

05 Sep

    UbiShoreman on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
I'm going to move this over to the Player Support forums!
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please refrain from necro-ing old threads! If you have questions, you can create a new thread, but please double check the date of threads before posting.
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Impi! What kind of playstyle/gunplay do you like?
Originally Posted by croken717
Yes sir. Unfortunately a few players in squads on consoles tend to be in parties by themselves, so they can't hear any callouts. But, oh well.
Ahhh, yikes, that'll do it. It's can definitely be frustrating to play with folks without mics. Do you think the ping 2.0 system will help with this at all? Maybe with some of the frustrations, of course not every situation.
Hey croken, it seems like a lot of these issues could be avoided with some communication and callouts. For instance when I was a new player, my friend would always pick Fuze, and we ran into the window issue a bit until he started telling me which angles he was approaching from or which window he was going for preemptively. Have you tried tactics like this?
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
That's always frustrating, but there really isn't any reason for anyone to be teamkilling. Definitely encourage reporting the player for griefing, but if you respond to the teamkill, you can also get reported.
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I'm gonna move this over to support!
Hey Anti! We don't allow naming and shaming on the forums! Please take the clips that you posted and refer to how to information about reporting players here! Should give you the correct info on where to report them.
Originally Posted by LaFlame_TX
If someone could let me know exactly when i could change my name that would be great
For an exact answer you might need to ask support! They've got forums here and on Steam, as well as the support website.
Originally Posted by Sgt Astor
Once a month I guess
Correct! Every 30 days.
    UbiShoreman on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Moving to support!
    UbiShoreman on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Void_Henwy
Hello i would like to know how many days is left on my uplay account to chnage my in game name in rainbow sixisege
My in game name right now is Void_Henwy
plase respond to me as fast as posibile
Thank you
Hey Void! Whereas I don't have the tools to give you a specific time, I'm going to send you over supports way to see if they have the tools to help!
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Moving to support!
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Savcı: why ubisoft not helping ?
Hey Savci, have you opened up a support ticket?

04 Sep

    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by The Joker HUN: When is it releasing? Im excited!

No date announced yet but we are definitely super excited to share it with everyone!
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Hey its Chris!: So it says operation steel wave is ending soon, is there a specific date? i want to buy montanges body cosmetics, but i only have 8k renown, i want to know if i still have time to get it and have fun playing or if i have to sweat to get the renown

We haven't announced an official date for the start of the next operation, or the ending of this one, but
Originally Posted by Zuckerbrin
More than a month ago... Much more than a month ago

Edit: It was server problems, now I changed nickname.
Glad to hear it all got situated!
Oh, man this is all good stuff! I'm gonna go ahead and move it to the general discussion part of our forums!
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please refrain from Necro-ing old threads.