over 5 years ago - Ubi_F4nch - Direct link


We will be updating the following list regularly to outline the status of certain issues that are currently pressing for our community. Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and should only be used as a reference to give a general idea of where our focus currently is.

Description: Muffled, missing sounds + various sound issues.
Status: We have identified a bug that allows sound to travel more easily that intended through solid objects/walls. We are also continuing to go through videos that are sent to us to identify standalone sound/audio issues.

Description: Players are losing control on their Operator and then being disconnected and presented with an error message.
Status: We have dedicated a team specifically to these connectivity topics, and have identified a couple of issues that are sometimes interpreted as a “Denial of Service” attacks. These issues are a priority for us.

Description: Gas from Smoke’s Gas Grenades clips through walls.
Objective: Our goal is to rework the propagation so it is similar to the new Capitao fire bolt, and use this as an opportunity to revisit the visual.
Status: [Target: During Y4S3] We have encountered an issue and will be pushing this change to Season 3 to ensure that it is released in a more comfortable state.

Description: Weapon optics are a few pixels off center in some situations.
Objective: We want to implement a system to prevent most misalignment issues in the future. At the same time, we are improving the look of the guns in ADS by adding secondary motion, which is now possible due to the tech that keeps the scopes aligned with the reticule.
Status: [Target: During Y4S3] Feedback is currently being gathered in internal play sessions.

Description: Shotguns are inconsistent when being used to destroy wooden beams.
Objective: We want to ensure that the destruction of wooden beams is reliable, for both player comfort and ensuring we do not force players to spend extra time attempting to destroy wooden beams.
Status: [Target: Y4S2.3] We are assessing the initial results of the change, and continuing to fine tune the destruction..

Description: Operators that are disruptive due to exploits being removed from play.
Objective: When an Operator or Gadget is disabled, provide players with feedback on what/why.
Status: [Target: During Y4S3] We have a bit of programming work left, and some UI work as well.

Description: Debris sometimes remains stuck in the barricades on doors and windows, causing players to have different sight lines.
Objective: Provide consistency for all players for barricade destruction.
Status: [Target: Potentially Y5S1] We are currently in the design phase to determine how we want to approach this topic. We are exploring and prototyping different options.

Description: With the deployment of the Y4S2.2 patch, we implemented a fix for Yokai being seen through the glass sections of Attacker’s shields. This had the unintended effect of making Echo's drone invisible.
Objective: Our balancing team’s intent is to make Yokai Drones more easily spotted in a later update.
Status: [Target: TBD] We will address this issue in a future patch. Once we have more information, we will provide an update.

Description: We have seen a high ban rate for Blitz, Jackal, Echo, and Caveira in Ranked.
Status: We are discussing how we want to approach topic of balancing around Pick/Ban in Ranked, and the Operators that are affected the most by it.

Description: Adjustments to the damage curve for Smoke’s Gas Canister will move Smoke further towards an area denial role.
Status: [On Hold] We are satisfied overall with how this is developing, but but need to put it on hold until other dependencies are delivered.

over 5 years ago - Ubi_Aspira - Direct link


We will be updating the following list regularly to outline the status of certain issues that are currently pressing for our community. Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and should only be used as a reference to give a general idea of where our focus currently is.

Description: Muffled, missing sounds + various sound issues.
Status: We have identified a bug that allows sound to travel more easily that intended through solid objects/walls. We are also continuing to go through videos that are sent to us to identify standalone sound/audio issues.

Description: Players are losing control on their Operator and then being disconnected and presented with an error message.
Status: We have dedicated a team specifically to these connectivity topics, and have identified a couple of issues that are sometimes interpreted as a “Denial of Service” attacks. These issues are a priority for us.

Description: Players are able to take advantage of the Matchmaking algorithm to play against lower skilled opponents.
Status: [Target: During Y4S3] Currently in progress. We have detailed the approximate values that we want to restrict parties to, and are working on the implementation.

Description: We currently offer a single option for reporting toxicity.
Status: [Target: During Y4S3] We have finalized the design and process for handling additional reporting options. The UI/UX is in progress.

Description: Gas from Smoke’s Gas Grenades clips through walls.
Objective: Our goal is to rework the propagation so it is similar to the new Capitao fire bolt, and use this as an opportunity to revisit the visual.
Status: [Target: During Y4S3] We have encountered an issue and will be pushing this change to Season 3 to ensure that it is released in a more comfortable state.

Description: Weapon optics are a few pixels off center in some situations.
Objective: We want to implement a system to prevent most misalignment issues in the future. At the same time, we are improving the look of the guns in ADS by adding secondary motion, which is now possible due to the tech that keeps the scopes aligned with the reticule.
Status: [Target: During Y4S3] Feedback is currently being gathered in internal play sessions.

Description: Shotguns are inconsistent when being used to destroy wooden beams.
Objective: We want to ensure that the destruction of wooden beams is reliable, for both player comfort and ensuring we do not force players to spend extra time attempting to destroy wooden beams.
Status: [Target: Y4S3] We have it implemented and turned off while we address remaining bugs. Once those are fixed, we will turn it on.

