of streamers (mainly onetricks) are sponsored by boosting/smurf services, some of them even have Riot partner accounts. It is Riot's responsiblity to enforce their terms of use on these public personalities and reduce the exposure of these websites that contribute to bypass sanctions and maintain toxicity afloat.

But I doubt they will ever do this because they benefit from it in a way. People who get banned for toxicity are also those who play the most. Allowing these players to stay in the game by "paying a fee" everytime they get banned allows Riot to keep their numbers up on a game which's popular...

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I would say the best way for us to action against smurfs is to get people to their actual MMR as fast as humanly possible. And we are working on this. If you make a smurf, and you should be in plat, lets get you to plat in 2 or 3 games.

People being toxic is a separate issue, and people buying secondary accounts to get around bans is a separate issue that we are also working on. I don't think people buying smurf accounts inherently makes them toxic. People have different reasons for playing on smurfs, it's the nefarious accounts that we need to be most concerned with.


Originally posted by DarkXcution

Man this is soo true smurf is plat 2 while my main is gold 2 ....

Can you share your main and your smurf please?


Originally posted by TalaHusky

Yeah. I started “smurfing” because my P4 account could no longer play with my S2/1 friends in ranked. Luckily they’re all in gold now so it doesn’t matter anymore. But this season it didn’t even make a difference. I’m ending provisionals in P4 on the Smurf accounts, but ending provisionals in gold on the main. It makes zero sense logically. I don’t play any differently.I lose just as many games in silver as I do plat.

The fact of the matter is that most games are coin flips. I had a streak of 5 losses in a row where my bot combined (5 game total) was around 20kills-80deaths it’s just insanity when you can regularly have people in any elo that get behind and just decide yep, I’m done trying and have 15+ if not 20+ deaths and receive no punishment.

Can you share your main and your smurf?


Originally posted by goodshtpost
positive win rate and generally negative lp gains.(there are some periods in which i gain 28 lp out of nowhere but generally i win 23 and lose 25)

Right, this is because your MMR is lower than where you're at so it's trying to pull you down.

12 Apr


Originally posted by Queen_Kalista

This right here.

I have a 65% winrate on my Main and I get 22lp when I win and Lose 28lp when I loose.

I have 65% winrate on my smurf and i get 30lp dvery game and Lose 18lp when I loose..

Can you link me your main and your smurf please?


Originally posted by AmWhaleIRL

It doesn't feel good when LP seemingly arbitrarily starts clamping, with no real benchmarks for when it improves, as an example. This pushes people to hop accounts, or "smurf", because the main drive behind playing ranked for the past half-decade has been getting LP, not actually improving or enjoying challenging games; just an endless grind for LP.

Thoughts on this?

This is the #1 Reason why all my friends and I stopped playing Ranked and probably a massive catalyst in regards to Smurf Accounts.

Whether or not it's true, it feels genuinely horrible to know that I could play the exact same quality & quantity of games on 2 Accounts and only see meaningful LP Gains from the New Account because Riot's System has "Settled" on my Main Account.

No incentive to play Ranked on my Main Account whatsoever.

I personally think it's a problem. It doesn't feel good to be making progress to be winning, and then to feel like you have to overcome herculean odds to continue to climb at some point. That being said, there does have to be some sort of classification of players so that there's a reason someone is Gold 3, and someone is Plat 4, and someone is Diamond 2. I don't have an objective measurement on if this system is the most perfectly tuned system we can come up with. We are doing a lot of work around how we evaluate player skill and how we make adjustments to MMR, so perhaps some of these will bear fruit in solving this problem.

That being said, if you continue to play on your main account and continue to win, you WILL see changes over time because your MMR will adjust and then the system will give you more LP. But if you want to see bigger movement, you _have_ to win streak, because at the moment, that's the only way for the system to be able to evaluate that you perhaps ...

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Originally posted by vide2

what about a system that catches afks more than just "no input in 30 seconds"? People stutterstep in fountain and system doesn't detect. It feels so good to know there's loss mitigation, but you didn't get it because the toxic one "dribbeled the system" by rightclicking once in 20 seconds.

This is something I'll bring up with the team responsible for this. Your comment has raised some questions in my mind for them. I probably won't follow up but keep an eye on patch notes in the future, I'm hoping we can find a solution here.

11 Apr


Originally posted by WeePetal

there are a lot of lvl 30 account that are just straight up toxic.

