

04 Oct

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

putting the mouse between 2 different buttons in the rebind screen creates some very loud sounds.

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

when you use a building to create something and your needed resources are separated between your backpack and storage buildings, it will enable you to create as many as the cumulation of both but will only consume resources from the backpack (I did not try when the resources are in two different storage buildings, I think it will consume from only one storage).

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

putting all your droids on buildings and reloading save sets your droid count to 0 and resets the cost to make droids

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

Placing a fence can crash the game if you have too many fences / gates

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

using excavator on shrines can put digging spots on top of roads

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

When destroying the land underneath a road the road floats on top of the water.

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

When creating a new save using an Xbox controller the game automatically starts in single island challenge mode without letting me choose, works fine with keyboard.

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

changing some settings (item notifs, glyph format, building aoe, etc) with arrow keys or a controller crash the game

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

music is getting all mixed up, playing night time tract during the day, rain sound stops while it’s still raining in game

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

Breaking a bed doesn’t give off any auditory feedback (no breaking sound)

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

the single click toggle stays on when changing to different savefiles if it was not toggled off before changing

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

Statues, Fances, Gates, Benchs, Thrones and Flower Pots can be placed on water.

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

placing a fence on the same tile you’re standing on screws up the look of the other fences

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

Breaking the land or bridge under it will make float on water.

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

When placing a road on a tile that already has a road, the item still gets consumed