Lcs casts are so stacked now...
Dude, is this thee Chad Ochocinco?
Lcs casts are so stacked now...
Dude, is this thee Chad Ochocinco?
I disagree, i can see Bjerg leaving and play for another top team in NA or some EU team. I Can't see Sneaky not playing for C9. I believe when Sneaky will not be skilled enough for C9 he will retired and be a full time streamer for C9
Bjergsen leaving for an EU team would be the most significant American import in EU in the history of lolesports.
Man, I'm really happy Jatt's back - but I also enjoy the casting of Kobe and Azael! They're all reasonably talented and really there's just a marginal difference between the three.
Your meme game is on point. Super meta.
Read moreJatt's comments about game balance come at a sharp contrast with the points LS made in his recent video. It is very interesting to hear both of their thoughts so soon after each other. I wish Riot or independents (Thooorin, Travis) would arrange some kind of round table with different analysts.
The Dive, Scarra, Phreak, and LS all comment on the patch notes when they come out, and usually all of their opinions are extremely different. It would be awesome if we could get a conversation with like Scarra and LS about the balance and their perception of the game. Or bring in LS to flame Jatt about champion balance. I realize theres a lot of politics involved but I wish there was more discussion or debate between professional analysts (in public).
To go further, in the most recent EUphoria, there was a discussion at the end where Frosk, Ender, and Vedius talk about Reddit and public perception of casting. And they discuss how analysts might have extremely different views...
You lost me at EU.
As a football and league fan this is pretty Pog
Same. This is awesome.
I know what I feel sorry for: Your bad taste!
Not sure what I feel more sorry for... my eyes or my ears.
Doublelift... The Environmentalist.
MarkZ, “coming from the traditional sports world...” Remember that time Mark was the quarterback of the patriots?
I am in fact the guy working on fantasy - there will be an update this week
Does Travis not have access to the Commisioner's theme song? This feels like an oversight.
God Bear
It's obviously so that they could bring Doublelift onto the desk after TL lose to IG. kek
Portions of our coverage will be onsite, but not the entirety. Analyst desk will be same configuration as has been up to this point in tournament. Sjokz, Raz, and Azael will be onsite, and hopefully, depending on results and availability, we'll have some guests.
It's not league related, but this video of two people dancing by a crossing next to a major mall in Korea is really cool.
Sick. They’re awesome.
The best I have seen so far
Mark Z, Crumbzz and Dash are the best, but this is pretty good.
Somehow they were able to do this in such a location without people standing around watching and taking pictures/videos.
I really love the courage of just doing this while people are walking around. makes it more entertaining for me.
This finals tease is 1v9 hot!
You’re missing an S homie, right now you’re just talking about asses :P
you're a life saver. thanks.
This interview was honest, I don’t see why he’d get flamed considering people have been flaming him regardless
Sometimes I feel like people assess an interview being good or not on whether they agree with the interview subject's perspective. I've always considered an interview good if it teaches me something about the subject that I didn't know. I think it's interesting that Jensen believes he never had the team to win before, but now he does. Makes Saturday all the more interesting to me.
I really like both this and Zven's interview. Interesting perspectives from two players who are very accomplished, but still chasing that elusive LCS title. Honesty.