Description: Operators that are disruptive due to exploits being removed from play.
Objective: When an Operator or Gadget is disabled, provide players with feedback on what/why.
Status: [Target: During Y4S3] We have a bit of programming work left, and some UI work as well.

Description: Debris sometimes remains stuck in the barricades on doors and windows, causing players to have different sight lines.
Objective: Provide consistency for all players for barricade destruction.
Status: [Target: Potentially Y5S1] We are currently in the design phase to determine how we want to approach this topic. We are exploring and prototyping different options.

Description: We have too many maps available in the Ranked map pool.
Status: [Target: Y4S3] We are in the process of reassessing the number of maps present in the Ranked map rotation. Additionally, we are determining which maps to include in this reduced map pool.

Description: We have seen a high ban rate for Blitz, Jackal, Echo, and Caveira in Ranked.
Status: We are discussing how we want to approach topic of balancing around Pick/Ban in Ranked, and the Operators that are affected the most by it.

Description: Adjustments to the damage curve for Smoke’s Gas Canister will move Smoke further towards an area denial role.
Status: [On Hold] We are satisfied overall with how this is developing, but but need to put it on hold until other dependencies are delivered.
over 5 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/359550/announcements/detail/3151888293011032859]here[/url].
over 5 years ago - Ubi_Aspira - Direct link


We will be updating the following list regularly to outline the status of certain issues that are currently pressing for our community. Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and should only be used as a reference to give a general idea of where our focus currently is.

SOUND PROPAGATION ISSUES Description: During Y4S2, we set out a large batch of fixes to make improvements on our sound propagation system. However, some issues remained due to discrepancies between sound travelling through obstacle (e.g. walls, barricades, windows, reinforcements) versus sound passing through next to these obstacles via another route.

Status: [Target:Y5S1] We are working on a “perfect-fit” solution to tackle the remaining propagation inconsistencies.

REJOINING RANKED SESSION RESULTS IN A TEMPORARY BAN Description: Players who disconnect from Ranked games run into difficulties re-joining the match.

Status: [Target: During Y5S1] We have been seeing reports for this topic come in shortly after our DDoS reinforcements. We will be fine-tuning our systems to maintain security, while also remedying this.

DEBRIS STUCK IN WINDOW/DOOR BARRICADES Description: Debris sometimes remains stuck in the barricades on doors and windows, causing players to have different sight lines.

Objective: Provide consistency for all players for barricade destruction.

Status: [Target: Potentially Y5S1] We are currently in the production phase towards our chosen solution. We’re excited to share more info on this with you in the near future.

BENCHMARKING PERFORMANCE Description: Our current in-game benchmark test is outdated.

Status: We are working toward a new benchmark test that better conveys how Siege performs on different setups.

CONSISTENCY ON GADGETS DESTROYING PROPS Description: There are inconsistencies in how gadgets interact/destroy props on maps.

Status: [Target: Y5S1] Similar to how we implemented consistency on how props break on projectile trajectory in Y4S4, we are working on a system for deployable gadgets’ interaction with these props.

OPERATOR BANS Description: We have seen a high ban rate for Blitz, Echo, and Caveira in Ranked.

Status: We recently made some changes to Jackal—an Operator whose ban-rate was fairly high. We are still monitoring feedback around him from the community. For the other Operators who are most affected by Pick/Ban, we are discussing how we want to approach topic of balancing around them.

about 5 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/359550/announcements/detail/1698354585015912758]here[/url].
about 5 years ago - Ubi_Aspira - Direct link

Updated: 15 January 2020

We will be updating the following list regularly to outline the status of certain issues that are currently pressing for our community. Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and should only be used as a reference to give a general idea of where our focus currently is.

BATTLE PASS PROGRESSION DATA Description: In certain instances, the Battle Pass may take longer than usual to visually synchronize, or could potentially get stuck. You may not be able to access the Battle Pass progression page in these cases. Restarting the game will fix this issue. Please note: Your progress and items will continue to be tracked and granted. This is only a visual issue.

Status: (Target:TBD) We will be working internally to firstly improve on the UI's feedback to players on the status of their Battle Pass status. A more complete fix will take longer and we'll update this page when we have a better estimate.

BATTLE PASS PROGRESSION MENU Description: We’re aware of visual bug that you may run into with the Battle Pass Progression page. The Premium track tiles may have a green striped background, and restarting will resolve the issue. Again, these are visual glitches only and will not affect progression or gameplay.

SOUND PROPAGATION ISSUES Description: During Y4S2, we set out a large batch of fixes to make improvements on our sound propagation system. However, some issues remained due to discrepancies between sound travelling through obstacle (e.g. walls, barricades, windows, reinforcements) versus sound passing through next to these obstacles via another route.

Status: (Target:Y5S1) We are working on a “perfect-fit” solution to tackle the remaining propagation inconsistencies.

REJOINING RANKED SESSION RESULTS IN A TEMPORARY BAN Description: Players who disconnect from Ranked games run into difficulties re-joining the match.

