

17 May


Originally posted by Xigaiary

I believe in you! Show us all what you got * u*!

merrrrr we shall see <3 Do you have any new / in-progress builds?


Originally posted by Xigaiary

Eeeyo! Better late than never :D

I'm glad that the progress is intresting to you peeps^ Thank you for the comments! <3

Im still under the illusion that i will finish a build some time and it wont be sh*t so progress pics help inspire my belief <3

Seriously though the attention to detail and care you took is impressive!


New phone wallpaper confirmed. Thanks for linking this dudes art station. So many awesome pieces


Progress pics ftw. Super cool to see the whole process documented and the results are insane.


Originally posted by Blaustoise

Yesss now I get to see this fire on twitter AND reddit <3

Should have known I would find you here.


Looks awesome, super fast turnaround time too. Nice job!

28 Apr


Originally posted by AntiDerp

and I thought since I had the cover of the bush and they were focusing Blitz for a second I'd just stay still and put in some damage.

You have a thought process for why you were staying still there. You will climb. I agree, it wasn't an issue not to be kiting in that situation, more of just a best practice for the future.

I am now very invested in your promos haha


Originally posted by AntiDerp

I really like building 100 crit on her what else would you recommend? I usually use for builds lately.

hmmm i would build some sort of life steal or mr/ga depending on the enemy team and state of the game.

That being said, go with what is working for you :)


Originally posted by Boaluv3r

Scythe: foam board base, expanding foam, masking tape to cover holes, paper mache, elmer's glue primer, plastidip paint primer (white), covered the white parts of the handle in masking tape+"carved" gold out decals, spray painted everything gold. When dry, shoved the "gem" in with E6000 glue.

"Gem": 1mm plexiglass+a "holographic" vinyl card-making sticker

Dagger: cardboard base+1wooden chopstick, craft foam+hot glue, elmer's glue primer, plastidip, masking tape over handle, spray painted gold.

+1wooden chopstick

LMAO very nice. Do you document your builds on insta or anything? Anyways congrats again on a really cool piece!


Penta is a penta :)

I would maybe work on just keeping a slightly more active cursor, but if the other team is willing to let you plant your feet and put out damage then no need haha.

I thought the blitz might steal the kill on heimer at the end and almost died a little inside. Keep up the grind though.

Also looking at your triple zeal item is probably not the best build. You are really improving and CSing well for your elo though, looks like you are on the climb!


Originally posted by Boaluv3r

Thank you! I was scrambling the night before to finish the props, so happy to hear the positive feedback

Haha I know that struggle. Weapons are always the first thing to get cut so props (puns are great!) on getting them finished and looking clean! Are they all foam or is it wrapped in worbla? The white and silver details on the handles look really really good!


This is super sick! Build looks dope and the 360 sweep is really interesting.

22 Apr


Originally posted by Ethanxiaorox

Your list is full, couldn't add you

just killed some people - try again my man

21 Apr


Originally posted by Blaustoise


and yet... 1-0 against you all time in soloQ


Originally posted by rafamundez

Hey! It's not bad! We're the same elo! Your stats are all smurfing!

Gavin Guile (NA)

yeah we are pretty much the same minus... ya know... your three seasons in diamond.

cries even harder


Originally posted by rafamundez

That name is awesome, not going to lie. Take my upvote good sir

sh*t. If only i could get lp this easily

checks and cries in corner


Originally posted by Ethanxiaorox

Wait I didnt know this was a thing

I wanna play with a rioter, is there a way to check overall ranked wins? I dont play norms lol

Add me :)

2 warnings

  1. I suck

  2. I'm traveling for work till mid May

Riot ThuggInUggs (NA), also have accounts on KR and JP

07 Apr


Originally posted by Jamaia

That would be awesome x x

Ok - standing invite on LA, will check at work tomorrow morning to see what the EU office situation is like :) congrats again to both of you


Originally posted by Jamaia

Husband is Italian, I am Maltese and our domicile is currently in Malta :P But we would not mind travelling actually, we love it! <3

You live in Malta???? I am so jealous!


Originally posted by MakerMuperMaster

They are Italian, would make a lot more sense if you could organise a tour of the Berlin office I think.

this makes sense. Am big dumb. Not sure what the policy is there but will look into it on Monday if they have interest.