

05 Oct


We’re checking into this issue. Mind sending me your account ID so we can take a closer look?

23 Sep

20 Sep


Originally posted by that-merlin-guy

I'll try to get clarification to see if I am correct, but I think you should be able to use the Fortnite Competitive Anti Cheat form and just put something like "N/A" down for "Player(s) in-game name(s) you are reporting".

My understanding is that form goes to the Anti Cheat team.

That's correct. You can use that form and use the "Other" option to report this example. Same thing applies if you see websites doing that. For player name, N/A or Reporting a discord would work here.

17 Sep


We’ll be keeping an eye on fog throughout the preseason and looking at how it affects gameplay in lobbies with active storm surge. Our first good indication might come tonight with the NAE performance evaluation

16 Sep


This is an issue we've been tracking since the new season. You can keep up with the status of it on our Trello page

15 Sep


We tested this today and never came across the issue where a teammate's damage no longer counts after being eliminated and before being rebooted. We have a fix for the damage not counting after being rebooted in 18.10.


We actually found the issue today and put the fix in. Please let me know if you continue to see this!

09 Sep


Thanks for the report. I'll run this up to QA so they have more information

08 Sep

30 Aug


Originally posted by TheStevieT

Appreciate the report. Our team is looking into this one and I'll post a card to the Trello board for anyone who wants to follow the progress. I'll link it here once that's done

26 Aug


Appreciate the report. Our team is looking into this one and I'll post a card to the Trello board for anyone who wants to follow the progress. I'll link it here once that's done

18 Aug


Originally posted by JoshieYoshie

No worries! 👍

Looks like the team spotted this yesterday and has a bug in to track it. Thanks again!


Originally posted by JoshieYoshie

u/TheStevieT, is the team aware of this bug?

It’s possible we are already tracking this but I’ll make sure the team is aware. Thanks for the flag!

12 Aug


Originally posted by TheStevieT

The issue of swapping teammates between rounds should be resolved with this change.

The zone moves slower with this latest update too


Originally posted by Baran8tor15

Why are there no kill points one round I had 14 kills and my friend had 11 and we got only the points for the win and it did not feel rewarding at all

We set it up to be placement only with eliminations as part of the tiebreaker. The feedback of it not feeling rewarding for several elims in a single match is valid.


Originally posted by TheStevieT

We're looking into the issue of teammates changing randomly. We did recently just push a change to hopefully fix this, but we noticed that the issue is still happening. We're looking at other resolutions right now.

When you do switch teammates, it's possible that the points aren't allocated correctly. Are you seeing points not counting when you don't change teams and don't leave the match early?

The issue of swapping teammates between rounds should be resolved with this change.


Originally posted by Sneakyshadow90

Arena zone wars is fun and good practice but has an issue where teammates change randomly. Sometimes the points dont count. If these issues are fixed zone wars could be really fun. I want to thank epic games for being focused on competitive fortnite and doing whats best for it.

We're looking into the issue of teammates changing randomly. We did recently just push a change to hopefully fix this, but we noticed that the issue is still happening. We're looking at other resolutions right now.

When you do switch teammates, it's possible that the points aren't allocated correctly. Are you seeing points not counting when you don't change teams and don't leave the match early?

03 Aug


The times should be comparable to the Trio Cash Cup times on Monday and FNCS qualifier times on Friday. If you're still seeing a region with a midday time, let me know.


Originally posted by JoshieYoshie


Just quickly, there’s no FNCS Qualifier 2 this weekend due to the Rift Tour. You might want to change that to next week.

You're absolutely right! I'll swap into the account and edit the post to be accurate.

29 Jul


For clarification, this goes into effect now and does not count towards any 14-day infractions made previous to the posting of this blog/rule change.