Update 2 We’ve resolved this Creative matchmaking issue affecting Xbox players.
Update Though previously marked as resolved, we’re aware of reports that this issue is still affecting players. We are investigating.
Description Players on Xbox cannot load Creative Islands through island code searches or by using the Recent Islands tab. They are also unable to interact with the Matchmaking Portals.
Platforms Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S
Issue ID: 184277
Description We’ve temporarily disabled sand tunneling on the Island while we investigate an issue. We will let everyone know when this feature returns.
Platforms All
Update Experience gained by discovering locations has been re-enabled. To make up for missed XP, all players will be awarded 50,000 XP at a later date.
Description We have temporarily disabled Experience gained by discovering locations while we investigate an issue. We will update you when it’s re-enabled.
Platforms All
JIRA FORT-335045
Description Team Size does not properly limit the number of players when join in progress is set to Join Next Round.
JIRA FORT-318305
Update With the release of v15.00, this issue is now resolved on all affected platforms.
Update With the release of a maintenance patch, this issue has been resolved on PC. We’ll provide an update when this issue is resolved on the remaining affected platforms.
Description We are currently investigating an issue with binding different actions to the same key on keyboard.
In the meantime, we recommend not resetting your keyboard binds in the settings.
Platforms PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PC
JIRA FORT-332899
Update With the release of v15.00, this issue is now resolved on all affected platforms.
Update With the release of a maintenance patch, this issue has been resolved on PC. We’ll provide an update when this issue is resolved on the remaining affected platforms.
Description We are currently investigating an issue with binding different actions to the same key on keyboard.
In the meantime, we recommend not resetting your keyboard binds in the settings.
Platforms PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PC
JIRA FORT-332899
Update With the release of v15.00, this issue is now resolved on all affected platforms.
Update With the release of a maintenance patch, this issue has been resolved on PC. We’ll provide an update when this issue is resolved on the remaining affected platforms.
Description We are currently investigating an issue with binding different actions to the same key on keyboard.
In the meantime, we recommend not resetting your keyboard binds in the settings.
Platforms PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PC
JIRA FORT-332899