

15 Oct


FWIW I read every balance update idea list! Keep up the goblin-tier content!

14 Oct


Originally posted by StardustSpy

Quick question about Sparky

Does sparky intentionally go for the most tanky troop if the original target dies? (Eg elite barbs die and she kills the valk over the other troops with less health)

Nope, always the closest target just like any other Troop. If you deploy something after she has picked a target though, she won't change to them.


This is LITERALLY the Arrows re-work we have in prototype right now. To be honest, I really like it! It provides a nice counter to Guards (2 shots take off shield, 3rd kills the Guards). The challenge with this rework at this point is purely visual - Arrows was the first spell introduced to the game so it's very weird in the effects code. When I switch to 3 Arrow projectiles, it becomes 3 single arrows (instead of the batch of arrows you normally see). We have been trying to fiddle with this so we can deploy it in a maintenance break, but it might require a client update with new visual effects to get working.

07 Oct


Originally posted by JCorby17

Okay, I understand you’re reasoning on it, and I did hit my new high of 6090 last season, so maybe I can Consistently get 6150 now if it means I get more rewards and the same Gems. Thanks for being honest about the situation Mr Seth. Oh yea, you forgot to get rid of “Spawns 3 Skeletons when destroyed.” In the Witch’s Card Description! It will confuse new players, this needs to be fixed!

Yup! We had an updated text but it didn't go out with the maintenance (doh!). It may go out later this week along with a few other server tweaks


Originally posted by Desertanu

Are there any plan to buff the Barbarian Hut in the future? It is currently the worst card in the game with a 0% use rate and a 10% win rate in Grand Challenges.

We actually have a rework to Barb Hut that has tested well. The big problem is that Barb Hut leads to a lot of stalling/draws so we aren't sure if it would be good for the game overall to have a powerful Barb Hut. We are considering other reworks in the meantime, but maybe we will end up releasing it after we can determine if Tiebreakers would lead to a defensive Barb Hut meta.


Posted this on another thread too:

The 100 gems are still there! We split up the 100 gems:

5450 -> 100 Gems


5225 -> 40 Gems

6150 -> 60 Gems

We did this as part of a re-balance to the Trophy Road rewards, bringing more rewards to lower tiers. Moving the gems down will ensure far more players will get some gems (the peak of players is around 5300, there's a big drop-off after that mark). We also moved lots of Gold lower - all the Gold nodes are 5000 now instead of 2000, 3000, etc at lower trophy ranks. We have re-introduced the choose-your-reward tiers with seasonal themed cards after fixing bugs and listening to player feedback on how the choices should work. Finally, chests have been moved lower including an Epic Chest at the first set of rewards.

Overall, Trophy Road is slightly more valuable - about 3-4% than before - but the rewards have shifted downwards so the players in the 4000-5300 range should feel much more reward...

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The 100 gems are still there! We split up the 100 gems:

5450 -> 100 Gems


5225 -> 40 Gems

6150 -> 60 Gems

We did this as part of a rebalance to the Trophy Road rewards, bringing more rewards to lower tiers. Moving the gems down will ensure far more players will get some gems (the peak of players is around 5300, there's a big drop-off after that mark). We also moved lots of Gold lower - all the Gold nodes are 5000 now instead of 2000, 3000, etc at lower trophy ranks. We have re-introduced the choose-your-reward tiers with seasonal themed cards after fixing bugs and listening to player feedback on how the choices should work. Finally, chests have been moved lower including an Epic Chest at the first set of rewards.

Overall, Trophy Road is slightly more valuable - about 3-4% than before - but the rewards have shifted downwards so the players in the 4000-5300 range should feel much more rewarded than before. Players who complete the ...

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16 Sep


We do have plans to release more Common cards! Interestingly enough, Commons tend to the be the hardest cards to design. We generally want Commons to be very mechanics-light, easy to understand. With most of the basic cards already designed (Knight, Barbarians, Goblins, etc) its difficult to come up with new cards, with few mechanics, that don't overlap with existing cards. Sure, we COULD make another mini-tank with no special abilities that happens to cost 4, but that feels really cheap on our part compared to something with a lot of new stuff. Having a lot of new mechanics, however, naturally drifts a card to Epic or Legendary.

