

19 Feb


Licence built means that nation has the right to build it as their own. Like the Mitsubishi Sabres and other things. We don't have those in the US tree.

Again, it's like saying every licence built British L7 is instant property of the UK tree.


It's a full tree line. Whatever you want to call it is besides the point. SA is under a single line and all in one place.

Exception being the Class 3 which was actually German made and not adopted by SA.


Not really. Since SA can support a whole line of unique vehicles. Israel can't really do that and most Canadian tanks were just British or American until postwar. Then they go more German.


It implies the same thing.

National "tech" is spread all over. Nations buy off each other, capture technology and develop it for themselves.

Like a lot of postwar French tanks that took a lot on from late war German tanks


Nope. We have had the Rooikats for some time now and most SA vehicles are surrounding that type of vehicle along with the key tanks being Centurions.

As I said, the bulk of what's coming is tied to the British. We are not splitting the tree up for those vehicles that do happen to have French elements.

That's the whole point of introducing a tree.


The UK is not getting a single French vehicle. The bulk of what's coming is directly tied to the British and since we are introducing South Africa as a sub branch it all needs to go in one place.

We are not splitting the tree up to throw France something that's not French and just has French components.


Let's be real here. Where ever almost any vehicle that's not directly domestic goes, someone is going to be upset.

Rather than focus on who gets what. Perhaps let's just enjoy the vehicles and nations they represent?

This constant one-upmanship is never going to make anyone feel better.


Branch or line. Whatever you wish to call it. It's a 5th one for the British tree.


The bulk of their forces are Rooikats and the main tanks are the Olifants. Neither of which are French.

That's also again assuming it's just cold war stuff. When we haven't even shown everything yet.

So perhaps it's best to take a step back. Wait and see what's actually coming before coming to assumed conclusions without all the facts.


If you read the post I quoted you would see it was claimed the UK tree is getting French vehicles. Which it is not. It's getting South African.


All will be clear soon.

As for class 3 I've already answered this. It's a German reward vehicle and will remain that way.


That would be the case if we were talking about just a couple of centurions. But we are not. We already have 2 Rooikats in the British tree and their vehicles overall have more links to the UK than France. So the subnation needs to go into a singular place and that's the UK tree.

Good thing we are not just talking about cold war technology then as you just made that assumption. But also other eras that France had 0 relation to whatsoever


Still does not make them French. Lots of nations share components

France is just not a logical home for South African tanks.


What about it? It's a German event reward vehicle as it was mostly German and won't be moving to the British tree for now.


Right now it's not a Commonwealth tree. It has commonwealth vehicles in it, but vehicles like the Leopard C2 MEXAS are German and belong with Germany.


It's inside the British tree so no it can't be. Also South African vehicles have no real relation to France at all other than the guns. That's like saying everything armed with a British L7 105 of variant of it should be in the British tree.

We have Rooikats in the British tree for some time now. Just because a vehicle or two might have a French designed cannon, doesn't mean France gets it.


Still the case. I will be flying mine in glorious MIG-28 colours as soon as someone makes a user skin ))