

28 Apr


Originally posted by that-merlin-guy

My understanding is while we cannot craft a Mechanical Explosive Bow it might still be possible to pull them in chests, though rarely.

Was that changed when Rocket Launchers were removed from Competitive?

Yep they were removed at the same time


We removed the Mythic Bow yesterday from competitive. Is the video linked here from last night? It shows the Epic version of the explosive bow which should not have returned.


Originally posted by PlantPowerPhysicist

The lack of builds makes it pretty hard to give meaningful feedback, other than that it's basically unplayable. Is it a bug, or did someone actually sit down and think about the right number of builds to start with and come up with "3"?

The feedback that 3 builds is way too low is valuable. This is just a test period to see what players liked, what they didn't like, and how the mode performed while hooked up to our competitive scoring system (i.e. does it function at scale). We know we aren't going to get everything right the first time but we're willing to experiment and try things that are different from the normal competitive experience, and see what you all have to say.


Originally posted by JoshieYoshie

Will it be coming back to PS4 when the Stability issues are resolved?

It's unlikely that the mode would be available again for PS4 during our test window unfortunately. If it does, we'll let you know.

27 Apr


Thanks for the initial feedback on the mode. We've also had to disable the mode for PS4 due to stability issues

26 Apr


Originally posted by Lugia1123

Bruh I don’t get why epic couldn’t just fix this really easily by making either the body stay after you leave or by just removing shakedown.

We actually implemented a change in 16.20 that allowed the player pawn to stay in the game if you leave, as you can see in the video. This allows the shakedown to complete and reveal the opponents information. So far, we're pleased with the results and we'll look to remove the rule soon.



20 Apr


Originally posted by pcavx

I appreciate the response and your efforts, but I'm beginning to think it's the glider bug all over again, it can't be fixed :'(

Stay tuned to the card on the trello board for updates. We're still working towards a fix

16 Apr


Reporting them in-game is the best way for us to get their information.

15 Apr


Originally posted by Enderbro196

Do you have any idea when it might be fixed?

We'll keep the trello card updated and you can follow along there. We'll update it as soon as we know a fix is coming

14 Apr

13 Apr

06 Apr


Originally posted by theminer325

Yes, that is what I am alluding to! Is there any potential workaround or do we just have to keep restarting the game?

No workaround is known yet for this issue. I'm sorry for the inconvenience! We will update the Trello card when we have an update on the issue.


Originally posted by theminer325

Thanks for the heads-up, Stevie!

I also apologize if this is a bad place to say this, but is there a potential that you guys could look into infinite loading screen on console? Every 10 games I play, I get stuck in the loading screen while I’m loading into the game, or I get stuck in the loading screen when I’m leaving the game. It’s a super annoying bug because it requires a full restart, and if this were to occur in a tournament it could waste valuable time.

I believe this is the issue you're running into it's still being investigated


After the latest maintenance patch on PC, players may still experience the first issue of not being able to see the Arena playlist. The workarounds provided still work.


Note: If you're playing on Performance Mode, may still experience the issue of not seeing Arena in the playlist menu.

03 Apr


Another workaround is switching your region in your settings to one that is not your own, applying the change, and then switching back to your own region.

01 Apr


Originally posted by TheHoodedPortal

You guys ever gonna fix the in game ping counter, or is it just a UE4 related thing that you can’t do anything about?

The fix should get rid of the 9999ms counter too.


It's a known issue. Hope to have this fixed by the next update