

26 Feb


With all the content he’s creating I can understand why Jatt is in therapy.


This really is the Weirdest Elise penta I’ve seen

22 Feb


Originally posted by The_May0r

I worked in live TV for three years before starting at Riot there are many similarities in our production workflow and what traditional live tv does. Many of the technical positions are 1-for-1 on our show and on other shows.

I'd say our main difference at the LCS is that we prioritize having a calm control room. Our executive producer u/RumbleStew made it a focus to build an inclusive environment where anyone can pitch stories and segments regardless of seniority or role.

Its unacceptable to lash out at others in our control room. In my work before Riot, I've been screamed at by producers and directors and team leads for any reason, but that type of behavior is not condoned here.

Yu I’m famous now!!! Appreciate the shout u/the_may0r. We’re lucky to work with a great group of people who really love our sport and enjoy our work. Makes for a great atmosphere.

20 Feb


Originally posted by edwardgreene1

Not sure if you’re involved in this or not, but in my podcast app this episode came through twice as two separate but identical episodes

Not directly, but I can look into it. Thanks for the heads up.

09 Feb


Originally posted by Troviel

Can't believe he spent a year a split in academy...

Hey, he won worlds in Academy..

05 Feb


I was pretty amazed when these jokers were able to book Jatt from JLXP once, but two weeks in a row? WOW!

01 Feb


Originally posted by ChiefBlueSky

Hard agree. Was really good I thought. They fixed all of my issues with it

I’m really happy with the changes the producers and the team made here. Dash was more comfortable and the approach felt better. Kudos to the Academy Rush team. And thanks all who provided such great feedback.

25 Jan


Originally posted by duckcane

As a first try, I really liked Academy Rush. I think Dash as a transition is important to explain the game state, but his voice can get a little muddled with the primary caster's, which can be a little confusing. I also think it would be beneficial to lean more towards replays instead of live gameplay, because then you can lean more on Dash to explain the situation and highlight any important players. That seemed to happen more after towards the end of the block, which I liked. I really enjoyed this, especially because it makes me for inclined to watch Academy and watch these players without having to watch a ton of macro, which I get my fill of with LCS and LEC. A good first attempt and I look forward to watching Rush as it progresses.

Thanks for the feedback.


Originally posted by cswarrior

I think the format is good but can use some fine tuning. The individual games are being cast well but it's a little too rapidfire in swapping. Maybe queue up a little bit more prior to when fights break out rather than like 2 seconds so that it has some time to breathe then the action happens. rinse and repeat.

I appreciate the feedback. I think we can make significant progress with rather small tweaks and fine tuning. I'm happy the team is willing to take chances and try new things. We'll keep working to make it a better experience for viewers.


Originally posted by cswarrior

I think the format is good but can use some fine tuning. The individual games are being cast well but it's a little too rapidfire in swapping. Maybe queue up a little bit more prior to when fights break out rather than like 2 seconds so that it has some time to breathe then the action happens. rinse and repeat.

I appreciate the feedback. This is super helpful. We'll continue to iterate to get it to a point LCS and Academy fans dig it.


Originally posted by GameBoy09

They really need to tone it down on the rate at which they switch between games. Maybe once every 2 minutes, not once every 13 seconds.

I appreciate the feedback. I'm thankful to Dash and the entire team for being willing to stretch beyond comfort zones and try new things. We'll continue to iterate and find the balance to allow better flow between games.

16 Jan


Is Chris Smith the person to drag LCS out of TL oppression?

07 Nov


Does Jatt think more than the rest of us, or just write about when he's thinking more than the rest of us? -- Sincerely, Descartes

26 Oct


Such a good music track.

11 Oct


Do we get a refund if they don't win in 30 minutes or less?

27 Jul


Originally posted by DropsOfLiquid

Thanks for the clarification. I thought Dash said it was short notice but maybe I am misremembering. I also wasn’t trying to flame Jatt. I’m so happy he’s back (:

I get it. I haven’t watched it back, but I think he said it was sudden. And it was, but that was because we thought it was the best approach. I just wanted to clarify that Jatt was willing to work with a timeline that we agreed was best for LCS and hadn’t just left us hanging. Anyway, glad you enjoyed the interview.

26 Jul


Originally posted by DropsOfLiquid

I didn’t realize Jatt gave super short notice. I felt abandoned as a fan so I can’t imagine how Dash & co felt. No wonder it was so rocky at first.

Also please don’t ever leave us Dash. Not even a funny joke.

To be fair to Jatt, he didn’t give the LCS team short notice. He was working with us around best transition timing and the decision was made that it would be less ideal to start the split with Jatt and then have him leave week 2 or week 3. We wanted start of season to be focused on the pros and teams.


Really cool to see Crown take chances like this and Arrow was super awesome to help out. Cool interview.