If I could go back in time, I think cards like Mega Minion and even PEKKA would make more sense as Commons, whereas cards like Tesla or Skeleton Barrel should probably be Rares or higher. But we are challenging ourselves to think of more Common/Rare type cards, and I don't think you'll have to wait too terribly long for a non-Legendary release :)

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05 Sep


Originally posted by n3r0s1

Seems like range is fixed to 4 now.

This is just a visual bug - the card info screen only displays both values if they are at least 1 tile different. The projectile still travels 4.5 tiles


Originally posted by iPhone3DS

I think the real problem of executioner is the speed of the first attack..

This is tied to the range - if he has more time to start a swing, he's more likely to complete it. We decided to not increase the load time because we didn't want to overdo it and end up making him OP. Just fix the two most glaring problems - not killing fireball bait like Flying Machine, and making his minimum range not cartoonishly short.


Originally posted by ICameHereForClash

Im kinda shocked they made it not 3.5, but 4 tiles. That’s pretty neat

Kills spirits AND flying machine. Just what I asked for

Also probably even kills ice spirit too. Still has a long attack wind up but its a lot more manageable

The reason we decided to go with 4 is that his old minimum was 4.5 - we want our reworks to be different but still feel familiar to players. The much shorter minimum range felt wrong to many existing Executioner player, so this change should make him feel/player much like before his rework.

04 Sep


Originally posted by Muntinue

The team may rework Zappies, though it may be difficult.

But a straight up buff? Hell no. We been there. That's why it was nerfed in the first place.

His opinion doesn't need to coincide with ours, and the whole team works TOGETHER to build the game. They had an AMA and said it themselves.

Unfortunately... Seth is the frontman who takes ALL the blame from the stupid 15 yr olds.

As for the community? Fok dat! We have shown multiple times our opinions are worth jack shit.

Zappies are definitely on the 'probably rework' list. We had one rework in testing but it didn't feel great and existing Zappies players didn't feel like it was an improvement. So we went back to the drawing board with a different rework but that starts the timeline all over again with playtesting.

03 Sep


Originally posted by JCorby17

Dear Seth,

I’m not saying you don’t deserve this, but I’m also not saying the change wasn’t a mistake. I do think that Executioner is definitely going to an extremely low use card now, but I’m open to the idea that it will find a place in the meta. But let me ask you this: Why Rework Executioner of all cards? Even if it had low use and win rates, why not pick cards that people already complain about like Wizard, Witch (I’m glad you said that she is expected to be reworked in October, hopefully maybe Night Witch too?!), Elite Barbarians (you’re precious rework to them did not work and made them worse in the community’s eyes), Bowler (I’m glad you also said you were thinking of buffing him. He deserves it! All he needs is the Princes to NOT be immune to Knockback anyone with damage and/or hitspeed and/or health buffs to make up for it! I know you said it’s because it would be a kill joy to the card, but let’s make things consistent so it does not confuse other players! It’s e...

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Hey JC, thanks for your well-written reply.

We made a big list of cards in the beginning to rework and Executioner was a popular choice (when I did a twitter question he came up often as well). At the time we locked in on Exe for September, Baby Dragon was peaking in usage and we wanted to prioritize splash attackers because the meta needed more diversity in that role. Executioner was always going to be the hardest of the reworks because splash attackers are so hard to balance, but we will get him balanced and continue the march of fixing cards that are not finding a spot in the game.

I agree the Elite Barbs rework did not go far enough, that was one of the reasons we decided to commit to much braver changes and deal with the consequences as they come up. We have learned a lot from the last few days and that increases the chances of success in the future :)

02 Sep


Originally posted by Vhayle

Why would you do such a drastic rework to the Executioner right before CRL ? If you really don't want balance changes to not interfere with CRL, you could have just waited an extra month and everything would have been alright.

Announcing such a rework to make an emergency nerf when the update drops is a really bad idea, i thought you learned your lesson with the Royale Recruits... they were bad at 8 elixir during testing, and you changed it to 6 elixir right before the update drops, which made them OP. Now, the exact opposite happened with Executioner: It was really strong before this emergency nerf (the playerbase didn't test pre-emergency nerf Exe but basing on this exact same nerf, i guess he was indeed very strong), and just as the update drops, you kill the card.