Status: (Target: During Y5S1) We have been seeing reports for this topic come in shortly after our DDoS reinforcements. We will be fine-tuning our systems to maintain security, while also remedying this.

DEBRIS STUCK IN WINDOW/DOOR BARRICADES Description: Debris sometimes remains stuck in the barricades on doors and windows, causing players to have different sight lines.

Objective: Provide consistency for all players for barricade destruction.

Status: (Target: Potentially Y5S1) We are currently in the production phase towards our chosen solution. We’re excited to share more info on this with you in the near future.

BENCHMARKING PERFORMANCE Description: Our current in-game benchmark test is outdated.

Status: We are working toward a new benchmark test that better conveys how Siege performs on different setups.

CONSISTENCY ON GADGETS DESTROYING PROPS Description: There are inconsistencies in how gadgets interact/destroy props on maps.

Status: (Target: Y5S1) Similar to how we implemented consistency on how props break on projectile trajectory in Y4S4, we are working on a system for deployable gadgets’ interaction with these props.
almost 5 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/359550/announcements/detail/2221906920960481760]here[/url].
almost 5 years ago - Ubi_MyAnh - Direct link

Updated: 23 April 2020

We will be updating the following list regularly to outline the status of certain issues that are currently pressing for our community. Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and should only be used as a reference to give a general idea of where our focus currently is.

HACKING, CHEATING, LOBBY FREEZING We have recently observed an increase in cheating mentions and reports from players. We want to emphasize that we do not tolerate cheating in game and are working on multiple strategies to address the cheating frustrations and uphold the competitive integrity of Rainbow Six Siege. Below are some of the strategies that we can share that are being worked on for the short-term.

LOBBY FREEZING Description: We've seen an increase in incidences of lobby freezers seeking to disrupt games to their advantage. We will be releasing update(s) that will allow us to better monitor and more accurately track lobby-freezers.

Objective: The updates will allow us to gather necessary data points that we will use to accurately track and identify lobby-freezing. In future updates we will use this data to automatically detect and kick lobby-freezers.

Status: This is currently an ongoing process.

AUTOMATED DATA UPDATES TO BATTLEYE Description: Due to the increased mentions and player reports of cheating, we are reinforcing the bridge between R6 and BattlEye.

Objective: Strengthen our collaboration with BattlEye by implementing automated processes and reinforcing data sharing to shorten the feedback loop on banned players.

Status: Ongoing.

INCREASED RANKED + CHAMPION RANK REQUIREMENTS Description: Increase Ranked and Champion Rank requirements.

Objective: Increase the barrier to access for illegitimate accounts to both Ranked and Champion rank to promote a better Ranked environment and a clean Champion leaderboard.

Status: (Target: Y5S2) We will have more specifics on the new requirements closer to S2.

DAILY LEVEL XP CAP IN PVE Description: Daily level grind cap from PvE as a prevention tactic to make Ranked requirements less accessible to illegitimate accounts.

Objective: Our goal is to make Ranked less easily accessible to bots and smurfs by limiting the daily XP that can be earned in PvE. This will make it easier for us to spot and catch bots and smurfs before they are able to make their way into Ranked.

Status: We are aiming to have this completed as soon as possible.

KNOWN BUGS/ISSUES UNINTENDED ABANDON SANCTIONS BUG Description: An error was found in the matchmaking flow that was causing players to receive abandon sanctions if they left the Ranked queue right as a match was found. Players were already processed as being in the match when they had already backed out.

Objective: The game flow will be modified so that the penalty warning message for abandon can be displayed earlier, and coincide with the time when the penalty system will effectively apply.

Status: (Target Y5S2) A fix is scheduled for Y5S2.

INCOMPLETE TEAMS AT THE START OF RANKED GAMES BUG Description: An error was found in the matchmaking flow that was causing matches to start with incomplete teams if a player exited the Ranked queue right as a match was found. These players were already processed as being in the match when they had already backed out, resulting in games starting with incomplete teams.

Objective: Part of the solution is to correct when the abandon sanction warning message popup is displayed to alert players that they have already entered a match and deter them from leaving. We are also working on a Match Cancellation feature which will allow players to cancel matches in the early stages of a game under the condition that their team is incomplete (this will come later to the PC TS in Y5S2).

Status: (Target Y5S2) A fix is scheduled for Y5S2.

BATTLE PASS "COMING SOON" COMPLETED COMMUNITY CHALLENGES BUG Description: Past completed Community Challenges show up as "Coming Soon" in the Battle Pass menu after the challenge is over. This is purely a visual bug.

Status: (Target Y5S2) A fix is scheduled for this bug with the Y5S2 BP update.

MMR ROLLBACK POPUP BUG Description: The popups notifying players of an MMR rollback after a cheater has been banned is displaying the incorrect values. This is a purely a visual bug.

Status: (Target Y5S3) This is currently under investigation.

BENCHMARKING PERFORMANCE Description: This feature improves the current PC Hardware Benchmark tool in Siege, giving detailed information and performance reports about their hardware specifications and resource usages.

Objective: We are working toward a new benchmark test that better conveys how Siege performs on different setups.

Status: (Target Y5S2).

