

14 Mar


Originally posted by CheddarMcFeddars

I had played since Monday night under DX11 and and was not experiencing crashes. Maybe a random one somewhere, don't recall.

I only switched to DX12 after reading that post earlier about better gains with it enabled. I'll probably just end up going back to DX11.

Sounds like a smart idea for now - but updating to 419.35 will probably help a lot with stability otherwise.


Originally posted by Tec187

Will do, and i was actually only 95% no one was using the drone, so will make sure.

If that's not the case, any other help you can share on reproducing this crash would be greatly helpful!


Originally posted by Deadshot5

I can vouch for him. I spent two and a half hours trying every crash fix posted here and completely reinstalled the nVidia drivers to no avail. I don't know if this is causing my personal crashes but I had the other three people in my group disconnect multiple times yesterday, and I was using the assault drone most of the time.

Thanks for the information, could you let me know if these stop happening if you use other skills than the Assault Drone?


Originally posted by CheddarMcFeddars

No, just the healing drone. And the basic Hive thing that heals.

On 1070, 418.91 driver. 2600x. I did notice that while loading the game under DX12 my CPU usage and temp was spiking big time. That was not happening under DX11. In-game usage/temp were completely fine. I think the game even felt smoother under DX12.

OK, does this still happen if you turn off DX12?


Originally posted by Tec187

No, and no.

Crashed about 10 times in a mission yesterday, all 4 of us were level 11, and no one was using the drone at all.

When the crashing happened, it always happened to at least 2 of us, often 3.

OK, thanks for the info. Please let me know if these persist after today's maintenance/update, and if possible triple-confirm no one is using the drone.


Originally posted by jtmf

/u/TotalyMoo I am also having multiple BSOD and complete system crashes (PC shutsdown) after playing for about 1 hour. No overheating or hardware related problems. What should I do to further investigate this? :/ I am using DX12.

Are you running on 419.35 drivers? They work a lot better with DX12, but for some it's still a problem. Please try disabling DX12 if you still get crashes when running the latest drivers.


Originally posted by CheddarMcFeddars

Crashed twice tonight while solo doing side missions only after switching to DX12.

Maintenance is currently ongoing and there's a new update to download.

Random question, are you using the Assault Drone perchance?

  • Is there any level difference between you and your friend? If so, how much?

  • Are any of you using the Assault Drone skill?

This question applies to everyone currently experiencing crashes when playing in group.


Originally posted by RowdyGuyVR

No, it doesn't work in borderless windowed at either resolution.

I already tried turning everything (but my virusscanner) off before starting the game. Different 16:9 monitor on the same desktop does not have this problem, while other games don't have this problem on either monitor.

Sounds like a potential hardware problem. Please feel free to reach out to Customer Support to get assistance in troubleshooting this.

Hope you manage to solve it!


Are you looking in your inventory or Apparel section, for the items you got in the Cache?


Hey OP. Sorry to hear you're having crashing issues. Since you seem to be able to reliably reproduce those, would it be possible to ask you to record this happening?

Thanks a lot for this report, by the way!


Originally posted by throwawayaussieguy2

At the time, no. A 23, 24, 2x26.

OK, thanks for the information.


Just to be clear, does it work in 21:9 borderless windowed, or just when running it in 16:9?

Do you have any 3rd party software or overlays running?


Originally posted by throwawayaussieguy2

Had 2-3 crashes during 12 hours of play on Tuesday. Ok, no big deal.

Played for 5 hours last night, crashes were extremely frequent.

Had a group of 3 running. 2 would crash to desktop and one would remain in game. The person remaining would not always be the same person.

We were all 20+ in skill level.

If there was only one dislike to this game, it's these damn crashes.

Is there a big level disparity within your group?


Originally posted by realmfan56

Is the BSOD crash dump helpful as well?

I will try to let it collect data next time I crash with this DX12 error (dxgmms2.sys).

It was a direct BSOD though, so couldn't send crash report via uPlay. :)

This is not happening in any other games for me.

Anything you can send to support will be helpful, including windows logs, dxdiags etc.


Please let me know if this issue persists after today's maintenance, and we will continue investigating together.


Originally posted by psnbalthur

I have had the crashes since early access launch, but I changed it to DX11 and they stopped, maybe that'll help.

For some, DX12 stability seems to be the case - but that should be mostly solved with 419.35 NVIDIA drivers.


Originally posted by TET879

I submitted a crash report when prompted by uplay. Does this do the same thing?

Yes, although talking directly to support can also help since they can reproduce the issue with your help. A crash report gives us the technical information on what happened during the crash, but not your personal context.


Originally posted by CrazyCanuckUncleBuck

I can't destroy or sell the blue MPX I got from the UbiClub. Its taking up space. Please fix

Thanks for the heads up, brought this to the devs.


Originally posted by BaneSixEcho

It's a small thing, but a bug nonetheless:

If you equip a different patch the SHD patch you start the game with disappears and you can't re-equip it.

Thanks for the heads up, brought it to the team in case they weren't already aware.