

11 Nov


Hold onto your seats, Operation Shifting Tides is rising from the depths. NIGHTHAVEN Special Intervention Group joins the fray as this season’s new ORG. Its owner, Kali, joins Six as the new Attacker. One of her best agents, Wamai, is also coming aboard as the new Defender.

These two Operators are unlike any that have come before and bring their particular talents to the roster. With them, expect a newly reworked Theme Park to surface, as well as a few other features worthy of note. You will find more details on these updates in the full Patch Notes below.

View Patch Note[rainbow6.com]

31 Oct


Updated: 29th October 2019

We wanted to update you on the DDoS/DoS article that was shared a few weeks ago, Click Here[rainbow6.ubisoft.com] to read up on this again.

RESULTS The deployment and delivery of our previously communicated plan has resulted in a 93% drop in the frequency of DDoS/DoS attacks.

While this is a huge improvement, we are committed to continuing our work on strengthening the network infrastructure to prevent further attacks. We are also improving our automated monitoring that detects people initiating attacks to populate DDoS Ban Waves.


23 Oct


Something’s not quite right with Doc. Soon after Theme Park closed, he moved in and made the castle his home, where he performs all sorts of disturbing experiments. In the end, he created something more evil than he intended...

Can you survive?[rainbow6.com]

22 Oct


The Y4S3.3 patch will deploy for PC on Tuesday, October 22nd. For full details on the balancing changes, please see our Designer’s Notes[rainbow6.com].

MMR ROLLBACK UPDATE With Y4S3.3 the MMR Rollback system is getting a few improvements that allow us to more appropriately target and address those who exploit the integrity of the ranked system. A drastic MMR change is a sign of massive irregularity and a red flag in our system. So we will now be resetting MMR for such players.

This means that instead of undergoing a significant change in MMR, players will have to redo their placement matches to get back appropriately on the ladder. Players who have their MMR re... Read more

21 Oct


In this patch’s Designer’s Notes, we are looking back at what has been shared earlier. Our Dev team had the pleasure of welcoming Prodigio Pete, Rogue-9 and Get Flanked into our Barcelona office, home of our balancing team. The discussion and data shared during the podcastt is available below, as well as the changes that will be implemented in the Y4S3.3 update.

... Read more

08 Oct


The Y4S3.2 patch features an update to the surrender feature, a fix for a bug with attacker/defender side assignment bias, and various other bug fixes. The patch is scheduled to deploy to PC on October 8th.

  • Surrender now requires a unanimous vote.
  • Surrender feature is now only available if the team is currently losing in rounds.
  • Surrender is still only available starting with the 3rd

RFF In hostage mode, anyone who detonates a Volcan shield is now responsible for any explosive damage it does once the hostage is picked up. Prior to hostage pick up Goyo is still responsible.

  • FIXED – Fixed an issue with Attacker side logic bias during lobby creation. Attacker and Defender side assignment is now completely random
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20 Sep


DDOS, DOS, AND OUR NEXT STEPS We have monitored an increase in the amount of DDoS and DoS attacks against our servers following the release of Operation Ember Rise. Below you will find our next steps for how we plan to address the situation and move forward.


We have identified the worst offenders perpetuating these DDoS/DoS attacks, and will be initiating a ban wave. This will apply to both PC and Console players.

Impact: Players that have been found to be initiating DDoS/DoS attacks will be banned.

Target: Next Week, will continue as needed


We currently host 3 matches per server. When a server crashes, or when a DDoS/DoS attack occurs, this results in 3 matches being impacted and taken offline. We are splitting this to have... Read more

19 Sep


Highlights of the Y4S3.1 patch includes an update to the Reverse Friendly Fire system with RFF Squad Management, and a change to how Goyo (and Capitao’s) fire interacts with Hostage under the RFF system.

The 3.1 patch is typically smaller as it focuses on addressing immediate issues and some lingering ones from season release as we prepare for the next patch. The Y4S3.1 patch will be deployed Thursday Sep. 19th for PC, we will update you on the dates for consoles as soon as possible.


Hostage has evolved.
  • Hostage is now immune to fire (both Goyo’s Volcan and Capitao)
  • To prevent incidences of team griefing towards Goyo under the RFF system, we’ve decided to make hostage immune to fire.

