Penguins are indeed in the game, have you not been reading our Battlefield Briefings!! 👀
Penguins are indeed in the game, have you not been reading our Battlefield Briefings!! 👀
Absolutely sickening setup! Nicely done!!!
This is a game, and your education is far more important than any game will ever be. The decisions your making now, the studying, will have a much bigger impact than reaching a certain level.
This game will always be here waiting for you whenever you decide to spend time on it, no matter how much or little that time may be.
Trust me, you'll be thankful in the longrun that you got your head down and studied 🙂
And when you're not studying? Well, we'll see you on the Battlefield!
Hold on, are people wanting the blue filter from Battlefield 3 back!?
It's not too late to form a petition to the grand council of DICE! 😋❤️
Cheers for the show of support!
See you on the Battlefield, No-Pat :)
I'm confused about the skin categories. Two different types of categories are called out, rarities and tiers. Are they synonymous?
cosmetics are available in the following rarities:
Common (Grey)
Rare (Blue)
Epic (Purple)
Legendary (Gold)
An example of a Tier 1 Outfit – work in progress.
Tier 1 is the name of the set, not the rarity or tier. A note that this name is work in progress and may change at a later time, but for the most - if it's red and black, it's Tier 1.
Similar to how we have stated the names for some other sets on our preorder or edition beauty shots - "Tempest", "Cold Blood" and "Blistered Earth" bundles.
Damn we went from getting no info to getting a shit load of info dumped on us
Sometimes less is more, and more is less. It's a fine balance, we know that there's a thirst for information and we're working as best we can to facilitate that while the team are hard at work on polishing the game up for launch and beyond.
When we have things to share, we will absolutely make it clear that we have things to share - patience is a rare commodity but it's one we all need a little more of with the state the world is in right now ❤️
Stay safe out there, and we'll see you on the Battlefield, next week!
Pre load on my birthday and game all weekend! Woohoo 🎉🎉
Happy Birthday ahead of time!!
i wish the game had modular customization like Halo: Reach did, but ill take the headgear + body mix n match system over being forced to wear a skin. my only concern is that a lot of the cosmetics we've seen so far come in a variety of colors, so i get the feeling that trying to color coordinate different pieces is gonna be a pain in the ass. here's to hoping for a dye system or something lol.
There will definitely be more neutral outfits on offer, alongside the likes that we've shown today - got you covered there!
The only thing I disliked about the briefing is Black and Red being the color scheme for top Mastery cosmetics
What color scheme would you have preferred instead? Perhaps there's an non-Mastery cosmetic like the one you're wanting :)
Glad they are still doing unlockable skins. Was worried they would be purchasable only. A healthy variety will hopefully help to avoid the clone wars from happening.
Happy with the progression and mastery. Basically exactly what I would have wanted. Hopefully there are some crazy ribbons/cards to earn.
Customization and player expression has always been key at differentiating you from another soldier, there will be a fair amount of outfits out there to help achieve that - definitely aware of player concerns around that but hopefully in folks seeing these Tier 1 Mastery shinies it'll help ease those concerns :)
We're always watching and reading!
I don't like red :(
This is merely the style for the "Tier 1" set, obtainable via working towards your mastery. There will be plenty of different outfits to obtain that aren't Red and Black, fear not! :)
First of, happy belated birthday!
Secondly, I would encourage you to reach out to the retailer of your choice to see if you can expect a preorder key that would grant you early access to the Battlefield 2042 Open Beta.
Wish you the best of luck with it! :)
Ah man, this is really lovely!!
Thanks for sharing this with us!!
This is entirely dependent upon how you had preordered the game in the first place, but as the game is unreleased it should be easy for you to go ahead of claim a refund on it - allowing you to order it on the correct platform of your choice.
For example, if you had ordered it directly on the Xbox platform, you can request a refund on that item, alternatively, you could contact Xbox Support for further assistance. If you preordered the game with a retailer, you would need to contact that retailer.
Love the BF Portal hype! 😊
No there won't be, just as much as how there was no reasoning to provide explanations of a load of Siegfried Albrecht's on the field in Battlefield V, or assault, support, medic, and recon all looking the same in games prior to that either.
This is not a new thing, you have the power to alter how your character appears through customization, now there are personalities, traits, and stories attached to those characters alongside it.
Indeed, you'll be seeing differences like this depending on friend or foe :)
These are absolutely stunning, is there any way I could get these on my wall? 👀
Xbox or playstation? If you ever visit the west coast US maybe I'll see you on the battlefield.
Just a comment, if vehicles have more seats like was implied after the gameplay reveal then it might be even more important that seat switching is easy to do.
I'm based in the UK and mostly focus on Xbox and PC gaming, the PlayStation is often there for exclusives though! :)