CONSISTENCY ON GADGETS DESTROYING PROPS Description: There are inconsistencies in how gadgets interact/destroy props on maps.

Status: (Target: Y5S3) Similar to how we implemented consistency on how props break on projectile trajectory in Y4S4, we are working on a system for deployable gadgets’ interaction with these props.

INCOMPLETE TEAMS AT THE START OF RANKED GAMES Description: Ranked games will sometimes begin with incomplete teams due to players leaving at the very start of the match.

Objective: To address frustrations where players are placed into a game with incomplete teams on either side, we are working on a Match Cancellation feature. The goal will be to allow players to cancel matches in the early stages of a game under the condition that their team is incomplete.

Status: (Target Y5S2 on the PC TS) Match Cancellation is scheduled to be released on the PC Test Server in Y5S2.

IMPROVED NOTIFICATION AND FEEDBACK FOR DEACTIVATED OPERATORS Description: Improved in-game notifications and feedback for when an Operator has been deactivated.

Status: (Target: Y5S3) There have been times when we have had to deactivate an Operator in-game to better the play experience when exploits arise. We are working on better feedback to our players when such an occasion arises.
almost 5 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/359550/announcements/detail/2236546803862042364]here[/url].
almost 5 years ago - Ubi_MyAnh - Direct link

HACKING, CHEATING, LOBBY FREEZING UPDATE To follow up on our last Top Issues update below in April, we would like to give you all a status update on the hacking, cheating, and lobby-freezing issues. We'll go over some of the steps we have taken where we have found success, where we are still working to make improvements, as well as emphasize our continued focus on cheating and hacking as priority issues.

LOBBY FREEZING Lobby-Freezing: Lobby-freezing occurs while in menu or while loading into a round, and no connectivity icons will appear.

Update: After our April Top Issues blog, we made an update to the game that would allow us to gather more data to accurately track and identify lobby-freezers. We were able to successfully use that data to implement an auto-kick feature for individuals identified as holding up games through extreme loading times. Kicked players will receive an abandon sanction and be locked out of ranked/unranked until the match is over. We have been monitoring the automatic kicks for some time now on the live servers and have observed high success rates of detecting and only kicking players who are holding up lobbies to the detriment of the other players in the game. We are continuing to gather data on console lobby-freezing before we finalize plans to activate the lobby-freeze autokick detection on console as well.

DOS ON CONSOLE DOS: DOS attacks can be distinguished from lobby-freezing as they typically occur during gameplay and the connectivity icons will appear.

Update: We have also observed some unusual network traffic and activity for Console players and suspect that some cases of lobby-freezing on Console may be tied to DOS attacks. We are currently pursuing this and investigating the issue and will update when we learn more.

HACKING/CHEATING Update: In our last update, we re-emphasized that we do not tolerate cheating in-game and were preparing a number of short and long term strategies to address the cheating frustrations. While we are aware this is still an ongoing issue, we believe these upcoming changes will help to mitigate some of the frustrations as we work internally on more robust long-term solutions.

  • Offline Bans (Target date: End of May): We will begin banning players offline. Previously sanctioned accounts were banned after logging back into Siege. Accounts will now be banned even if they remain offline. This will provide more clarity on the ban feedback loop and improve visibility on banned accounts.
  • Increased Clearance Level Requirements for Ranked (Target date: Y5S2): In Y5S2 we will be increasing the required clearance level for players to play Ranked. This is aimed at increasing the barrier to access for illegitimate accounts for Ranked to promote a better Ranked environment.
  • Increased Champion Rank Requirements (Target date: Y5S2): In Y5S2 we will be increasing the requirements for players to be eligible for Champion Rank. In addition to meeting the minimum 5000 MMR, eligible layers will be required to have played at least 100 ranked matches to qualify. This is also aimed at increasing the barrier to access for illegitimate accounts and maintaining a clean Champion leaderboard
  • XP level cap in PvE: (Status: Active) We have already put an XP cap in PvE in place in order to increase barriers to entry for Ranked for smurfs.

Updated: 23 April 2020

We will be updating the following list regularly to outline the status of certain issues that are currently pressing for our community. Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and should only be used as a reference to give a general idea of where our focus currently is.


HACKING, CHEATING, LOBBY FREEZING We have recently observed an increase in cheating mentions and reports from players. We want to emphasize that we do not tolerate cheating in game and are working on multiple strategies to address the cheating frustrations and uphold the competitive integrity of Rainbow Six Siege. Below are some of the strategies that we can share that are being worked on for the short-term.

LOBBY FREEZING Description: We've seen an increase in incidences of lobby freezers seeking to disrupt games to their advantage. We will be releasing update(s) that will allow us to better monitor and more accurately track lobby-freezers.

Objective: The updates will allow us to gather necessary data points that we will use to accurately track and identify lobby-freezing. In future updates we will use this data to automatically detect and kick lobby-freezers.

Status: This is currently an ongoing process.

AUTOMATED DATA UPDATES TO BATTLEYE Description: Due to the increased mentions and player reports of cheating, we are reinforcing the bridge between R6 and BattlEye.