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16 Sep


When we announced our Y4 roadmap, we revealed several major playlist changes with the addition of the Newcomer Playlist, updates to Ranked Playlists and Casual, and more. For this purpose, we created the Playlist cell, a multidisciplinary team dedicated to working on the Playlists. With the playlist changes, our goals were to provide more guidance in the onboarding experience for new players, foster a healthier competitive scene at the higher ranks of play, while also finding better ways to disseminate information to ease the leap between casual and Ranked.

This dev blog aims to provide insight on the changes and improvements that have been made to Playlists throughout Y4, and will shed some light on the decision process that goes into helping us look for ways that we can improve the player experience for all types of players in our comm... Read more

12 Sep


"I was two years old when Papá first took me to the museum. I asked to visit my ‘yaya’ so often that we went every Friday, rain or shine. I think it helped him to get me out of the garage! But as I grew up, those visits became less and less important."

“They say time heals all wounds. What does it do for those that never began to close in the first place?”

"Now, looking back on her life, I realise I know so little. My earliest memory is of her smile, but her dreams, her desires – her fears – those are all missing. What I love most is the light her memory brings to my father’s eyes. She is still very much alive in his heart. Now, whenever I visit, I spend hours listening to him talk about her, t... Read more

11 Sep


With Ember Rise release, comes the latest balancing changes. Our goal is to offer you a list of what has been adjusted for the new season and to share our thoughts on these tweaks.


Shotgun destruction
We are continuing to improve the reliability of soft wall destruction with shotguns. Our goal is to make sure that any wooden beam preventing the creation of rotation hole is consistently destroyed. By doing so, we hope to make site preparation easier for defenders.

Keratos .357 and LFP 586.

The Italian and the French revolvers destruction output will be on par with the D-50. We expect this minor improvement to offer more viable loadouts and increase their attractiveness.


Added 100 extra bullet to the G8A1 LMG.... Read more

19 Aug


Something new is on the horizon, and Operation Ember Rise will shed light on it. Two operators, Amaru and Goyo, were recruited from Peru and Mexico, bringing with them innovation and change to Rainbow Six, along with a thrilling rework to Kanal.

Besides that, numerous changes and new features are on their way. As you scroll through the Patch Notes below, you’ll find more information on our plans for a Battle Pass, the new Champions rank and Unranked playlist, our new Operators menu, changes to the Shop interface and Player VS AI, and which Operators are getting a price decrease.

View Patch Notes[rainbow6.com]

16 Aug


“Save you once, shame on me. Save you twice? Well. You’re family now, and we don’t keep count.”

"They said I’d never make anything of myself. They said that if I couldn’t be taught, I’d never learn anything worth knowing. Well, I’m here to tell you that’s all rubbish. You’ve had to sit through years of them filling your heads with what they want you to think, all for a fancy bit of paper. Worth it, was it? I’ll tell you what. You get out there, you never hold back, and someday some professor who doesn’t remember tossing you out of his class will ask you to come and inspire the next generation. Lucky for all of you, I’ve got a bit of skin in the game as far as young whippersna... Read more

14 Aug



"Harry -
I understood that our new Operator’s grappling hook made her fast, but I never expected it would have that much of an effect on the pacing of our training matches. In less experienced hands (mine), the Garra Hook is a slightly-more-convenient way of scaling a wall or breaking through a barricaded ... Read more

26 Jul



We will be updating the following list regularly to outline the status of certain issues that are currently pressing for our community. Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and should only be used as a reference to give a general idea of where our focus currently is.

Description: Muffled, missing sounds + various sound issues.
Status: We have identified a bug that allows sound to travel more easily that intended through solid objects/walls. We are also continuing to go through videos that are sent to us to identify standalone sound/audio issues.

Description: Players are losing control on their Operator and then being disconnected and presented with an error message.
Status: We have dedi... Read more

22 Jul


The primary focus of the Y4S2.3 patch brings balancing around shields, Glaz buffs, Jackal nerfs and a QOL change for Maverick torch SFX. There’s also a few other balancing tweaks as well as further improvements to the RFF system to moderate griefing teammates. Check out more detailed explanations on the balancing changes in our Designer’s Notes[rainbow6.ubisoft.com].

The Y4S2.3 patch will release to PC on July 22nd and console on the 24th.

  • Addition of further RFF parameters to take into account damage history to a player from the of...
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