

04 Nov


While we may not be able to communicate on every single topic at hand, or put out such information as fast as we may like, we are always watching, collecting feedback and discussing internally how to address such things.

I think while some times things may get a bit negative in places and hate often trumps positivity in some circles, we are all here out of one core thing that binds us all together and that's passion to see Battlefield the best it can be, we all enjoy it and we share ground on that.

So while things may be negative, positive, constructive or anything in between, we're here and working to ensure the game can be the best it can be.

And hey, see you on the Battlefield 😉


Originally posted by Betyg

That truck has probably so many parking tickets by now

You don't even want to know how long it had taken us to find the driver and tell him to turn the cab a few extra degrees. The hell has he been doing anyway? Load your damn truck up!


Y'all are bonkers if you try it, just sayin'!

Genuinely cannot wait to see all the experiences that players create, perhaps we may even find a massive hit and it becomes the next big mode known to Battlefield like Conquest, Rush etc!!


There were a few bugs within the beta that did not correctly portray the intended mouse input experience, this is fixed for launch and naturally there'll be options available to tweak things too.

Ive always wanted to be a genii, sooo, your wish has been granted 🙏


Originally posted by Sgt_Bun_Bun

For example, you used to be able to favorite servers in bf4. Will there be something similar?

Would you be able to favorite a players preset settings at least? So if the server is not up you could start one yourself. It could display the original authors name for credit of course.

Think this will help build communities around certain play styles, especially since there is so much to choose from.

Great thing about Battlefield Portal is that if you don't see an Experience rocking the rules that you liked playing prior, you can create it, improve upon it even, and spin one up yourself!


Originally posted by stephen_drewz

Has it been confirmed if we get XP whilst playing Portal?

While playing any of the three core experiences of Battlefield 2042, All-Out Warfare, Battlefield Hazard Zone and Battlefield Portal you will always be gaining progression/xp. Have at it! 😀


Originally posted by JeeringDragon

Does it say anything about options for creating more than two teams? Can we have like 20 teams for 4 player squads fighting it out???

There will always be two factions/teams at play for the time being, however who knows what the future may hold, we'll naturally continue to share community feedback to the team as we go!


Originally posted by MintMrChris

Sweet jesus that is good, the amount of replayability this offers alone, kudos to Ripple Effect, they have even thought of a lot of presets etc

This is the kind of info they need to be plastering everywhere, I can't be the only one that saw the original Portal reveal trailer and had a huge smile on my face, they could easily make 10 more with the options on offer here lol

Appreciate the kind words!!

31 Oct

30 Oct


The image that you have shared is the most upto date variant of the killfeed UI effect.

You may have noticed that within the maps trailer that we had shared a couple of days ago, there are differences in UI. This is down to the nature of video production, these trailers take a bit of time to put together and while that is going on the game is always in development up until the moment that it is not.

So you may see some things that we've shared beforehand (such as the video footage like the image above shows) which will appear at launch, whereas some things are dated as they were filmed before these UI changes.

29 Oct


Originally posted by butterflyhole

Did anyone see penguins?

If you've got sinister thoughts towards those penguins you and I are going to have to have a chat, the penguins must be protected okay??


Originally posted by GroovyMonster

They really seem to have an aversion to wearing helmets on the battlefield in 2042.

One moment there's too many gas masks, goggles etc in a Battlefield game and now there are not enough helmets?! 😜


Rocking that Tier 1 color scheme too! Not long to go now, see you on the Battlefield!

28 Oct


Originally posted by ChineseCosmo

Kevin Johnson is a known advocate of banning pineapple on pizza and last I checked this is America Land of the Free Home of Hawaii


27 Oct

19 Oct


Absolutely fantastic!

Definitely wasnt expecting to see a cowboy hat though

09 Oct


Hey there, please unplug all joysticks, wheels or gamepads from your pc. You may also need to uninstall any drivers associated with those peripherals. Resetting your keybinds may also resolve this.

This issue is resolved for launch,


Originally posted by thexxxfile

Hey I had a lore question. I noticed on orbital—an island map—the US sub-faction is “Marine Command” or something to that effect. If the map is instead a land-based map, would the faction change to the Army?

Also, is Dozer a former American soldier?

I'm going to CC Sensei /u/F8RGE here, who does a massive amount of work when it comes to all things narrative & lore.


Hey there, this is an issue that we are aware of - as indicated within our Known Issues thread::

In rare instances, some players are unable to press A/X, Y/△ to get past the welcome screen. There's an issue here that we'll need to resolve Post-Beta, but for now, we encourage you to use a different controller, to connect the controller directly to your console with a USB Cable, and to disconnect any headsets/additional USB or bluetooth devices, as we have found that this helps remove the problem.

I hope that...

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...What just happened?! ^^