13 Dec


Originally posted by RetardKnight

No, you can get penalized even if he's shooting at you and hitting you



Originally posted by Cryptic_97

Roe needs worked on.

I got unauthorized use of force for pepper spraying a flashbanged sullivan who would not surrender on sullivan slope. It took like half a can and multiple spamming of the f key to get him to finally surrender.

spamming the pepperspray on someone whilst they're already stunned/sprayed for some time is unauthorized, since they're inactive for combat


Originally posted by lastnameinthebox

Real life? Yeah completely legitimate shooting that guy.

Ready or not? The suspect must have a bullet in flight towards you before you may open fire, but make sure you ask them nicely to not do that and "put your gun down please" first!

you don't need to do that


Originally posted by jiggle_niggle

Yea it's stupid. If you're in a fight with someone and another guy enters the room with his gun up, why tf I gotta turn it into a traffic stop and ask him to please show his hands and drop the gun.

this is not what we want you to do


Originally posted by zabrak200

You gotta shout for compliance first. Bullshit cause youll prolly die in the process but thems the rules

Edit: i dont know how it works

false. you dont need to do that


Originally posted by steamfan12

I have some experiences with the RoE being dumb lol. The worst one was a guy at gas station taking a hostage, and naturally when someone has their tec-9 pointed at someones head you don't politely tell them to put the gun down. So I shot him in the head, he went down instantly ofc, but I apparently broke RoE by shooting him lol.

The next one was also bad, I was clearing gas station again, and some guy with a Glock f**king runs sideways out a door facing me, and more importantly pointing a gun at me and my team. Me being first I shoot him five times, and the retard at TOC tells me I’m being violent.

how?? i've seen plenty of players killing the hostage taker without yelling. and no penalty was given. if you could provide a video that would be great


Originally posted by daydreamer003

Can the devs make it, that if they point the gun at you, it's okay to shoot them? Like pointing at your hitbox.

We are already doing this

12 Dec


this is being taken off suspects, as we realized that TOC should not be adding more stress to the situation and make you feel like you done something wrong when you made the best decision you could. but for civilians, it's pretty clear cut. Also some ROE fixes and improvements coming soon


gotta shoot at the neck, based on caliber and each caliber has its own chance of causing arterial bleeding

11 Dec

10 Dec


Originally posted by Adevyy

Could we at least get a less official way to activate them, like by editing a config file? My GPU is way too overpowered for my CPU and this leads me to believe that mirrors might have been fine for me.

Really sad to see them gone, especially without changes to the existing maps to make their non-existence less obvious.

No, to allow mirror rendering, the entire engine needs to be recompiled basically. Not as simple as a config value change.

09 Dec


Originally posted by TheSaint730

that’s what i’m saying too bruh like i don’t understand why i gotta wait until an ai literally shoots me basically to not get penalized

that's not what we want you to do btw. you shouldn't have to wait for them to shoot at you. it's a strange little bug. we'll investigate this


hmm. that should've been authorized. we'll take a look


Originally posted by ryujin88

Just from briefly looking at the update, I have a couple observations.

I don't know what you've tried yet, but if you haven't already looked into it, you can blend animation over ragdoll in unreal (https://docs.unrealengine.com/5.0/en-US/physics-driven-animation-in-unreal-engine/) by having the bones simulate physics and adjusting the blend weight over time to smoothly transition from animation to ragdoll. You should also look into the joints and joint limits as well on the physics asset to avoid bounces and weird behaviors. Generally the joints are too loose with colliders on the bones able to intersect a lot which can be one way you get those ragdoll bounces and twitchy-ness.

Anyway if you end up with a blend from the current animation to the death animation with a smooth transition to physics you can get some fairly believable reactions without the ragdoll "flop", in...

Read more

that's what we're doing

05 Dec


Originally posted by DenyDayZ

You definitely move slower after getting shot in the legs, not as much as swat 4 butits there, havent noticed mich on the recoil side through when shot in arm

It's only a slight nerf to recoil when shot in the arm