Objective: Strengthen our collaboration with BattlEye by implementing automated processes and reinforcing data sharing to shorten the feedback loop on banned players.

Status: Ongoing.

Description: Increase Ranked and Champion Rank requirements.

Objective: Increase the barrier to access for illegitimate accounts to both Ranked and Champion rank to promote a better Ranked environment and a clean Champion leaderboard.

Status: (Target: Y5S2) We will have more specifics on the new requirements closer to S2.

DAILY LEVEL XP CAP IN PVE Description: Daily level grind cap from PvE as a prevention tactic to make Ranked requirements less accessible to illegitimate accounts.

Objective: Our goal is to make Ranked less easily accessible to bots and smurfs by limiting the daily XP that can be earned in PvE. This will make it easier for us to spot and catch bots and smurfs before they are able to make their way into Ranked.

Status: We are aiming to have this completed as soon as possible.

KNOWN BUGS/ISSUES UNINTENDED ABANDON SANCTIONS BUG Description: An error was found in the matchmaking flow that was causing players to receive abandon sanctions if they left the Ranked queue right as a match was found. Players were already processed as being in the match when they had already backed out.

Objective: The game flow will be modified so that the penalty warning message for abandon can be displayed earlier, and coincide with the time when the penalty system will effectively apply.

Status: (Target Y5S2) A fix is scheduled for Y5S2.

INCOMPLETE TEAMS AT THE START OF RANKED GAMES BUG Description: An error was found in the matchmaking flow that was causing matches to start with incomplete teams if a player exited the Ranked queue right as a match was found. These players were already processed as being in the match when they had already backed out, resulting in games starting with incomplete teams.

Objective: Part of the solution is to correct when the abandon sanction warning message popup is displayed to alert players that they have already entered a match and deter them from leaving. We are also working on a Match Cancellation feature which will allow players to cancel matches in the early stages of a game under the condition that their team is incomplete (this will come later to the PC TS in Y5S2).

Status: (Target Y5S2) A fix is scheduled for Y5S2.

BATTLE PASS "COMING SOON" COMPLETED COMMUNITY CHALLENGES BUG Description: Past completed Community Challenges show up as "Coming Soon" in the Battle Pass menu after the challenge is over. This is purely a visual bug.

Status: (Target Y5S2) A fix is scheduled for this bug with the Y5S2 BP update.

MMR ROLLBACK POPUP BUG Description: The popups notifying players of an MMR rollback after a cheater has been banned is displaying the incorrect values. This is a purely a visual bug.

Status: (Target Y5S3) This is currently under investigation.

BENCHMARKING PERFORMANCE Description: This feature improves the current PC Hardware Benchmark tool in Siege, giving detailed information and performance reports about their hardware specifications and resource usages.

Objective: We are working toward a new benchmark test that better conveys how Siege performs on different setups.

Status: (Target Y5S2).

CONSISTENCY ON GADGETS DESTROYING PROPS Description: There are inconsistencies in how gadgets interact/destroy props on maps.

Status: (Target: Y5S3) Similar to how we implemented consistency on how props break on projectile trajectory in Y4S4, we are working on a system for deployable gadgets’ interaction with these props.

INCOMPLETE TEAMS AT THE START OF RANKED GAMES Description: Ranked games will sometimes begin with incomplete teams due to players leaving at the very start of the match.

Objective: To address frustrations where players are placed into a game with incomplete teams on either side, we are working on a Match Cancellation feature. The goal will be to allow players to cancel matches in the early stages of a game under the condition that their team is incomplete.

Status: (Target Y5S2 on the PC TS) Match Cancellation is scheduled to be released on the PC Test Server in Y5S2.

IMPROVED NOTIFICATION AND FEEDBACK FOR DEACTIVATED OPERATORS Description: Improved in-game notifications and feedback for when an Operator has been deactivated.

Status: (Target: Y5S3) There have been times when we have had to deactivate an Operator in-game to better the play experience when exploits arise. We are working on better feedback to our players when such an occasion arises.
over 4 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/359550/announcements/detail/2529283300264387720]here[/url].
over 4 years ago - Ubi_MyAnh - Direct link

Updated: June 26th 2020

We will be updating the following list regularly to outline the status of certain issues that are currently pressing for our community. Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and should only be used as a reference to give a general idea of where our focus currently is.

TOP ISSUES NEW SOUND PACKAGING SYSTEM Description: Our priority on that front is to first repackage the way sounds are stored and connected to the game.

We currently have a limited ability to fix specific issues and this improvement should make it easier for us to work on the audio aspect of the game.

For more information on this topic, please refer to the Status Report blog.

Status: Target: Y5S3

DDOS ON CONSOLES Description: We are working on mitigation plans with our partners and we are continuously monitoring the situation. We’ll continue to share updates on the situation until the matter is solved.

Status: Ongoing

CHEATING & HACKING Description: [/b] We continue working in close collaboration with all our partners to flag, report & identify cheaters as effectively as possible.

Steel Wave contained dissuasive measures such as rank lock below level 50, as well as a limit of 100 games to reach the Champion’s rank.

