

13 Dec


Originally posted by Phloods

Hi there i was awake for 35ish hours and passed out after writing that one reply :P


05 Nov

29 Oct


Originally posted by Haushshdbs

Your lies don't affect you actual rank but in Reddit they affect the shit you say.

10-0 in a fresh account is plat4 source: I'm a booster.

Cough cough

26 Oct


Originally posted by Altombre

Ornn mains unite

lol of course you are here

21 Oct


Originally posted by Kadexe

To be fair, LoL is as relevant in NA as NA is in international events.

too soon. f*ck

16 Oct


Originally posted by AdanisLogan

Can you share your favorite response? Must have been something that made you chuckle

Tbh someone put something along the lines of "I dont care that this survey wasnt about shaco. I dont care that you probably have nothing to do with balancing shaco. I hope whoever is reading this gets a paper cut every day for what riot did to shaco"


Originally posted by 1PotatoAnd2Carrots



Pick one



Originally posted by HuekiYuuki

Thanks for being awesome Rioter !



Originally posted by Yolshy

oh shit i always answered “ur mum” n shit LUL

As one who has to read those sometimes... tis' ok. Makes me laugh

14 Oct


Originally posted by Visionarii

I actually have just the audio playing. I rarely have time to sit down and watch a stream, but I can follow a games flow and the teamfights pretty well from the commentary only. I think that says a lot about the overall quality of the talent.

Hmm I should try that just to see how the experience is. Very interesting and probably a pretty good test as to the quality. I actually have always been impressed with the good baseball radio casters. They painted a picture and also had a ton of time to fill with all the dead time inbetween pitches etc


Originally posted by BuffAzir

I definitely agree, a casters job is not to VoD Review the games live and voice/personality/passion and so on are way more important. My problem is that the average viewer may take away wrong things about the game, teamcomps or even players based on rushed "analysis" during a cast. I would just prefer they stay away from complex macro play talk that they dont really understand and focus on the more fundamental stuff that they all know very well. Also there are exceptions of course, I think Papa is usually spot on because he only mentions these things when he is absolutely sure about them. (Also i dont like that they never call out very bad play, whether they dont catch it or just dont want to talk bad about players/teams)

Yeah that's a super reasonable take. Tbh trying to learn from pro games is always dangerous for most players (self included) because our experience is so different from a game played in team comms at such a high level. But yeah, I totally see what you are saying.


Originally posted by BuffAzir

Great for the average viewer, but in terms of analysis its embarassing how much nonsense they say for the sake of hype.

Seriously every second sentence about the game state, priorities and team comps is just straight up wrong.

That's fair, but for me at least, I dont watch pro matches and use the analysis to try and improve. If I want to learn from a match I will go back and watch someone doing an analysis of the vod. Where I think the casters really succeed is in having a diverse set of really dynamic but unique personalities, coming across as genuinely excited and passionate about the game, and a nice blend of professionalism and casual fun.


Originally posted by xredrumx5150

Heeeeey it's thugginuggs, Ive watched a few of your streams even played with you a few times a year or so back. (Lil Miglet) was my name I believe. Hope you're doing well bro.

Yo yo what's up my dude! Yup yup doing great just on that worlds hype <3


Originally posted by Grinys

Lol casters are straight up better than most sports casters aswell tbh

So much this. One thing that has always stood out to me is that our on air talent is seriosuly top notch and on par or better than traditional sports. When I get my family and non gamers to watch league, they almost always comment about it.

09 Oct


Congrats to you and happy to hear about your wife's recovery.

OP.GG is impressive, that win streak into Diamond is really sweet. Looks like you could go even higher if you put in the games with those WRs.


Originally posted by toy_town

Why even ask the first question? Riot already have the date of every single transaction for every player, you could just ask somebody to get you that data for each and every player.

Another reason other than honesty check can be to avoid miscategorizing people with smurfs / multiple accounts. If someone gets a survey on their smurf that is registered with a different email, it could be misleading as to their actual behavior as a player in league.

Say they have never purchased a skin on their smurf but have a ton of skins on their main, their behavioral profile is very different from someone who truly has never bought a skin :)

01 Oct


Originally posted by EnemySaimo

Yes I'm the chaddest autofilled pyke and naut player, problem?

Yes. Why play Naut... he is weird diver man, pyke is chad stabby pirate man


Originally posted by vZayed95

oh okay, let me know ur euw when you make it as I am on euw

Done. Account is ThuggInUggs

I am human alliance mage on whitemane. Wait. No. I am a support


Originally posted by vZayed95

oh okay, let me know ur euw when you make it as I am on euw

Will do


Originally posted by OneMoreSoul

Can I add you? I could use a friend (:

Sure :)