NA: Dylan Dylan Dylan Dylan & Dylan
NA: Dylan Dylan Dylan Dylan & Dylan
Help me win my pick ems does C9 make it out of groups?
Does C9 play in the LPL? No! so they will def not win.. butttttt yeah I think they make it out of groups.
You play epic seven. Savings went out the window a long time ago my friend
Unrelated but if you know anyone looking to buy a kidney. I gacha one for them
Wow, did not expect to find a Rioter who knows about Epic Seven :D
A decent amount play actually :)
Im assuming you are talking about Silvxs, the oc of the video not the redditor who posted this on reddit
is that my boy ThuggInUggs
Is that collegiate super star and soon to be grand master Reincarsonati0n?
Imo yasuo has a really fun power fantasy. Landing a good Q3 into a big ult feels really rewarding no matter how the game has been going for you up that point. High outplay potential, really high highs at any point in the game, and has a pretty dope thematic
Kitty Clarissa not good enough?
not wanting her to be a servant in FGO
Its like you don't even want to spend all of your life savings on your waifu or something.
looks at money spent on games
laughs/cries at the thought of having savings
Inb4 Riot releases TFT to mobile with the tagline "We know you guys have phones"
I just want ahri in epic seven tbh
I'm on mobile and just assumed this was from the official League YouTube channel lmao
Taking time between playing Diablo Immortals to check reddit I see.
hire them
I need someone for my personal highlights.
Wait I suck and dont have any. Feelsbadman
Don't riot employees get early access vods of worlds. So you can already watch it,right?
That's actually false. We can pull a copy of the script but... I'm still learning to read :(
Just waiting on Riot to slide into my DM's :)
Lel. Honestly, as someone who knows nothing about that field, you should apply. Also always happy to talk people through the application process
You are really really good at making these! As if I wasn't hyped enough already for worlds, holy sh*t
Hey! I'm going to Paris with a friend and going by myself to the venue too because we could only get 1 ticket, so hit me up if you wanna hang out there :)
Yo shoot me a dm and i can add you to the discord i just spun up for worlds
hi! Coming to Paris. Please add me to the group/discord if it's available. Thanks!
DM me as well
Same as the comment above me. Good Luck!
dm me my dude and well add you to the discord and plan something
I’m in the same situation but with semi finals in Madrid :( coming all the way from Mexico, we could grab a few beers after the games :P
Yo DM me - I am there for finals and semis.
Hanging out with Thugg and Blaustoise at the same time is an experience I wouldn't wish on anyone. You're a brave man - I'm only traveling with them cause I'm a masochist.
That being said, you can at least get some enjoyment by flexing your rank on us, considering we're all Plat these days :^ )
thanks man - love you too