We are also working on other options to continue improving the situation on that front, we'll share a detailed overview on the topic very soon.

Status: Ongoing

PROFILE PANEL & REPORTING Description: [/b] Additional context and explanations will be added to the in-game reporting panel. In an effort to effectively address the situation, having more accurate player reports will facilitate information gathering on our end.

Status: Target: Y5S2.2

TOP GAMEPLAY TOPICS BALANCING Description: [/b] During the Steel Wave test server period we received a number of feedback requests for balancing tweaks to the new Operators. After evaluating feedback from players, and data from the TS, we plan to make a few balancing changes to the new operators with the 2.1 patch.

  • Lowering the penalty zone by approximately 33%.
  • Lowering the sound of Banshee effect in first person PoV.

Ace & Hibana
  • Remove the possibility of destroying Bandit's Batteries through reinforcements, by placing the charges on the floor
Status: Target: Y5S2.1

CONSISTENCY ON GADGETS DESTROYING PROPS Description: [/b] There are inconsistencies in how gadgets interact/destroy props on maps.

Similar to how we implemented consistency on how props break on projectile trajectory in Y4S4, we are working on a system for deployable gadgets’ interaction with these props.

Status: Target: Y5S3

SENSITIVITY PER ZOOM LEVEL Description: We are adding the possibility to set a specific sensitivity for each zoom levels / sights.

Status: Target: Y5S3

IMPROVED FLASH DETECTION/CONSISTENCY Description: The rework intends to make flash detection more reliable. Enemies are often not affected by flashes due to objects and obstacles. We want to simulate the light ricochet with the environment, to guarantee the effectiveness of flashbangs & other similar gadgets.

Status: Target: Y5S4

VAULT DETECTION CODE Description: We are currently looking at improving the vault detection code to make the action easier to perform and to be more reliable

Status: Target: Y5S3

TOP COMMUNITY TOPICS MATCH CANCELLATION Description: To address frustrations where players are placed into a game with incomplete teams on either side, we are working on a Match Cancellation feature, that you may have tried on the Test Server.

The goal will be to allow players to cancel matches in the early stages of a game under the condition that their team is incomplete.

Status: Target: Y5S2.1

IMPROVED NOTIFICATION AND FEEDBACK FOR DEACTIVATED OPERATORS Description: Improved in-game notifications and feedback for when an Operator has been deactivated.

There have been times when we have had to deactivate an Operator in-game to better the play experience when exploits arise. We are working on better feedback to our players when such an occasion arises.

Status: Target: Y5S3

DEFUSER PLANTING DETECTION IMPROVEMENTS Description: Interactions with the defuser could often lead to some issues, in Y5S4 we’ll address the following ones:

Defuser plant prompt is sometimes missing when the player is on site
Defusers can be planted outside of the site when the players sits on the edge of the area.
Players could drop the defuser when attempting to plant.
Status: Target: Y5S4

NOTIFICATION SYSTEM Description: The in-game notification system often displayed outdated or already read alerts. It should guarantee that these notifications are relevant to the players.

Status: Target: Y5S3

KNOWN BUGS / ISSUES Spinning on specific locations could lead to FPS drops for anyone in the same game.
The Banshee's hitbox is inaccurate and covers more than the model.
The defuser can be planted on the edge of the hatch in 2F Master Bedroom on House
Updated: May 27 2020

HACKING, CHEATING, LOBBY FREEZING UPDATE To follow up on our last Top Issues update below in April, we would like to give you all a status update on the hacking, cheating, and lobby-freezing issues. We'll go over some of the steps we have taken where we have found success, where we are still working to make improvements, as well as emphasize our continued focus on cheating and hacking as priority issues.

LOBBY FREEZING Lobby-Freezing: Lobby-freezing occurs while in menu or while loading into a round, and no connectivity icons will appear.

Update: After our April Top Issues blog, we made an update to the game that would allow us to gather more data to accurately track and identify lobby-freezers. We were able to successfully use that data to implement an auto-kick feature for individuals identified as holding up games through extreme loading times. Kicked players will receive an abandon sanction and be locked out of ranked/unranked until the match is over. We have been monitoring the automatic kicks for some time now on the live servers and have observed high success rates of detecting and only kicking players who are holding up lobbies to the detriment of the other players in the game. We are continuing to gather data on console lobby-freezing before we finalize plans to activate the lobby-freeze autokick detection on console as well.

DOS ON CONSOLE DOS: DOS attacks can be distinguished from lobby-freezing as they typically occur during gameplay and the connectivity icons will appear.

Update: We have also observed some unusual network traffic and activity for Console players and suspect that some cases of lobby-freezing on Console may be tied to DOS attacks. We are currently pursuing this and investigating the issue and will update when we learn more.

HACKING/CHEATING Update: In our last update, we re-emphasized that we do not tolerate cheating in-game and were preparing a number of short and long term strategies to address the cheating frustrations. While we are aware this is still an ongoing issue, we believe these upcoming changes will help to mitigate some of the frustrations as we work internally on more robust long-term solutions.

