“struct” - structure instance id “item” - item constant “quantity” - item count
“struct” - structure instance id “item” - item constant “quantity” - item count
WeatherStatus() returns a 1d array with the current weather type at index 0 and current strength at index 1 (constants WeatherTypeRain / WeatherTypeClear and WeatherStrengthLight / WeatherStrengthMedium / WeatherStrengthHeavy)
Longer craft recipes displacing text and button incorrectly https://i.imgur.com/R1JM5cb.png
Fish traps have a visual bug where the text gets wierd somethimes (v. 1.9.2)
You can’t leave the “Farming” option in the build menu after hovering over it with gamepad
(going to be merging projectLint in after our next patch)
(also laughing that you made an enum for literally one entry but hey you do you BUD)
electric boxes dont get pushed of the player model of you drag it ontop of in a corner making it possible to softlock inside the block
If you eat food, it gives you the white “building up” in your energy meter. Entering a building, like the museum, while you still have white in your energy meter removes all the white without it becoming energy.