Weapons can appear to be floating/detached from the player.
Workaround: Applying a transmog to the weapon should fix this temporarily.
Fixed in 0.9.2a
Weapons can appear to be floating/detached from the player.
Workaround: Applying a transmog to the weapon should fix this temporarily.
Fixed in 0.9.2a
We have identified a bug where many players are crashing, especially when in parties of 4. We are working on a fix for this.
Workaround: Removing the Predator cell from your loadout (and anyone’s loadout who you are queuing with) should reduce the occurrences of this crash.
Fixed in OB 0.9.2b
Fixed in 0.9.2b
Some players may see a transmog stone cost listed next to non-crafted lantern transmogs. ~~This is a visual bug only. You should still be able to transmog your non-crafted (e.g. Hunt Pass, Store-acquired) lanterns without spending any transmog stones.~~
Update: Transmogging non-crafted lanterns does consume transmog stones. If you lost a transmog stone due to this bug, please contact support.
Fixed in 0.9.2a
Knock-on effects: - Hunt Pass collectibles count toward the wrong Hunt Pass - Hunt Pass collectibles aren’t correctly situated in the city (they show up in weird places)
We are fixing cases as we identify them and can reproduce them internally. We have additional fixes for the Axe in the hotfix slated for the week of 7/26/19, but this will most likely not fix all of the instances.
This is fully fixed in 0.9.2
Fixed in 0.9.2
This was fixed on PC and XBOX in 0.9.1, PS4 fix is coming in 0.9.1a
Workaround: If you are experiencing a crash on console**, deleting your Dauntless save files may resolve the problem. This will NOT delete your progress, but may revert settings.
This was a server blip, should be stable now. Please let us know if you see this again via support.playdauntless.com
We got a good bead on the “very rarely you get a weak version of the Behemoth” in Trials and deployed a server-side fix (7/31/19). We have also cleared the bugged runs from the Leaderboards.
NA Players are having this happen occasionally. OCE/Asia players are getting 8 minute hunts often. A handful of players described it as 9/10 hunts.
This is being actively investigated! We are going to get a fix in for this ASAP, once we nail down exactly what is happening.
Fixed in 0.9.1
This issue is being investigated. In the meantime, we are removing bugged hunt times from the leaderboards manually.
Fixed in 0.9.1
~~We are digging into this and trying to reproduce it on a local console here in the office. Will update once we have a plan of action to fix!~~
Update: (7/22/19) We have a fix for this that will go out before the end of the week.
Fixed in 0.9.1
~~The FPS issue can be resolved in the short term by opening the options menu and closing it. We are still looking into a long term fix for this.~~
Workaround: Hit ESC and then ESC again
Update: (7/22/19) We have a fix for this that will go out before the end of the week.
Fixed in 0.9.1
It appears that mousing over an item in Lady Luck’s store can select it, causing purchase confusion. In the meantime, please contact https://support.playdauntless.com for a refund if the wrong item was added to your account!
Update: (7/23/19) We have a fix for this that will go out before the end of the week.
Fixed in 0.9.1
Added more context to End of Hunt experience objectives. This should make it easier to understand which Mastery challenge each item relates to
Fixed in 0.9.1
Chain blades’ invulnerability frames now begin at the start of the dash, instead of in the middle!
Fixed in 0.9.1
We have disabled collision during spawn in, and improved the location selection to avoid spawning Smollucks too close to players.
Fixed in 0.9.1
~~We thought that we squashed this, but it is back. We are investigating how to get a fix in for this that sticks.~~
Workaround: You can use the arrow keys to get around this.
Update: (7/22/19) We have a fix for this that will go out before the end of the week.
Fixed in 0.9.1
~~We are still in the process of nailing down what is happening here so that we can roll out a fix.~~
Update: (7/19/19 @ 245pm PT) We have rolled out a fix for this! Please let us know if you are still experiencing this issue.