Offline Bans (Target date: End of May): We will begin banning players offline. Previously sanctioned accounts were banned after logging back into Siege. Accounts will now be banned even if they remain offline. This will provide more clarity on the ban feedback loop and improve visibility on banned accounts.
Increased Clearance Level Requirements for Ranked (Target date: Y5S2): In Y5S2 we will be increasing the required clearance level for players to play Ranked. This is aimed at increasing the barrier to access for illegitimate accounts for Ranked to promote a better Ranked environment.
Increased Champion Rank Requirements (Target date: Y5S2): In Y5S2 we will be increasing the requirements for players to be eligible for Champion Rank. In addition to meeting the minimum 5000 MMR, eligible layers will be required to have played at least 100 ranked matches to qualify. This is also aimed at increasing the barrier to access for illegitimate accounts and maintaining a clean Champion leaderboard

XP level cap in PvE: (Status: Active) We have already put an XP cap in PvE in place in order to increase barriers to entry for Ranked for smurfs.

Updated: 23 April 2020

We will be updating the following list regularly to outline the status of certain issues that are currently pressing for our community. Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and should only be used as a reference to give a general idea of where our focus currently is.

HACKING, CHEATING, LOBBY FREEZING We have recently observed an increase in cheating mentions and reports from players. We want to emphasize that we do not tolerate cheating in game and are working on multiple strategies to address the cheating frustrations and uphold the competitive integrity of Rainbow Six Siege. Below are some of the strategies that we can share that are being worked on for the short-term.

Description: We've seen an increase in incidences of lobby freezers seeking to disrupt games to their advantage. We will be releasing update(s) that will allow us to better monitor and more accurately track lobby-freezers.

Objective: The updates will allow us to gather necessary data points that we will use to accurately track and identify lobby-freezing. In future updates we will use this data to automatically detect and kick lobby-freezers.

Status: This is currently an ongoing process.

Description: Due to the increased mentions and player reports of cheating, we are reinforcing the bridge between R6 and BattlEye.

Objective: Strengthen our collaboration with BattlEye by implementing automated processes and reinforcing data sharing to shorten the feedback loop on banned players.

Status: Ongoing.

INCREASED RANKED + CHAMPION RANK REQUIREMENTS Description: Increase Ranked and Champion Rank requirements.

Objective: Increase the barrier to access for illegitimate accounts to both Ranked and Champion rank to promote a better Ranked environment and a clean Champion leaderboard.

Status: (Target: Y5S2) We will have more specifics on the new requirements closer to S2.

DAILY LEVEL XP CAP IN PVE Description: Daily level grind cap from PvE as a prevention tactic to make Ranked requirements less accessible to illegitimate accounts.

Objective: Our goal is to make Ranked less easily accessible to bots and smurfs by limiting the daily XP that can be earned in PvE. This will make it easier for us to spot and catch bots and smurfs before they are able to make their way into Ranked.

Status: We are aiming to have this completed as soon as possible.

Description: An error was found in the matchmaking flow that was causing players to receive abandon sanctions if they left the Ranked queue right as a match was found. Players were already processed as being in the match when they had already backed out.

Objective: The game flow will be modified so that the penalty warning message for abandon can be displayed earlier, and coincide with the time when the penalty system will effectively apply.

Status: (Target Y5S2) A fix is scheduled for Y5S2.

INCOMPLETE TEAMS AT THE START OF RANKED GAMES BUG Description: An error was found in the matchmaking flow that was causing matches to start with incomplete teams if a player exited the Ranked queue right as a match was found. These players were already processed as being in the match when they had already backed out, resulting in games starting with incomplete teams.

Objective: Part of the solution is to correct when the abandon sanction warning message popup is displayed to alert players that they have already entered a match and deter them from leaving. We are also working on a Match Cancellation feature which will allow players to cancel matches in the early stages of a game under the condition that their team is incomplete (this will come later to the PC TS in Y5S2).

Status: (Target Y5S2) A fix is scheduled for Y5S2.

BATTLE PASS "COMING SOON" COMPLETED COMMUNITY CHALLENGES BUG Description: Past completed Community Challenges show up as "Coming Soon" in the Battle Pass menu after the challenge is over. This is purely a visual bug.

Status: (Target Y5S2) A fix is scheduled for this bug with the Y5S2 BP update.

MMR ROLLBACK POPUP BUG Description: The popups notifying players of an MMR rollback after a cheater has been banned is displaying the incorrect values. This is a purely a visual bug.

Status: (Target Y5S3)__ This is currently under investigation.

BENCHMARKING PERFORMANCE Description: This feature improves the current PC Hardware Benchmark tool in Siege, giving detailed information and performance reports about their hardware specifications and resource usages.

Objective: We are working toward a new benchmark test that better conveys how Siege performs on different setups.

Status: (Target Y5S2).

CONSISTENCY ON GADGETS DESTROYING PROPS Description: There are inconsistencies in how gadgets interact/destroy props on maps.

Status: (Target: Y5S3) Similar to how we implemented consistency on how props break on projectile trajectory in Y4S4, we are working on a system for deployable gadgets’ interaction with these props.

