

09 Sep

    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by connormroyce: I had an issue when on full screen my game will for about 3 seconds go black and then come back on. Being on borderless fixed it but then I can’t play on 120 hz. Please give any help

Hey Connor! On top of specs, i'd like to know if this is happening on both Vulkan and DX11?
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Gonna movoe this over to our Player Support forums!
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Massive Clickzy: im getting a lot of error codes

Which error codes are you getting?
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Accadacca: I've been waiting for 20 minutes so far, restarted the game 3 times, still no ranked game. I'm on European servers. What's the issue?

Hey AccaDacca, we recommend restarting the queue after appx 3 minutes of waiting to keep things moving along. Did you give that a shot with any luck?
Hey Koohan! Definitely an interesting idea - what would this elite skin look like in yours, or the communities eyes?
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Darth: I start the game, it is trying to start itself for like 3 seconds, then closes again. deinstalled, reinstalled, checked for bugs, still nothing. won't start. any ideas?

Hey Darth! What are you computer specs? Also, is this a new issue? As in, was the game running alright before and this started out of nowhere?
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Wanheda: say something

We haven't made an official announcement, but we are super excited to share the new season with you all! Be sure to keep an eye on official Ubisoft channels for any new info!
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Massive Clickzy: Okey guys someone help me with my Problem. The game is sometimes crashing when im in a MM. I dont know what the Problem is cause i checket the game via Steam and also i reinstall it. But its always the same....crashing again. And i got 2 times deranked cause of that.

Hey Massive, are you getting any error codes?
Originally Posted by Montyfresh36
So we cant kick during the game mode where it actually matters, compared to being able to kick in a game mode that doesnt matter.....
Actually moving forward we will be removing VTK entirely, you can read more about that in our ... Read more
    UbiShoreman on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
I'm going to move this over to player support!
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by CORN4R: ,

We haven't announced but soon! Keep an eye on official Ubisoft Channels for the info!
Originally Posted by HonestlyOK1986
I was after a general discussion about the game but my thread has been moved from general discussion to place unknown...thats 34 quid you've just lost...wont be purchasing as it turns out your admins are idiots. I was hoping to get a feel of what people thought of it as i saw the trailer for the new one and thought it looked interesting but if you cant even run a forum right then you've no chance when it comes to the actual game...
Hey Honestly, your thread is still in the General Discussion part of the forums! Did you get a notification about it being moved at all?

08 Sep

    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Joe Biden's Hairy Legs: I think Chalet is the worst map in Ranked, but I think a lot of the maps are not good.

Have you gotten the chance to hop on the TTS and try out the re-work?
Originally Posted by disappointingly
You're super exited to share that you haven't announced it yet?!?
Fair the grammar could have used some work there. Super excited to share S3, and get it out there to eveyone.
Originally Posted by GSG-552
When will this season launch?
We haven't announced the drop date yet! Super excited to share this with everyone though!
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Wattsy x Lad: My friend fps is like 2 in the menus and in game it is like 9fps, he has optimised his settings and changed some lower, all his drivers are up to date and everything is fine, he usually runs 70 to 90fps so thats a big drop, its making it unplayabel for him,

Yeah, I'd love to hear a little more about this! Particularly PC specs and whether your graphic drivers are up to date.
Originally Posted by ChrisK.-
Thunt specifically elimination should have more traps Kapkans eedds elas grzmot mines frost mats and all of that. Right now people are misusing the game mode for aim training
Hey Chris! It would be good for aim training and game awareness, maybe as an optional thing? I know that there are a lot of people that aren't a fan of even having the C4 in there, so adding more tings in there might not be popular with everyone.


Originally Posted by Pink_Slowbro
why when i'm first in a ranked and my friend last he have more mmr than me ? thakns
Hey Pink! There is a soft MMR reset, not a hard one at the end of every season, meaning that it is possible the previous season had an effect on the current MMR system! How did you guys perform last season?
    UbiShoreman on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Moving this to the player support forums for more insight!

06 Sep

Originally Posted by WOTH.Lo-fi
anyone else having connections issues its literally ONLY in MP i am fine on every other game ( even ubi) and i am ok in terrorist hunt but whenever i get into QP, unranked, ranked . It won't even last a round. It never says i have any connections problems it just instantly drops
Hey Woth, still having these prolems?