Below you will find the download sizes for each platform.
Ubisoft Connect: 1.21 GB
Steam: 1.5 GB
Xbox One: 963.28 MB
Xbox Series X: 1.19 GB
PS4: 2.34 GB
PS5: 1.89 GB
GAME HEALTH MAP ROTATIONS Ranked: Increased the chances for Stadium Bravo to appear on the map ban selection screen.
Unranked: Chances for Stadium Bravo appearing on the map ban selection screen increased massively to almost guarantee its appearance.
BUG FIXES GAMEPLAY FIXED - Bullet holes exploit can be replicated on some wooden textures.
FIXED - Players sometimes cannot ping gadgets or Operators while using an Observation Tool.
FIXED - Operator's unique ability cannot be picked up if deployed in their own Barbed Wire.
FIXED - Attackers have limited functionality while stepping on a Welcome Mat immediately af... Read more