

12 Nov

    Ryuu_kun on Forums - Thread - Direct

It's someone's mad Photoshop skillz :) I think this is the original poster:

    Ryuu_kun on Forums - Thread - Direct

This ↑. If you hide HSF content — you won't see that camo in Exterior list. Such content is never deleted from the game, but can be hidden (if the player is "anti-cartoon" ;) ).

    Ryuu_kun on Forums - Thread - Direct

↑ That's true. Enemy can't get fire/flooding ribbon during that time.

But all that really matters for you is that you can't be damaged by those sources.

    Ryuu_kun on Forums - Thread - Direct

Here's direct links:

    Ryuu_kun on Forums - Thread - Direct

If this continues after the update this week — can you please make a ticket to Player Support? Since it might be specific to some configurations.

11 Nov

    Ryuu_kun on Forums - Thread - Direct

At least no one forces to do that in coop :) I've done part of the French "snowflakes" in ranked sprint, lol, played each ship until got 1st victory, it took 14 ships to finish: https://ru.wows-numbers.com/player/season/21141838,Ryuu_kun,season,108/

For that I'd play normally in ranked/random and then closer to the end finish the remaining ones in coop. Or do 1 in coop per day to not get bored, i dislike coop too.

    Ryuu_kun on Forums - Thread - Direct

Depends how much credits he has vs how much steel. If he rarely plays ranked and clan battles but is sitting on a pile of credits — why not? For competitive players it might not be worth the effort. Freedom of choice, ho

07 Nov

    Ryuu_kun on Forums - Thread - Direct

Well, now that's some cyberghostery :) Difficult to address in this thread.

Can you please record the video of the first case, then make a WGCheck report and send it to PM? Have you actually tried contacting Player Support directly by the way?

    Ryuu_kun on Forums - Thread - Direct

No, so it's just a bit of advice for those making alt accounts. Or to encourage new player to continue. You don't really need to think too much about it, just create account and play PvP, that's all, since you're not a novice — you'll get High Caliber and Confederate often during those times, i did do when i made my alts.

Since Random mode won't be hard — novice won't have a reason to switch to coop, so it should work fine on itself, without understanding.

    Ryuu_kun on Forums - Thread - Direct

But why? They'd get into normal PvP battles sooner or later, no need to form false expectations about difficulty of the game. Yeah, if you want to cheese novice matchmaker to the max — you're free to exploit that, but it doesn't need to be the norm for the player experience.

The actual harmful confusion that some (the most observant) novices get is that game's online is so low that it's always supplemented with bots which is false. I have that explained in the FAQ, i tell then whenever it gets asked, but still think there should be a better way to handle that, maybe in a form of pop-up after N first battles. Need to consult the game's team on this :\ Some might enjoy easy victories, but dislike when difficulty curve suddenly goes up while others may decide it's too easy for their taste before getting out of novice matchmaker. Hard to think of a silver bullet for this.

    Ryuu_kun on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yeah, like explained above during that protected period ~95% of battles in Random PvP mode effectively work as 90% "coop" because most of the teams are bots. BUT you get paid for those bots as if they were players and you can obtain achievements — i truly unique opportunity! And it gets wasted if you choose to play coop instead, no need to play it at all (except for unlocking Random battles) until you get out of protected matchmaker.

    Ryuu_kun on Forums - Thread - Direct

On topic:

Once i've finished a ranked sprint on all 4 realms while playing in a division with my Steam nestlings (players from official Steam group chat) to help them get a hang of that mode :) Gave general advices on how to play that class, etc. Went well, even though time-consuming.

I just love ranked mode :P So when passing ranked season on CIS is not enough for me — i go to my EU twink and do it on a different ship out of curiosity (Jutland and Chung Mu for example).

    Ryuu_kun on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sorry, but Vash Stampede (Trigun) is still > than K-pop

    Ryuu_kun on Forums - Thread - Direct

Slav memes? Me likey! And i actually like hardbass too ;) Don't drink cognac though :)

    Ryuu_kun on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm just a bit of a nitpick :P I'm inside the studio that develops the game so can ask development team anything needed directly, but i don't write the code myself, well, actually i do, but it's not game code, therefore i'm not a developer per se :D Just bear we my nitpickiness ;)

Just so you know the devs almost never have time for forums, too many posters, too few devs, so it's community managers work to aggregate the feedback (which might be in a language they understand!) and transfer it to "da real devz" and then relay the answer back in proper terms. Sometimes you get answer from someone higher in a hierarchy, but nitpick like me still wouldn't call them "devs".

So the only distinction that actually matters is "WG/Lesta employee" or not (community contributor, etc).

    Ryuu_kun on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ranked battles are not a true hardcore competitive mode and it's as much of an advantage as having 19 point commander while enemy has 10, nothing prevented him from getting it before or in the future. Now if Italians didn't receive a special commander — that would be wrong.

Because others have torps which allows them to pull a pretty cool trick — rushing an enemy (who doesn't have hydro active) from around the corner at full speed covered in smoke to torp at 2-3 km distance.

German cruisers have that hydro from T8, not T10.

I'd concur that Exhaust Smoke + Hydro is a pretty cool combination. Have you played Haida with creeping smoke + hydro? Consumables synergy is a thing that is capable of making ships very strong.

So nothing to worry too much here about, all tech tree ships are subject to changes even after release. Still worth striving to release them so they don't break...

Read more
    Ryuu_kun on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ranked battles are not a true hardcore competitive mode and it's as much of an advantage as having 19 point commander while enemy has 10, nothing prevented him from getting it before or in the future. Now if Italians didn't receive a special commander — that would be wrong.

06 Nov

    Ryuu_kun on Forums - Thread - Direct

Feel free to point me at threads or posts where the real help is needed: such as clarification, checking, etc :)

I'm not really a developer, they just gave me this status because the color really goes well together with my userpic But i'm tech-savvy and programmer by education, so may be able with some related technical questions.