INCOMPLETE TEAMS AT THE START OF RANKED GAMES Description: Ranked games will sometimes begin with incomplete teams due to players leaving at the very start of the match.

Objective: To address frustrations where players are placed into a game with incomplete teams on either side, we are working on a Match Cancellation feature. The goal will be to allow players to cancel matches in the early stages of a game under the condition that their team is incomplete.

Status: (Target Y5S2 on the PC TS) Match Cancellation is scheduled to be released on the PC Test Server in Y5S2.

IMPROVED NOTIFICATION AND FEEDBACK FOR DEACTIVATED OPERATORS Description: Improved in-game notifications and feedback for when an Operator has been deactivated.

Status: (Target: Y5S3) There have been times when we have had to deactivate an Operator in-game to better the play experience when exploits arise. We are working on better feedback to our players when such an occasion arises.
over 4 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/359550/announcements/detail/2753341823353650693]here[/url].
over 4 years ago - Ubi_Dabbid - Direct link

Updated: August 13th 2020

We will be updating the following list regularly to outline the status of certain issues that are currently pressing for our community. Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and should only be used as a reference to give a general idea of where our focus currently is.

Description: Our priority on that front is to first repackage the way sounds are stored and connected to the game.

We currently have a limited ability to fix specific issues and this improvement should make it easier for us to work on the audio aspect of the game.

For more information on this topic, please refer to the Status Report blog.

Status: (Target: Y5S3)

Description: Audio can sometimes be inverted leading to extremely confusing situations and feedback.

We are looking into a new way to gather information from instances where the issue appears.

We hope that it will provide us with more clarity and more reliable technical information to identify the issue and in turn, provide a solution.

Status: Ongoing

Description: We are working on mitigation plans with our partners and we are continuously monitoring the situation. We’ll continue to share updates on the situation until the matter is solved.

Status: Ongoing

Description: Season Y5S3 will continue to tackle the cheating issue, by including new tactics to our arsenal.

Our focus is to improve cheating detection, as well as strengthening our collaboration with BattlEye.

If you are curious to know more about our Anti-cheat strategy, please refer to the relevant blog.

We are also looking at reducing the frustration stemming from our current MMR Rollback system, for more information refer to our MMR blog post.

Status: Ongoing

Description: After five years of investigation, incredible headaches and countless reproduction attempts: Ladies & Gentlemen, we got him.

Most of you have encountered this issue, where drones refused to spot a specific bombsite.

We identified the source of the issue being linked to another player spectating the drone at the same time, when that player moved on to another camera, so did the ability to detect bombs.

We are fairly confident that this issue is now behind us and should not happen any longer.

Status: (Target: Y5S3)

Description: The current timer system could potentially lead to inconsistencies, we addressed this issues in the update Y5S2.1.

Additionally, we would like to move away from the timer to replace it by a gauge system, which is more accurate visually speaking.

We are also looking at potentially tweaking the duration of time of an undetected run-out, but we are still debating the option.

Status: (Target: Y5S4)

Description: There are inconsistencies in how gadgets interact/destroy props on maps.

Similar to how we implemented consistency on how props break on projectile trajectory in Y4S4, we are working on a system for deployable gadgets’ interaction with these props.

Status: (Target: Y5S3)

Description: We are adding the possibility to set a specific ADS sensitivity for each zoom level of our sights and scopes.

Status: (Target: Y5S3)

Description: The rework intends to make flash detection more reliable. Enemies are often not affected by flashes due to objects and obstacles. We want to simulate the light ricochet with the environment, to guarantee the effectiveness of flashbangs & other similar gadgets.

Status: (Target: Y5S4)

Description: We are currently looking at improving the vault detection code to make the action easier to perform and to be more reliable

Status: (Target: Y5S3)

Description: To address frustrations where players are placed into a game with incomplete teams on either side, we deployed the Match Cancellation feature.

We are currently working on an improved version of the Match Cancellation feature, taking your feedback into account.

Status: (Target: Y5S4)

Description: Improved in-game notifications and feedback for when an Operator has been deactivated.

Status: (Target: Y5S3) There have been times when we have had to deactivate an Operator in-game to better the play experience when exploits arise. We are working on better feedback to our players when such an occasion arises.

Description: Interactions with the defuser could often lead to some issues, in Y5S4 we’ll address the following ones:

Defuser plant prompt is sometimes missing when the player is on site Defusers can be planted outside of the site when the players sits on the edge of the area. Players could drop the defuser when attempting to plant.

Status: (Target: Y5S4)

Description: It is possible to drop the defuser in locations where it cannot be picked up again by running over it. Often outside of the map. Cracks, gaps between objects, holes, etc.

To fix this, we created a 'Pickup Defuser' interaction which works at a distance. Works just like picking up any other gadget.

Status:(Target: Y5S3.3)

Description: We are looking at making back end improvements to ensure that the information displayed is always relevant. It should reduce the number of older & irrelevant notifications showing up after an update.

We are also looking at streamlining our pop-up system to increase the in-game visibility of certain changes, we'll share updates on that specific topic in the future.

Status: (Target Y5S3)