

01 Aug

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Originally posted by wasiszt: I think about he need a slight buff, what about you guys?

I think Wamai is in a pretty cozy spot personally, what is it that makes you feel he needs a buff? Also, what buffs would you like to see?
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Evo, It would be really helpful if you could open up a bit about what you don't like about the game, or open up a dialogue about specific issues you're having so it can be discussed.
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by RichardTheLong:
Originally posted by circle.:
I think he needs to be logged in to even do that. Your best bet is just wait for a mod to reply here.
So make an alt ubi account and contact them through it. Simple work around if that is the case.

Here is the specific Siege support site [su... Read more
Hey Kac, all ban appeals are handled through our support team! Please reach out to them with any questions you have, or to attempt to et your ban lifted.
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I think that headphones are going to be a lot better for discerning specific, directional hearing, but I haven't used speakers ever, and I'm curious about the communities insight here.
Originally Posted by Naundrup92
Can I get it unbanned? Not that I expect to play the game again. But if some friends want to play it someday, it sucks to buy it again.
Unbanning is a possibility! You would just open up a support ticket for a ban appeal! ... Read more
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It's mathematically possible, albeit super unlikely. Did they appear to be cheating?
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ChrisZuDemTian: .

Hey Chris! Did this happen to coincide with the most recent update?
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by iamnotnxn: I had the usual popup that says one player I have reported has been identified as a cheater and so he was banned.
Then the popup says that the match in which I've played with/vs that player won't count on my MMR and so my MMR is not impacted.
My MMR went down after that match and now I don't have my points back.
So how can the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ MMR be the same now if I lost points and I didn't get back?

Hey Nxn, the way the rollback system works is to essentially remove the game and MMR to act as though it never happened. This does include games in which you might have beaten a cheater. As the system stands now, you will still lose MMR, because the game itself is entirely null and void.
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Jack_(放屁要有火)_Smiley_Ra: Thanks for all the suggestion, after checking trough twitch and forum I have finally decided to get maverick and maestro .... pop a few games and both are really fun to play, the murder holes from maverick is a bit tougher to manage as a lot of player don't actually watch your back when you try to make a peek hole while there are roamers running around.

Maestro on the other hand have one of the best LMG atm and very accurate, its like jackel accuracy with 81 bullets. His cam is pretty good at forcing enemy to stay within objective. But a few games in and almost certain every 2nd round someone is going to bring explosive to remove them.

A shame I was late to the party her... Read more
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Big_Lala: I just ordered a 144 hz monitor which will come next week. While I'm waiting, I want to know if having a 144 hz will have any immediate improvements to your skills. I've been playing Siege on a 60 hz monitor for a while now and I have decent aim, and I usually average around low to mid gold. Wonder if the monitor alone will help me push to plat.

Hey Lala! Whereas it doesn't improve what's already there it is a LOT easier on your eyes, and makes the game look much better and feel much smoother. If you notice a difference in personal preformace after the switch come back and let us know, though!
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If you're curious about how our matchmaking system works we released a dev blog today [www.ubisoft.com] that details some of this in great depth.
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Raven:
Originally posted by UbiShoreman:
Are you using the Vulkan or DX11 Api?

dx 11

Have you noticed longer load times? It makes sense to me that it could impact loading time, but depending on your rig it could be a negligible difference. That's also just speculation, I'm digging for a direct answer at the moment.

31 Jul

    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Torean:
Originally posted by UbiYubble: What connection error are you seeing?

Have you already checked out the FAQ for that code?[support.ubisoft.com]
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Da Bouncer:
Originally posted by UbiShoreman:
Hey Bouncer! There are some good thoughts going on here!

1) How do you think this would have an effect on players that maybe left the game for a bit and came back at different skill levels? Do you think they would naturally get snapped into their proper rank, or get accused of throwing or boosting?

2)So, I think a con to removing the uncertainty rating would in particular have an effect on players that haven't p...
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Originally Posted by Naundrup92
No it just says that I have been banned for cheating. And it says that it is a permanent ban.

But how can u ban a player that have not been playing the game? Thats seems odd.

Here is an image of the mail

Kind regards
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    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Roof Koreans:
Originally posted by UbiShoreman:
That's right! And are you noticing any ping spikes or getting any particular error codes?
no not really I've been sitting at a stable 30 to 40 ping and I don't get error codes it just disconnects then reconnects to the servers

I'm gonna send this over in the direction of support!
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Do you think that this would increase the frustration around spawnpeeking?
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Roof Koreans: East US

That's right! And are you noticing any ping spikes or getting any particular error codes?
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Roof! Could you remind me again which servers you're connecting to? You've definitely told me before but it's slipping the mind right now.