About the ladder levels, this just seems to be a really bad excuse to me for such a reaction. Not only does many troops have drastic interaction changes at only 1 level of difference, but it is an inhe...

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CRL runs for many months out of the year - CRL will still be running next month as well, so we don't want to hold all balance changes (or limit ourselves to only tiny changes) for 3-6 months out of the year.

I do agree that perhaps in this case we should have trusted our data and playtesters and not overreacted to the community response, but that is the challenge of trying to balance player feedback with internal data. We will continue to evaluate the changes and see what we can do. I can pretty much guarantee next month's rework will go out as-tested regardless of what social media's reaction is.


Originally posted by LoPhatCheeze

Next month? NEXT MONTH? if he's worse this week, next week, three weeks into September you're going to do what? Give him a .5 range boost? Dude NOBODY wanted this. If your data shows exe isn't doing well PLEASE just revert the changes. It's bad enough you secretly nerfed your purposed buffs on patch day. Many of my fellow exe mains are disappointed and constructive criticism is needed. If it doesn't work out bring back the old exe.

I hear your criticism - its too early to tell where Executioner will land but if it's too weak then yeah we can consider making changes outside of the normal schedule. We will not revert back to the old Executioner but I promise we will make sure the new Executioner is a strong, viable option within the new framework of a shorter-range but high damage splash attacker.


Originally posted by alakazamistaken

The rework was supposed to make him one shot fireball bait cards in expense of lower range and slower attack. I wish you just cancelled the rework instead of giving a last minute nerf because upside of the rework is no more and it ended up being an overall nerf.

If we cancelled every balance change that the community reacted to before release, we would not release anything. Remember, like 5 hours ago people we absolutely certain we would have to nerf Executioner. So we nerfed it - and perhaps it was too much. The alternative is saying "Sorry players, we aren't going to listen to you" and perhaps having to nerf anyways. With big changes, developers are definitely between a rock and a hard place - we had our playtest data that showed the change was dramatic but not OP and a community on the brink of riot over a perceived massive buff. We made a call and for better or worse we will live with result and share our thoughts with you via social media like this.


Originally posted by Ace-_Ventura

Thank you for the changes in executor. I already removed him from my deck, since he's completely useless now.

I am sorry you feel that way - give it a few days and see if you still feel that way. If so, we will continue to tweak/buff the Executioner. The whole point of reworks is to make low-usage cards for viable. If we didn't get it right this time, we will keep working on it.


Originally posted by Helgen-on-fire

You mentioned +/- 1 level interaction, what about the +1 fireball one shots Musketeers and the 3 Wizards, especially E-wiz who is underleveled on ladder in most matches. And goblins, +1 level goblins can take +1 shot from knight, princess tower... Have you ever thought about that?

Yep! Most cards have a small number of interaction changes from +1/-1 level. That's just a part of leveling up, it's not possible to make every interaction the same within a band of +/- 10% damage and health. Cards can have a few of these, but if it affects too many various cards of different roles then the normal methods of counterplay start to fall apart.


Originally posted by ExecutoR

Why should +1/-1 even be a consideration? The whole business plan is around getting people to level up their cards to avoid these interactions.

I find it more interesting that the entire purpose of the rework was to make his interactions basically be a fireball. However, the community kicks up a stink, SuperCell flinches, and ends up making what can only be untested changes, and interactions now. So what was the point of the rework?

He can’t even take out fire spirits for crying out loud. This would have been addressed if proper play testing of the new interactions had been done.

I understand the CRL reasoning. Therefore revert him to previous balancing while coming up with another purpose for reworking him.

I mentioned this on Twitter earlier this week - we want to be aggressive and push these reworks to be very good. If he's not clearly better then people feel betrayed and you can see the vitriol in these comments and on social media. Maybe the first version of Executioner was pushed too far, but naturally we are trying to balance "playtest changes and consider data" with "respond to criticism from pros and the community". The latter was very clear this weekend that they felt we were making a mistake so we try to listen to them.


Originally posted by King0llie

The damage change was fine, but the range nerf is what is killing him. Think 3.5 was more balanced

Perhaps this is true - we will keep watching the stats and make changes accordingly. Worst case, we can buff with next month's balance changes if he's truly worse overall. We try not to react to day-1 feelings since it takes a few days for people to try out new changes before settling.