

29 Mar

    Ubi-Sigma on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @grymlock!

Thank you for getting back to us with more precisions of what you have tried to fix the issue. In addition I've found more information that could help you bypass this error.

First of all, could you try editing this skin, exporting it with a new name, then uploading this new exported skin. It should allow you to open it properly without the error.

Also, to investigate this further and as I saw you already mentioned receiving this error when the file was too big, which can indeed happen, can you tell us what is the size of the skin you're trying to access?

Do not hesitate to come back to us with the result of this step and more information if the issue persists!

24 Mar

    Ubi-Sigma on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @queequegesq!

Thank you for your message and and your report. As it has not been reported to the development team yet, could you send us a video of the issue?

You can upload a video on a sharing platform and send us the link directly here.

In the meantime if you have any other questions or report please let us know!

    Ubi-Sigma on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @yankee_lt!

Thank you for your message and the description of your crash issue. For a better visibility of this issue I've moved your topic to the Player Support section of the forums.

In order to try to fix this crash problem, I could invite you to perform all the steps from our troubleshooting guide. This will help creating an optimal environment on your system for your game. If the issue persists after these steps, could you tell us if the crashes happen when you...

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    Ubi-Sigma on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @heltaker_!

Thank you for your message and the screenshot provided regarding your issue accepting a clan invitation.

In addition to all the helpful information from ...

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    Ubi-Sigma on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @agent_vxg!

Thank you so much for all your information and the video regarding your graphic issue. From your video it seems like it could be linked to your graphic card. In order to try to fix this problem, could you try all the steps from our troubleshooting guide? This will help creating an optimal environment for your game on your system. I would recommend performing a files verification a second time just in case.

In addition, do not hesitate to do a clean instal...

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