

14 Oct

Originally posted by itsyaboiiinate33

Not sure it's been done to be honest.

It has, last time I checked 55ish teams completed nightmare.

Originally posted by Roadside2493

Me and my best bud who used to rip L4D and L4D2 Coop all night at sleep overs just finished a 5 hour session (long as f**k for us now with kids and stuff) and it took us right back.

You guys hit the nail on the head so well and the best part is, I know it will only go up in the future, really excited for what's to come and excited to get through the campaign on all levels.


Originally posted by NotAnIBanker

Really impressed with the amount of quality content you all put together. B4B really innovates on the genre by adding tons of variety to the large amount of levels and the card system is shockingly fun with the weight to each card and the builds you can make with them. Thanks very much!

Thanks! It took us a bit to figure out what to add, while keeping the spirit of the genre. Let's just say we tried a couple things that totally did not work 😬

Originally posted by The_LSD_Fairy

Thanks for putting out a quality product! Can't even remember a game release that was this smooth.

That really means a lot, thanks!

Originally posted by thelongernow

Thank you and to your team at Turtle Rock. You guys rule. ❤️


Originally posted by bigrob96

Thank you all who worked on this great game!!! It takes me back to a kid playing L4D. It feels like so much passion and love went into it. I am hooked like I was at 13. Thank you turtle Rock!! You Rock!

No, thank you for playing 🤟

Originally posted by magicpigdetector

I don't know what black magic you guys had to do to make the gunplay feel so good, but I'm glad you did it. Buttery smooth, and the animations are so aggressive and fun to watch! Thanks for the awesome game! :D

Ya, it took us a bit to get it in line, I was the main designer on the weapons and being that close, I was always feeling like it wasn't good enough. We built all of the weapon systems from scratch during this project, so it was a journey for sure.

We had a pretty savvy animator and engineer combo that worked out some fun tricks to make sure they felt as believable and kick ass as possible.

One of the tricks was mixing hand keyed animations with procedural spring physic to make every bullet fired cause the gun to react in a unique way.

12 Oct

Tools engineer, mission scripter, weapon artist and I think one of the QA guys. I might be wrong, but it looks like one of our company range days.

Originally posted by horrificabortion

You guys did great work. Fantastic game. I'm enjoying it very much. Your marketing team has been on fire.

Really appreciate it <3

Originally posted by Artemis_Orion

Thanks! Amazing work you've put into this game, can't wait to see more of it.


Not gonna lie, this is my favorite meme ever. <3

11 Oct

Originally posted by shaggytoph

any plans in the future to have a ''turn off rarity'' switch or something like that to do custom runs?

Do you mean weapon rarity?

10 Oct

We plan on adding a deck randomizer option post launch.

20 Aug

This was a bug caused by the adaptive FX and quality options in the menu. It was defaulted on, if you turned it off and were on epic, it gets pretty gory.

16 Aug

Thanks for the write up, you are pretty close to accurate on how penetration works.

We might change the stats to bars to simplify the read on weapon stats, I'll talk to our UI lead about adding base damage values. The weapon stats are pretty complicated, so they are difficult to show in any easy to digest way.

We tried to add as much contrast between the weapons while keeping them semi grounded. I think you guys are right though, a lot of what makes them unique is hidden.

12 Aug

Originally posted by Chad_illuminati

Ran 4 stacks for the full Early Access Beta, almost exclusively in PvP.

OP covers effectively everything we gathered as well. Great post.

A few notes:

1) Upgrading horde is huge.

2) Prioritize offense on Hockers/Stingers, Utility on Retch/Exploder, and Defense on Tall Boys. All stats are important, but those are the priority ones for best effect.

3) Double primaries is huge -- keep something with lots of ammo/good range in your second slot. If you go down you can still lay down heavy fire for your team and keep them covered to res you.

4) Pills and related cards are OP. Between numb and the crouching card (forget the name) you can get a ton of flat damage reduction.

5) Bomb Squad is a fantastic card -- makes your explosives mow through enemies, and makes you survive accidental explosions as well as Exploders themselves.

6) Have a "medic" on the squad focused on keeping people up. They should be tanky as well.


Read more

Good stuff, thank you!

10 Aug

09 Aug

Originally posted by timmytissue

Is the fist larger aoe?

Fists have a larger melee melee trace box. The knife hit trace is small and precise.