

10 Apr


Hey! Quick thoughts on the cards you listed:

- Freeze: We had a balanced Freeze (as in, within our acceptable use/win rates) for 2 months and it produced a pretty unfun meta. Freeze is a tough design to balance since there is no counterplay. It punishes you for doing exactly what you should do (playing cards to defend attacks) and thus isn't something we want to be as popular as Fireball. Its currently at a 3% use rate in GCs and I think thats about perfect for a card like that. It should be a rare surprise, not a meta staple.

- Arrows: We have looked into ways to buff it, but a lot of the mechanical additions (like adding a Snare effect) won't be happening because its a starting deck card. We don't want to confuse new players with a lot of mechanics, keep the focus on core health/damage gameplay. Potentially buffed in the future, likely either Damage or Projectile speed.

- Barb Hut: The biggest victim of the Barb changes, we are going to let them settle for...

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29 Mar


Originally posted by LinkWink

Unrelated, but what happened with the Ebarb change? Did testing prove it to not be a good change after all?

Like the Royal Giant change, sometimes you get to the end of the month and it just doesnt make the list. The meta has been very diverse and constantly changing this month - we decided to focus on small QoL changes to underperforming cards along with a select few nerfs to let the meta keep evolving. Something big like an EBarb rework (if it was too good) would completely toss a wrench in that.


Originally posted by Kirksak

quick question, so Giant skeletons mass is now 15>18

does anyone know Golems mass? just wanna compare

Giant and Golem both have 18. This change will make all 3 consistent