

17 Aug

His work on Battlestar Galactica, ( and everywhere else lol) is utterly amazing :)

12 Aug

It took my phone like 2 min to open this thread 😂😂

09 Aug

Generally I would prepare for a new mmorpg launch similarly to how I’d prepare for a hurricane.

Stock up on food and water. Board up the windows and make sure you’ve provisioned enough supplies for any pets you may have. Inform your relatives and work that you’ll be weathering out the storm alone at home, and you don’t need anyone visiting to check on you.

Finally, sending off the spouse and/or children for a visit to grandma’s house for the week/month.

And make sure you’ve gotten your neighbors (guild mates) available over the ham radio (discord).

04 Aug

I’ve instructed the mods to focus any dps meter threads into a single mega thread to help focus and centralize the discussion 👍

03 Aug

Hello! The toxicity I am referring to for the meters does not contradict the participation trophy philosophy for the following reasons;

IMO when you choose to exclude someone due to their performance or build (which happens often, not always) you are choosing the easiest path to success. This path is more easily available to groups that parse combat data through dps meters.

The desire to obfuscate (or make less prevalent by not offering this feature) so that groups are encouraged to grow together and help one another become better by more old school/organic methods of trial and error, efforts in watching other people during the raid, by failing repeatedly until success is possible. Now, could people use meters to aid in this task? Yes, but in my experience it isn’t used in this way..more often it is an exclusionary tool designed to separate players.

So to conclude,

My stance on participation trophies is that things should be hard, people should fai... Read more

02 Aug

Thanks friends. Your support means the world to us. We shall continue in our efforts to make you proud and do right by our fellow gamers❤️❤️🙏

01 Aug

Let’s not try to politicize or apply real world culture issues to a video game anymore. Closing this thread. Thanks!
Another point, experience debt can significantly reduce your drop rate for monsters. The more debt you own the greater the drop in % for loot tables. These modifiers are applied in a divisible manner for parties.

31 Jul

A couple things of note;

We randomize latency by hosting batches of 200 of these simulated players on separate servers from different aws hubs that then connect into the game server.

Movement updates are the most intensive aspect of network traffic for most multiplayer games (aside from heavy projectile/hitscan based shooters) but most mmos, the majority of the legwork on the network traffic is updating movement and position to all net relevant clients in the area.

We’ve made some significant progress and will continue to test this progress and make even more as we enter widespread testing phases. The road ahead will be perilous and bumpy. But will yield good progress for Ashes :)

30 Jul



Hi friends, CS and our community team are processing the NDAs for LoM as fast as they can 😂 Nobody should be left out and u can rest assured You’ll be processed in time ❤️

Does that include KS backers that only recently upgraded to LoM? I opened a ticket 4 days ago because I noticed I don't even have any forum badges, but I assume support is all backed up with tickets right now. ;)

Yes. Support is handling a lot of tickets atm. But rest assured upgrades are included from original summer and KS backers. 💪
Hi friends, CS and our community team are processing the NDAs for LoM as fast as they can 😂 Nobody should be left out and u can rest assured You’ll be processed in time ❤️



That reply was "f*ck you". Not to me (nor from me), not the game, but specifically to the creative director.


Hi Steven,

I am hard core PvE player who loves to min/max my character and performance. I love going through my combat logs and analysis them to improve my performance. I understand there will be no in built dps meters but do you plan to log combat text to a log so that we can go through them at later time?

I come from Everquest 2 (many of your developers worked on that game) and that game does not have in built dps meters but it has detailed combat log. So you plan to do something like this please?


Hello friend,

Yes there are combat logs :)

That reply was "f*ck you". Not to me (nor from me), not the game, but specifically to the creative director.

Hello friends! I love reading all of the comments and opinions here. There was also a very large thread on dps meters A little while back, where I felt Noaani articulated the position in favor of DPS meters very well.

My decision is not to allow DPS meters nor add-ons. I feel we have adequate measures in place to prevent a majority of potential third party trackers. I know this subject has passionate voices on both sides and I respect the various opinions and positions many of you have expressed ❤️

29 Jul

28 Jul

The summon ability in current design could not be used if the member being summoned was in combat, corrupted, or in an event (caravan battle, siege, war) and they would need to have their mats, gatherables, or certs in their warehouse/storage not in their inventory. Otherwise the summon would fail. But as I said, this will all be tested. 😁❤️
I feel the questions posed are pretty neutral. I definitely don’t agree with the hyperbolic mind control accusations. While I’ve played a mage in many games, I’ve yet to master the art of control magic in real life.

I even prescreened the poll questions on discord first to see if anyone had issues with the language! Lol

From what I've heard Steven say, they will be keeping a very close on this mechanic throughout the Alphas, Betas, and even on launch. I am sure they will find systems to put in place to prevent any abuse, just throwing some of my ideas out there.

Yup. This one will be closely watched during testing. Dual cool down is another idea I’ve had as well :)