This is the issue I have with it. The smurf accounts are by far the most toxic players in the games, and are very often usually the first one to start flaming others. They are also the ones that most often start running it down because "you don't deserve to win" even though they were the ones doing badly in the first place.

It's straight up frustrating. I wouldn't take any notice of them, or care that they exist, if they weren't the most toxic people as well as smurfs. It's gotten better, late preseason/early ranked season it was a lot worse with nearly every game having at least 1 smurf in it, but it's still something that I wish Riot addressed.

If Riot doesn't want smurf queue, they need to be punishing these accounts faster.

Yea, this type of experience is horrible, and we're working really hard to mitigate this type of behavior in all areas of the competitive experience. I can't talk specifics, but there are some things coming in the near future that will start to act on these type of players who just want to ruin everyones experience. We are aware of them, and I just want to let you know we're working on it.


Originally posted by grendaall

Similar story here. It took me and my diax friend (almost 700 games) to get my acc from gold 2 to plat 4. Bought new acc and it took us maybe 70 games? Idk whats going on maybe my main acc is doomed by riot system cuz i had silver in s2,3 and 4. Weirdge cuz i checked some accounts and ppl went from bronze to diax/master so 💀 The fact that i play the same at both accounts made me wonder why riot hate my main one. On top of that i cant check my mmr….

We don't hate your main account, your main account, your main account had already settled and the MMR system made a determination of where you were at. It likely thought you were G2, and thus you need to win enough to pull you away from where it determined you were at. If you won 50 games in a row at G2, you would easily make it to P4, right? But you likely were sitting at a 50% WR, which means you aren't going to climb.

If you buy a new account (depending on its MMR when you buy it), it would have more variance and thus you likely are getting more LP gain because it's establishing your skill and likely saying "OK, this person is a lot better than where they're currently at". I forget the exact #, but it takes a number of games before your MMR settles and you need to do more to pull away from that settled state. Also, as someone who is trying to climb in ranked and thus has been playing a lot more, you likely got A LOT better from playing 700 games, and you carried that ...

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Originally posted by WoonStruck

The game was never this bad before smurf queue either.

The problem is a shitty ranked system.

A better ranked system wouldn't feel shitty for anyone on their main account like LoL's.

A better ranked system would put you at the proper MMR much faster, impacting fewer games.

A better ranked system will likely never come from Riot because in all of the past 5 or so years, they've been utterly incapable of designing anything that has improved the game, whether it be items, champions, gameplay systems, or anything else.

We agree with you 1000%, and we're actively working on a number of improvements that will hopefully get us closer to the reality you describe. You will start to see benefits later this year, and then consistent improvements over the next few years. It feels _super bad_ to play against people who aren't at a similar skill level to you and we want to solve that, but it's a highly complex problem and we don't want to launch something half baked that will introduce even more chaos into the system.

31 Jan


Always blame the jungler, amiright?

13 Jan


Originally posted by bz6

The statement also stated: “We are committed to giving you more details about what that investment looks like in the next couple of days.”

No such announcement has been released. I guess even more unprecedented circumstances hitting the comms department or just pure lies 🤷🏽‍♂️

Or just, we're busy people who have a lot going on, and we need time to issue a proper 7 minute response.


Originally posted by StrwbryAcaiPanda

I think the statement from the Twitter account was a huge step in the right direction. I'm glad you all responded so quickly to the criticism


Originally posted by newworkaccount

I've no doubt that the example is vivid because it is personal and horrible, and you either are, or know, know of, the person it was directed at. I don't want to downplay the effect that sort of vicious attack has on you all. also isn't fair to take that as emblematic of current criticism/frustration. You're right, that isn't passion. It's horrible. But you don't really think the person you replied to was calling that passion, do you? Surely that isn't what they meant.

It'd be like me saying that Riot doesn't have passion, because passion isn't farting in people's faces, ball tapping, and gendered pay inequities.

Especially when it comes to amorphous communities like a subreddit, I think you have to address yourself to, and treat that community, as if they were whatever segment of them is the segment worth talking to. Reasonable, non-hateful, true fans.

Because let's face it, you don't work on this for the other groups in that comm...

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I'm saying there's a lot of vitriol directed at game developers - not just Riot ALL game developers - by a noticeable amount of the community on social media, and it's getting out of hand. And those extreme examples, impact people more than you realize, which dampens the noise of truly passionate, thoughtful, well intentioned humans. There is a feedback loop of gamers being angry/hateful/sarcastic/disingenuous, based off some things that may have happened in the past, and game developers have in some cases cowtowed to that behavior and rewarded it. Now, people think they can still approach devs in that way, because they do feel passionate or something, but think that being really angry is the way to get change to occur. It's not.

As a gamer, I can't think of any other game developer I interact with in the way that Riot players can interact with Riot. So I can understand being really upset if say, a game comes out, it's not what was expected, or it feels like something you l...

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Originally posted by anygoats

People have certainly been really intense. It's clear people are passionate. But to me it has definitely felt like a witchhunt rather than 1000s of people naturally reaching the same conclusion, as it certainly wasn't what I felt after watching or what I felt ppl outside of social media are thinking about it. The cinematic was obviously not on the same scale as last years but I've found the response intimidating even as a player...and this is just one thing. I'm not surprised if people are struggling to engage with the community, it's a lot of weight to take on to be so public facing.

Yeah, I am also passionate about things, but telling a pregnant woman that you hope her unborn child dies because you didn't get a 4 minute CG cinematic is beyond the pale.


Originally posted by TreeKeeper15

That's a very terrible way to think about it. For starters people are largely upset because there was no communication. For example, the community was expecting a real cinematic, while Riot knew that that wasn't happening. If we knew that there wouldn't be a real cinematic, sure some people would have been dicks, but it's the internet, someone is always a dick. But you wouldn't have seen the huge outrage that we saw this week. And even with that issue, as soon as the community got upset Riot went into radio silence. Almost no Rioters have commented on it and most of the comments were vague and dry.

When the community got upset the EP and the official account released a statement. What more are you looking for Riot to say?


Originally posted by BADxW0LF1

You can follow most of our designers, producers, etc. on twitter, or watch August on Twitch, or watch our dev videos, or read our blog, and get a lot of this info

This is why the riot forums were the best place for y'all to communicate. Too many places that we have to look at to get answers from y'all leads to people getting tired of looking and giving up. People shouldn't have to follow every single social media account of every single rioter out there. It's too confusing and too scattered. The one stop show was the best way to do things and y'all blew it away.

The only solace that we had WAS Surrender@20 but now that's sadly going away, it appears. There's zero hub for y'all's communications and it feels bad. The only way I know if any of you say anything is r/leagueofriot and that doesn't even cover Twitter or anything outside of reddit. It just sucks for the community. I don't want to have to follow all of...

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I think communication is valid, and important, and something the team values. It's something I'll bring up with the team and we'll see if it makes sense to come up with a better solution.


Originally posted by tankmanlol

Thanks for commenting here.

On things taking time - absolutely, stuff happens, stuff takes longer. But imo even though you can't always develop changes quickly, you can always communicate consistently. Maybe something like garena you can't address while it's happening idk. But for instance when there are updates to behavioral systems or lcs formats, and riot announcmenets seem way less interested in substance or reasoning than people like tyler1 or travis are, that's when it feels like riot has packed the bags and given up.

Which I'm sure isn't true - definitely believe people are putting in effort! Even if there's nothing tangible now I'm sure there will be. But it'd be great if you could put more of substance out there.

I would LOVE a recurring segment where tyler1 gets to spend 30 minutes lobbing questions at phreak like "why'd you buff xyz" or "why don't you ban people for xyz" or whatever. Even if he couldn't speak to all of them I feel like people wou...

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I think there's a lot of opportunities to communicate more. I also think there's reasons we can or can not communicate certain things. And as people have shared, League has been impacted a lot over the past few years, and so it's likely distracted from certain aspects of how we used to engage. I can assure you that will be different in the future.


Originally posted by StrwbryAcaiPanda

I think in addition to what others have said, I think you could even compare League to itself here. Official channels of communication from you all (i.e. the News page on the main site). We no longer get Ask Riot articles. We get less frequent dev articles. We have less champ roadmaps. We no longer get quick gameplay thoughts (these were HUGE for communication). Now we get like one "big" drop at the beginning of the year and a couple champion insights articles.

I understand it's hard to balance not making promises you can't keep and being transparent, but I think communication was so much better a couple years ago.

I appreciate that. I think that a lot of us are trying to communicate more, and you see that with Phroxzon, and Truexy etc.

But I also think it's important to look at the recent comms this week, and how a subset of the player community has responded, and then reflect on why it is that Riot might be reticent to be more communicative with the community.